/**----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright © 2024 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under commercial license. See LICENSE.md in the project root for more information *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { OnDestroy, QueryList, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import { ColumnBase, CellOptions } from '@progress/kendo-angular-excel-export'; import { TreeListComponent } from '../treelist.component'; import { ExcelService } from './excel.service'; import { LocalizationService } from '@progress/kendo-angular-l10n'; import { ExcelExportData } from './excel-export-data.interface'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; /** * Configures the settings for the export of TreeList in Excel ([see example]({% slug excelexport_treelist %})). */ export declare class ExcelComponent implements OnDestroy { private excelService; private localization; private zone; /** * Specifies the file name of the exported Excel file. * @default "Export.xlsx" */ fileName: string; /** * Enables or disables column filtering in the Excel file. This behavior is different from the filtering feature of the TreeList. */ filterable: boolean; /** * The author of the workbook. */ creator?: string; /** * The date on which the workbook was created. Defaults to `new Date()`. */ date?: Date; /** * If set to `true`, the content is forwarded to `proxyURL` even if the browser supports the saving of files locally. */ forceProxy: boolean; /** * The URL of the server-side proxy which streams the file to the end user. * Using a proxy is required if the browser is not capable of saving files locally. * * Optionally, set up a proxy to reduce memory usage. This avoids copying the file contents into memory, * but transmits it over the network instead. For this use case, set [forceProxy](#toc-forceproxy) to `true` * to skip client-side saving even in browsers that support it. * * In the request body, the proxy receives a POST request with the specific parameters. [See example](slug:server_proxy#toc-implementations). * The proxy returns the decoded file with the `"Content-Disposition"` header set to `attachment; filename=""`. * * For details on the server-side proxy usage and implementation, see the [File Saver]({% slug overview_filesaver %}) documentation. * */ proxyURL: string; /** * The function that is used to get the exported data options. By default, uses the current data of the TreeList. * To export data that is different from the current TreeList data, provide a custom function. */ fetchData: (component: TreeListComponent) => ExcelExportData; /** * Specifies if the item levels in the Excel file are collapsible. Applicable only if the treelist has footers. */ collapsible: boolean; /** * Specifies if export should include all pages * @default true */ allPages: boolean; /** * Specifies if the export should expand all items or should use the current TreeList state. * @default true */ expandAll: boolean; /** * The options of the cells that are inserted before the data to indicate the hierarchy. */ paddingCellOptions: CellOptions; /** * @hidden */ columns: QueryList; private saveSubscription; private dataSubscription; constructor(excelService: ExcelService, localization: LocalizationService, zone: NgZone); ngOnDestroy(): void; protected save(component: TreeListComponent): void; protected exportData(component: any, result?: ExcelExportData): void; protected saveFile(options: any): void; protected componentViewOptions(component: any): any; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; }