import { ArrayLike as ArrayLike_2 } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { AttachmentType } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { BLEND_MODES } from '@pixi/core'; import { Color } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { IAnimation } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IAnimationState } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { IAnimationStateData } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IAnimationStateListener } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { IAttachment } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IBone } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IClippingAttachment } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { IEvent } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { IEventData } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IIkConstraint } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { IIkConstraintData } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IMeshAttachment } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IntSet } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { IRegionAttachment } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { ISkeleton } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { ISkeletonData } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { ISkin } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { ISlot } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { ISlotData } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { ITrackEntry } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { Map as Map_2 } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { Matrix } from '@pixi/core'; import { MixBlend } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { MixDirection } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { NumberArrayLike } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { Pool } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { PositionMode } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { PowOut } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { RotateMode } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { SkeletonBoundsBase } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { SpineBase } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import type { TextureAtlas } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { TextureRegion } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { TransformMode } from '@pixi-spine/base'; import { Vector2 } from '@pixi-spine/base'; /** A simple container for a list of timelines and a name. */ /** * @public */ declare class Animation_2 { /** The animation's name, which is unique across all animations in the skeleton. */ name: string; timelines: Array; timelineIds: Array; /** The duration of the animation in seconds, which is the highest time of all keys in the timeline. */ duration: number; constructor(name: string, timelines: Array, duration: number); hasTimeline(id: number): boolean; /** Applies all the animation's timelines to the specified skeleton. * * See Timeline {@link Timeline#apply(Skeleton, float, float, Array, float, MixBlend, MixDirection)}. * @param loop If true, the animation repeats after {@link #getDuration()}. * @param events May be null to ignore fired events. */ apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, loop: boolean, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; /** @param target After the first and before the last value. * @returns index of first value greater than the target. */ static binarySearch(values: ArrayLike_2, target: number, step?: number): number; static linearSearch(values: ArrayLike_2, target: number, step: number): number; } export { Animation_2 as Animation } /** Applies animations over time, queues animations for later playback, mixes (crossfading) between animations, and applies * multiple animations on top of each other (layering). * * See [Applying Animations]( in the Spine Runtimes Guide. */ /** * @public */ export declare class AnimationState implements IAnimationState { static emptyAnimation: Animation_2; /** 1. A previously applied timeline has set this property. * * Result: Mix from the current pose to the timeline pose. */ static SUBSEQUENT: number; /** 1. This is the first timeline to set this property. * 2. The next track entry applied after this one does not have a timeline to set this property. * * Result: Mix from the setup pose to the timeline pose. */ static FIRST: number; /** 1) A previously applied timeline has set this property.
* 2) The next track entry to be applied does have a timeline to set this property.
* 3) The next track entry after that one does not have a timeline to set this property.
* Result: Mix from the current pose to the timeline pose, but do not mix out. This avoids "dipping" when crossfading * animations that key the same property. A subsequent timeline will set this property using a mix. */ static HOLD_SUBSEQUENT: number; /** 1) This is the first timeline to set this property.
* 2) The next track entry to be applied does have a timeline to set this property.
* 3) The next track entry after that one does not have a timeline to set this property.
