import { IInvokable, Queryable } from "@pnp/queryable"; import { IPagedResult } from "./behaviors/paged.js"; export declare type GraphInit = string | IGraphQueryable | [IGraphQueryable, string]; export interface IGraphQueryableConstructor { new (base: GraphInit, path?: string): T; } export declare type IGraphInvokableFactory = (base: GraphInit, path?: string) => R & IInvokable; export declare const graphInvokableFactory: >(f: any) => IGraphInvokableFactory; /** * Queryable Base Class * */ export declare class _GraphQueryable extends Queryable { protected parentUrl: string; /** * Creates a new instance of the Queryable class * * @constructor * @param base A string or Queryable that should form the base part of the url * */ constructor(base: GraphInit, path?: string); /** * Choose which fields to return * * @param selects One or more fields to return */ select(...selects: string[]): this; /** * Expands fields such as lookups to get additional data * * @param expands The Fields for which to expand the values */ expand(...expands: string[]): this; /** * Gets a parent for this instance as specified * * @param factory The contructor for the class to create */ protected getParent(factory: IGraphQueryableConstructor, base?: GraphInit, path?: string): T; } export interface IGraphQueryable extends _GraphQueryable { } export declare const GraphQueryable: IGraphInvokableFactory>; /** * Represents a REST collection which can be filtered, paged, and selected * */ export declare class _GraphQueryableCollection extends _GraphQueryable { /** * * @param filter The string representing the filter query */ filter(filter: string): this; /** * Orders based on the supplied fields * * @param orderby The name of the field on which to sort * @param ascending If false DESC is appended, otherwise ASC (default) */ orderBy(orderBy: string, ascending?: boolean): this; /** * Limits the query to only return the specified number of items * * @param top The query row limit */ top(top: number): this; /** * Skips a set number of items in the return set * * @param num Number of items to skip */ skip(num: number): this; /** * Skips a set number of items in the return set * * @param num Number of items to skip */ search(query: string): this; /** * To request second and subsequent pages of Graph data */ skipToken(token: string): this; /** * Retrieves the total count of matching resources * If the resource doesn't support count, this value will always be zero */ count(): Promise; /** * Allows reading through a collection as pages of information whose size is determined by top or the api method's default * * @returns an object containing results, the ability to determine if there are more results, and request the next page of results */ paged(): Promise; } export interface IGraphQueryableCollection extends _GraphQueryableCollection { } export declare const GraphQueryableCollection: IGraphInvokableFactory>; /** * Represents an instance that can be selected * */ export declare class _GraphQueryableInstance extends _GraphQueryable { } export interface IGraphQueryableInstance extends IInvokable, IGraphQueryable { } export declare const GraphQueryableInstance: IGraphInvokableFactory>; //#