import { _GraphQueryableCollection, _GraphQueryableInstance } from "../graphqueryable.js"; import { Contact as IContactType, ContactFolder as IContactFolderType, EmailAddress as IEmailAddressType } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types"; import { IUpdateable, IDeleteable, IGetById } from "../decorators.js"; /** * Contact */ export declare class _Contact extends _GraphQueryableInstance { } export interface IContact extends _Contact, IUpdateable, IDeleteable { } export declare const Contact: import("../graphqueryable.js").IGraphInvokableFactory; /** * Contacts */ export declare class _Contacts extends _GraphQueryableCollection { /** * Create a new Contact for the user. * * @param givenName The contact's given name. * @param surName The contact's surname. * @param emailAddresses The contact's email addresses. * @param businessPhones The contact's business phone numbers. * @param additionalProperties A plain object collection of additional properties you want to set on the new contact */ add(givenName: string, surName: string, emailAddresses: IEmailAddressType[], businessPhones: string[], additionalProperties?: Record): Promise; } export interface IContacts extends _Contacts, IGetById { } export declare const Contacts: import("../graphqueryable.js").IGraphInvokableFactory; /** * Contact Folder */ export declare class _ContactFolder extends _GraphQueryableInstance { /** * Gets the contacts in this contact folder */ get contacts(): IContacts; /** * Gets the contacts in this contact folder */ get childFolders(): IContactFolders; } export interface IContactFolder extends _ContactFolder, IUpdateable, IDeleteable { } export declare const ContactFolder: import("../graphqueryable.js").IGraphInvokableFactory; /** * Contact Folders */ export declare class _ContactFolders extends _GraphQueryableCollection { /** * Create a new Contact Folder for the user. * * @param displayName The folder's display name. * @param parentFolderId The ID of the folder's parent folder. */ add(displayName: string, parentFolderId?: string): Promise; } export interface IContactFolders extends _ContactFolders, IGetById { } export declare const ContactFolders: import("../graphqueryable.js").IGraphInvokableFactory; /** * IContactFolderAddResult */ export interface IContactFolderAddResult { data: IContactFolderType; contactFolder: IContactFolder; } /** * IContactAddResult */ export interface IContactAddResult { data: IContactType; contact: IContact; } //#