* Result: Mix from the setup pose to the timeline pose, but do not mix out. This avoids "dipping" when crossfading animations * that key the same property. A subsequent timeline will set this property using a mix. */ static HOLD_FIRST: number; /** 1. This is the first timeline to set this property. * 2. The next track entry to be applied does have a timeline to set this property. * 3. The next track entry after that one does have a timeline to set this property. * 4. timelineHoldMix stores the first subsequent track entry that does not have a timeline to set this property. * * Result: The same as HOLD except the mix percentage from the timelineHoldMix track entry is used. This handles when more than * 2 track entries in a row have a timeline that sets the same property. * * Eg, A -> B -> C -> D where A, B, and C have a timeline setting same property, but D does not. When A is applied, to avoid * "dipping" A is not mixed out, however D (the first entry that doesn't set the property) mixing in is used to mix out A * (which affects B and C). Without using D to mix out, A would be applied fully until mixing completes, then snap into * place. */ static HOLD_MIX: number; static SETUP: number; static CURRENT: number; /** The AnimationStateData to look up mix durations. */ data: AnimationStateData; /** The list of tracks that currently have animations, which may contain null entries. */ tracks: TrackEntry[]; /** Multiplier for the delta time when the animation state is updated, causing time for all animations and mixes to play slower * or faster. Defaults to 1. * * See TrackEntry {@link TrackEntry#timeScale} for affecting a single animation. */ timeScale: number; unkeyedState: number; events: Event_2[]; listeners: AnimationStateListener[]; queue: EventQueue; propertyIDs: IntSet; animationsChanged: boolean; trackEntryPool: Pool; constructor(data: AnimationStateData); /** Increments each track entry {@link TrackEntry#trackTime()}, setting queued animations as current if needed. */ update(delta: number): void; /** Returns true when all mixing from entries are complete. */ updateMixingFrom(to: TrackEntry, delta: number): boolean; /** Poses the skeleton using the track entry animations. There are no side effects other than invoking listeners, so the * animation state can be applied to multiple skeletons to pose them identically. * @returns True if any animations were applied. */ apply(skeleton: Skeleton): boolean; applyMixingFrom(to: TrackEntry, skeleton: Skeleton, blend: MixBlend): number; applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline: AttachmentTimeline, skeleton: Skeleton, time: number, blend: MixBlend, attachments: boolean): void; setAttachment(skeleton: Skeleton, slot: Slot, attachmentName: string, attachments: boolean): void; applyRotateTimeline(timeline: Timeline, skeleton: Skeleton, time: number, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, timelinesRotation: Array, i: number, firstFrame: boolean): void; queueEvents(entry: TrackEntry, animationTime: number): void; /** Removes all animations from all tracks, leaving skeletons in their current pose. * * It may be desired to use {@link AnimationState#setEmptyAnimation()} to mix the skeletons back to the setup pose, * rather than leaving them in their current pose. */ clearTracks(): void; /** Removes all animations from the track, leaving skeletons in their current pose. * * It may be desired to use {@link AnimationState#setEmptyAnimation()} to mix the skeletons back to the setup pose, * rather than leaving them in their current pose. */ clearTrack(trackIndex: number): void; setCurrent(index: number, current: TrackEntry, interrupt: boolean): void; /** Sets an animation by name. * * {@link #setAnimationWith(}. */ setAnimation(trackIndex: number, animationName: string, loop: boolean): TrackEntry; /** Sets the current animation for a track, discarding any queued animations. If the formerly current track entry was never * applied to a skeleton, it is replaced (not mixed from). * @param loop If true, the animation will repeat. If false it will not, instead its last frame is applied if played beyond its * duration. In either case {@link TrackEntry#trackEnd} determines when the track is cleared. * @returns A track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept * after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ setAnimationWith(trackIndex: number, animation: Animation_2, loop: boolean): TrackEntry; /** Queues an animation by name. * * See {@link #addAnimationWith()}. */ addAnimation(trackIndex: number, animationName: string, loop: boolean, delay: number): TrackEntry; /** Adds an animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track. If the track is empty, it is * equivalent to calling {@link #setAnimationWith()}. * @param delay If > 0, sets {@link TrackEntry#delay}. If <= 0, the delay set is the duration of the previous track entry * minus any mix duration (from the {@link AnimationStateData}) plus the specified `delay` (ie the mix * ends at (`delay` = 0) or before (`delay` < 0) the previous track entry duration). If the * previous entry is looping, its next loop completion is used instead of its duration. * @returns A track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept * after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ addAnimationWith(trackIndex: number, animation: Animation_2, loop: boolean, delay: number): TrackEntry; /** Sets an empty animation for a track, discarding any queued animations, and sets the track entry's * {@link TrackEntry#mixduration}. An empty animation has no timelines and serves as a placeholder for mixing in or out. * * Mixing out is done by setting an empty animation with a mix duration using either {@link #setEmptyAnimation()}, * {@link #setEmptyAnimations()}, or {@link #addEmptyAnimation()}. Mixing to an empty animation causes * the previous animation to be applied less and less over the mix duration. Properties keyed in the previous animation * transition to the value from lower tracks or to the setup pose value if no lower tracks key the property. A mix duration of * 0 still mixes out over one frame. * * Mixing in is done by first setting an empty animation, then adding an animation using * {@link #addAnimation()} and on the returned track entry, set the * {@link TrackEntry#setMixDuration()}. Mixing from an empty animation causes the new animation to be applied more and * more over the mix duration. Properties keyed in the new animation transition from the value from lower tracks or from the * setup pose value if no lower tracks key the property to the value keyed in the new animation. */ setEmptyAnimation(trackIndex: number, mixDuration: number): TrackEntry; /** Adds an empty animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track, and sets the track entry's * {@link TrackEntry#mixDuration}. If the track is empty, it is equivalent to calling * {@link #setEmptyAnimation()}. * * See {@link #setEmptyAnimation()}. * @param delay If > 0, sets {@link TrackEntry#delay}. If <= 0, the delay set is the duration of the previous track entry * minus any mix duration plus the specified `delay` (ie the mix ends at (`delay` = 0) or * before (`delay` < 0) the previous track entry duration). If the previous entry is looping, its next * loop completion is used instead of its duration. * @return A track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept * after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ addEmptyAnimation(trackIndex: number, mixDuration: number, delay: number): TrackEntry; /** Sets an empty animation for every track, discarding any queued animations, and mixes to it over the specified mix * duration. */ setEmptyAnimations(mixDuration: number): void; expandToIndex(index: number): TrackEntry; /** @param last May be null. */ trackEntry(trackIndex: number, animation: Animation_2, loop: boolean, last: TrackEntry): TrackEntry; disposeNext(entry: TrackEntry): void; _animationsChanged(): void; computeHold(entry: TrackEntry): void; /** Returns the track entry for the animation currently playing on the track, or null if no animation is currently playing. */ getCurrent(trackIndex: number): TrackEntry; /** Adds a listener to receive events for all track entries. */ addListener(listener: AnimationStateListener): void; /** Removes the listener added with {@link #addListener()}. */ removeListener(listener: AnimationStateListener): void; /** Removes all listeners added with {@link #addListener()}. */ clearListeners(): void; /** Discards all listener notifications that have not yet been delivered. This can be useful to call from an * {@link AnimationStateListener} when it is known that further notifications that may have been already queued for delivery * are not wanted because new animations are being set. */ clearListenerNotifications(): void; onComplete: (trackIndex: number, loopCount: number) => any; onEvent: (trackIndex: number, event: Event_2) => any; onStart: (trackIndex: number) => any; onEnd: (trackIndex: number) => any; private static deprecatedWarning1; setAnimationByName(trackIndex: number, animationName: string, loop: boolean): void; private static deprecatedWarning2; addAnimationByName(trackIndex: number, animationName: string, loop: boolean, delay: number): void; private static deprecatedWarning3; hasAnimation(animationName: string): boolean; hasAnimationByName(animationName: string): boolean; } /** * @public */ export declare abstract class AnimationStateAdapter implements AnimationStateListener { start(entry: TrackEntry): void; interrupt(entry: TrackEntry): void; end(entry: TrackEntry): void; dispose(entry: TrackEntry): void; complete(entry: TrackEntry): void; event(entry: TrackEntry, event: Event_2): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class AnimationStateData implements IAnimationStateData { skeletonData: SkeletonData; animationToMixTime: Map_2; defaultMix: number; constructor(skeletonData: SkeletonData); setMix(fromName: string, toName: string, duration: number): void; private static deprecatedWarning1; setMixByName(fromName: string, toName: string, duration: number): void; setMixWith(from: IAnimation, to: IAnimation, duration: number): void; getMix(from: IAnimation, to: IAnimation): number; } /** * @public */ export declare interface AnimationStateListener extends IAnimationStateListener { /** Invoked when this entry has been set as the current entry. */ start?(entry: TrackEntry): void; /** Invoked when another entry has replaced this entry as the current entry. This entry may continue being applied for * mixing. */ interrupt?(entry: TrackEntry): void; /** Invoked when this entry is no longer the current entry and will never be applied again. */ end?(entry: TrackEntry): void; /** Invoked when this entry will be disposed. This may occur without the entry ever being set as the current entry. * References to the entry should not be kept after dispose is called, as it may be destroyed or reused. */ dispose?(entry: TrackEntry): void; /** Invoked every time this entry's animation completes a loop. */ complete?(entry: TrackEntry): void; /** Invoked when this entry's animation triggers an event. */ event?(entry: TrackEntry, event: Event_2): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class AtlasAttachmentLoader implements AttachmentLoader { atlas: TextureAtlas; constructor(atlas: TextureAtlas); /** @return May be null to not load an attachment. */ newRegionAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string, path: string): RegionAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment. */ newMeshAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string, path: string): MeshAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment. */ newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): BoundingBoxAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment */ newPathAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): PathAttachment; newPointAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): PointAttachment; newClippingAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): ClippingAttachment; } /** * @public */ export declare abstract class Attachment implements IAttachment { name: string; type: AttachmentType; constructor(name: string); abstract copy(): Attachment; } /** * @public */ export declare interface AttachmentLoader { /** @return May be null to not load an attachment. */ newRegionAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string, path: string): RegionAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment. */ newMeshAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string, path: string): MeshAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment. */ newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): BoundingBoxAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment */ newPathAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): PathAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment */ newPointAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): PointAttachment; /** @return May be null to not load an attachment */ newClippingAttachment(skin: Skin, name: string): ClippingAttachment; } /** Changes a slot's {@link Slot#attachment}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class AttachmentTimeline implements Timeline { /** The index of the slot in {@link Skeleton#slots} that will be changed. */ slotIndex: number; /** The time in seconds for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; /** The attachment name for each key frame. May contain null values to clear the attachment. */ attachmentNames: Array; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** The number of key frames for this timeline. */ getFrameCount(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds and the attachment name for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, attachmentName: string): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; setAttachment(skeleton: Skeleton, slot: Slot, attachmentName: string): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class Bone implements Updatable, IBone { matrix: Matrix; get worldX(): number; get worldY(): number; data: BoneData; skeleton: Skeleton; parent: Bone; children: Bone[]; x: number; y: number; rotation: number; scaleX: number; scaleY: number; shearX: number; shearY: number; ax: number; ay: number; arotation: number; ascaleX: number; ascaleY: number; ashearX: number; ashearY: number; appliedValid: boolean; sorted: boolean; active: boolean; /** @param parent May be null. */ constructor(data: BoneData, skeleton: Skeleton, parent: Bone); isActive(): boolean; /** Same as {@link #updateWorldTransform()}. This method exists for Bone to implement {@link Updatable}. */ update(): void; /** Computes the world transform using the parent bone and this bone's local transform. */ updateWorldTransform(): void; /** Computes the world transform using the parent bone and the specified local transform. */ updateWorldTransformWith(x: number, y: number, rotation: number, scaleX: number, scaleY: number, shearX: number, shearY: number): void; setToSetupPose(): void; getWorldRotationX(): number; getWorldRotationY(): number; getWorldScaleX(): number; getWorldScaleY(): number; /** Computes the individual applied transform values from the world transform. This can be useful to perform processing using * the applied transform after the world transform has been modified directly (eg, by a constraint). *

* Some information is ambiguous in the world transform, such as -1,-1 scale versus 180 rotation. */ updateAppliedTransform(): void; worldToLocal(world: Vector2): Vector2; localToWorld(local: Vector2): Vector2; worldToLocalRotation(worldRotation: number): number; localToWorldRotation(localRotation: number): number; rotateWorld(degrees: number): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class BoneData { index: number; name: string; parent: BoneData; length: number; x: number; y: number; rotation: number; scaleX: number; scaleY: number; shearX: number; shearY: number; transformMode: TransformMode; skinRequired: boolean; color: Color; constructor(index: number, name: string, parent: BoneData); } /** * @public */ export declare class BoundingBoxAttachment extends VertexAttachment { type: AttachmentType; color: Color; constructor(name: string); copy(): Attachment; } /** * @public */ export declare class ClippingAttachment extends VertexAttachment implements IClippingAttachment { type: AttachmentType; endSlot: SlotData; color: Color; constructor(name: string); copy(): Attachment; } /** Changes a slot's {@link Slot#color}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class ColorTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_R: number; static PREV_G: number; static PREV_B: number; static PREV_A: number; static R: number; static G: number; static B: number; static A: number; /** The index of the slot in {@link Skeleton#slots} that will be changed. */ slotIndex: number; /** The time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha values for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ export declare abstract class ConstraintData { name: string; order: number; skinRequired: boolean; constructor(name: string, order: number, skinRequired: boolean); } /** The base class for timelines that use interpolation between key frame values. */ /** * @public */ export declare abstract class CurveTimeline implements Timeline { static LINEAR: number; static STEPPED: number; static BEZIER: number; static BEZIER_SIZE: number; private curves; abstract getPropertyId(): number; constructor(frameCount: number); /** The number of key frames for this timeline. */ getFrameCount(): number; /** Sets the specified key frame to linear interpolation. */ setLinear(frameIndex: number): void; /** Sets the specified key frame to stepped interpolation. */ setStepped(frameIndex: number): void; /** Returns the interpolation type for the specified key frame. * @returns Linear is 0, stepped is 1, Bezier is 2. */ getCurveType(frameIndex: number): number; /** Sets the specified key frame to Bezier interpolation. `cx1` and `cx2` are from 0 to 1, * representing the percent of time between the two key frames. `cy1` and `cy2` are the percent of the * difference between the key frame's values. */ setCurve(frameIndex: number, cx1: number, cy1: number, cx2: number, cy2: number): void; /** Returns the interpolated percentage for the specified key frame and linear percentage. */ getCurvePercent(frameIndex: number, percent: number): number; abstract apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a slot's {@link Slot#deform} to deform a {@link VertexAttachment}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class DeformTimeline extends CurveTimeline { /** The index of the slot in {@link Skeleton#getSlots()} that will be changed. */ slotIndex: number; /** The attachment that will be deformed. */ attachment: VertexAttachment; /** The time in seconds for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; /** The vertices for each key frame. */ frameVertices: Array>; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds and the vertices for the specified key frame. * @param vertices Vertex positions for an unweighted VertexAttachment, or deform offsets if it has weights. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, vertices: ArrayLike_2): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a skeleton's {@link Skeleton#drawOrder}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class DrawOrderTimeline implements Timeline { /** The time in seconds for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; /** The draw order for each key frame. See {@link #setFrame(int, float, int[])}. */ drawOrders: Array>; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** The number of key frames for this timeline. */ getFrameCount(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds and the draw order for the specified key frame. * @param drawOrder For each slot in {@link Skeleton#slots}, the index of the new draw order. May be null to use setup pose * draw order. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, drawOrder: Array): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ declare class Event_2 implements IEvent { data: EventData; intValue: number; floatValue: number; stringValue: string; time: number; volume: number; balance: number; constructor(time: number, data: EventData); } export { Event_2 as Event } /** * @public */ export declare class EventData implements IEventData { name: string; intValue: number; floatValue: number; stringValue: string; audioPath: string; volume: number; balance: number; constructor(name: string); } /** * @public */ export declare class EventQueue { objects: Array; drainDisabled: boolean; animState: AnimationState; constructor(animState: AnimationState); start(entry: TrackEntry): void; interrupt(entry: TrackEntry): void; end(entry: TrackEntry): void; dispose(entry: TrackEntry): void; complete(entry: TrackEntry): void; event(entry: TrackEntry, event: Event_2): void; private static deprecatedWarning1; deprecateStuff(): boolean; drain(): void; clear(): void; } /** Fires an {@link Event} when specific animation times are reached. */ /** * @public */ export declare class EventTimeline implements Timeline { /** The time in seconds for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; /** The event for each key frame. */ events: Array; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** The number of key frames for this timeline. */ getFrameCount(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds and the event for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, event: Event_2): void; /** Fires events for frames > `lastTime` and <= `time`. */ apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ export declare enum EventType { start = 0, interrupt = 1, end = 2, dispose = 3, complete = 4, event = 5 } /** * @public */ export declare class IkConstraint implements IIkConstraint, Updatable { data: IkConstraintData; bones: Array; target: Bone; bendDirection: number; compress: boolean; stretch: boolean; mix: number; softness: number; active: boolean; constructor(data: IkConstraintData, skeleton: Skeleton); isActive(): boolean; apply(): void; update(): void; /** Adjusts the bone rotation so the tip is as close to the target position as possible. The target is specified in the world * coordinate system. */ apply1(bone: Bone, targetX: number, targetY: number, compress: boolean, stretch: boolean, uniform: boolean, alpha: number): void; /** Adjusts the parent and child bone rotations so the tip of the child is as close to the target position as possible. The * target is specified in the world coordinate system. * @param child A direct descendant of the parent bone. */ apply2(parent: Bone, child: Bone, targetX: number, targetY: number, bendDir: number, stretch: boolean, softness: number, alpha: number): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class IkConstraintData extends ConstraintData implements IIkConstraintData { bones: BoneData[]; target: BoneData; bendDirection: number; compress: boolean; stretch: boolean; uniform: boolean; mix: number; softness: number; constructor(name: string); } /** Changes an IK constraint's {@link IkConstraint#mix}, {@link IkConstraint#softness}, * {@link IkConstraint#bendDirection}, {@link IkConstraint#stretch}, and {@link IkConstraint#compress}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class IkConstraintTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_MIX: number; static PREV_SOFTNESS: number; static PREV_BEND_DIRECTION: number; static PREV_COMPRESS: number; static PREV_STRETCH: number; static MIX: number; static SOFTNESS: number; static BEND_DIRECTION: number; static COMPRESS: number; static STRETCH: number; /** The index of the IK constraint slot in {@link Skeleton#ikConstraints} that will be changed. */ ikConstraintIndex: number; /** The time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, mix: number, softness: number, bendDirection: number, compress: boolean, stretch: boolean): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class JitterEffect implements VertexEffect { jitterX: number; jitterY: number; constructor(jitterX: number, jitterY: number); begin(skeleton: Skeleton): void; transform(position: Vector2, uv: Vector2, light: Color, dark: Color): void; end(): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class MeshAttachment extends VertexAttachment implements IMeshAttachment { type: AttachmentType; region: TextureRegion; path: string; regionUVs: Float32Array; triangles: Array; color: Color; width: number; height: number; hullLength: number; edges: Array; private parentMesh; tempColor: Color; constructor(name: string); getParentMesh(): MeshAttachment; /** @param parentMesh May be null. */ setParentMesh(parentMesh: MeshAttachment): void; copy(): Attachment; newLinkedMesh(): MeshAttachment; } /** * @public */ export declare class PathAttachment extends VertexAttachment { type: AttachmentType; lengths: Array; closed: boolean; constantSpeed: boolean; color: Color; constructor(name: string); copy(): Attachment; } /** * @public */ export declare class PathConstraint implements Updatable { static NONE: number; static BEFORE: number; static AFTER: number; static epsilon: number; data: PathConstraintData; bones: Array; target: Slot; position: number; spacing: number; rotateMix: number; translateMix: number; spaces: number[]; positions: number[]; world: number[]; curves: number[]; lengths: number[]; segments: number[]; active: boolean; constructor(data: PathConstraintData, skeleton: Skeleton); isActive(): boolean; apply(): void; update(): void; computeWorldPositions(path: PathAttachment, spacesCount: number, tangents: boolean, percentPosition: boolean, percentSpacing: boolean): number[]; addBeforePosition(p: number, temp: Array, i: number, out: Array, o: number): void; addAfterPosition(p: number, temp: Array, i: number, out: Array, o: number): void; addCurvePosition(p: number, x1: number, y1: number, cx1: number, cy1: number, cx2: number, cy2: number, x2: number, y2: number, out: Array, o: number, tangents: boolean): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class PathConstraintData extends ConstraintData { bones: BoneData[]; target: SlotData; positionMode: PositionMode; spacingMode: SpacingMode; rotateMode: RotateMode; offsetRotation: number; position: number; spacing: number; rotateMix: number; translateMix: number; constructor(name: string); } /** Changes a transform constraint's {@link PathConstraint#rotateMix} and * {@link TransformConstraint#translateMix}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class PathConstraintMixTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_ROTATE: number; static PREV_TRANSLATE: number; static ROTATE: number; static TRANSLATE: number; /** The index of the path constraint slot in {@link Skeleton#getPathConstraints()} that will be changed. */ pathConstraintIndex: number; /** The time in seconds, rotate mix, and translate mix for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** The time in seconds, rotate mix, and translate mix for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, rotateMix: number, translateMix: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a path constraint's {@link PathConstraint#position}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class PathConstraintPositionTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_VALUE: number; static VALUE: number; /** The index of the path constraint slot in {@link Skeleton#pathConstraints} that will be changed. */ pathConstraintIndex: number; /** The time in seconds and path constraint position for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds and path constraint position for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, value: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a path constraint's {@link PathConstraint#spacing}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class PathConstraintSpacingTimeline extends PathConstraintPositionTimeline { constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class PointAttachment extends VertexAttachment { type: AttachmentType; x: number; y: number; rotation: number; color: Color; constructor(name: string); computeWorldPosition(bone: Bone, point: Vector2): Vector2; computeWorldRotation(bone: Bone): number; copy(): Attachment; } /** * @public */ export declare class RegionAttachment extends Attachment implements IRegionAttachment { type: AttachmentType; static OX1: number; static OY1: number; static OX2: number; static OY2: number; static OX3: number; static OY3: number; static OX4: number; static OY4: number; static X1: number; static Y1: number; static C1R: number; static C1G: number; static C1B: number; static C1A: number; static U1: number; static V1: number; static X2: number; static Y2: number; static C2R: number; static C2G: number; static C2B: number; static C2A: number; static U2: number; static V2: number; static X3: number; static Y3: number; static C3R: number; static C3G: number; static C3B: number; static C3A: number; static U3: number; static V3: number; static X4: number; static Y4: number; static C4R: number; static C4G: number; static C4B: number; static C4A: number; static U4: number; static V4: number; x: number; y: number; scaleX: number; scaleY: number; rotation: number; width: number; height: number; color: Color; path: string; rendererObject: any; region: TextureRegion; offset: NumberArrayLike; uvs: NumberArrayLike; tempColor: Color; constructor(name: string); updateOffset(): void; setRegion(region: TextureRegion): void; computeWorldVertices(bone: Bone | Slot, worldVertices: ArrayLike_2, offset: number, stride: number): void; copy(): Attachment; } /** Changes a bone's local {@link Bone#rotation}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class RotateTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_ROTATION: number; static ROTATION: number; /** The index of the bone in {@link Skeleton#bones} that will be changed. */ boneIndex: number; /** The time in seconds and rotation in degrees for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time and angle of the specified keyframe. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, degrees: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a bone's local {@link Bone#scaleX)} and {@link Bone#scaleY}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class ScaleTimeline extends TranslateTimeline { constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a bone's local {@link Bone#shearX} and {@link Bone#shearY}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class ShearTimeline extends TranslateTimeline { constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class Skeleton implements ISkeleton { data: SkeletonData; bones: Array; slots: Array; drawOrder: Array; ikConstraints: Array; transformConstraints: Array; pathConstraints: Array; _updateCache: Updatable[]; updateCacheReset: Updatable[]; skin: Skin; color: Color; time: number; scaleX: number; scaleY: number; x: number; y: number; constructor(data: SkeletonData); updateCache(): void; sortIkConstraint(constraint: IkConstraint): void; sortPathConstraint(constraint: PathConstraint): void; sortTransformConstraint(constraint: TransformConstraint): void; sortPathConstraintAttachment(skin: Skin, slotIndex: number, slotBone: Bone): void; sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachment: Attachment, slotBone: Bone): void; sortBone(bone: Bone): void; sortReset(bones: Array): void; /** Updates the world transform for each bone and applies constraints. */ updateWorldTransform(): void; /** Sets the bones, constraints, and slots to their setup pose values. */ setToSetupPose(): void; /** Sets the bones and constraints to their setup pose values. */ setBonesToSetupPose(): void; setSlotsToSetupPose(): void; /** @return May return null. */ getRootBone(): Bone; /** @return May be null. */ findBone(boneName: string): Bone; /** @return -1 if the bone was not found. */ findBoneIndex(boneName: string): number; /** @return May be null. */ findSlot(slotName: string): Slot; /** @return -1 if the bone was not found. */ findSlotIndex(slotName: string): number; /** Sets a skin by name. * @see #setSkin(Skin) */ setSkinByName(skinName: string): void; /** Sets the skin used to look up attachments before looking in the {@link SkeletonData#getDefaultSkin() default skin}. * Attachments from the new skin are attached if the corresponding attachment from the old skin was attached. If there was no * old skin, each slot's setup mode attachment is attached from the new skin. * @param newSkin May be null. */ setSkin(newSkin: Skin): void; /** @return May be null. */ getAttachmentByName(slotName: string, attachmentName: string): Attachment; /** @return May be null. */ getAttachment(slotIndex: number, attachmentName: string): Attachment; /** @param attachmentName May be null. */ setAttachment(slotName: string, attachmentName?: string): void; /** @return May be null. */ findIkConstraint(constraintName: string): IkConstraint; /** @return May be null. */ findTransformConstraint(constraintName: string): TransformConstraint; /** @return May be null. */ findPathConstraint(constraintName: string): PathConstraint; /** Returns the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) of the region and mesh attachments for the current pose. * @param offset The distance from the skeleton origin to the bottom left corner of the AABB. * @param size The width and height of the AABB. * @param temp Working memory */ getBounds(offset: Vector2, size: Vector2, temp?: Array): void; update(delta: number): void; get flipX(): boolean; set flipX(value: boolean); get flipY(): boolean; set flipY(value: boolean); private static deprecatedWarning1; } /** * @public */ export declare class SkeletonBinary { static AttachmentTypeValues: number[]; static TransformModeValues: TransformMode[]; static PositionModeValues: PositionMode[]; static SpacingModeValues: SpacingMode[]; static RotateModeValues: RotateMode[]; static BlendModeValues: BLEND_MODES[]; static BONE_ROTATE: number; static BONE_TRANSLATE: number; static BONE_SCALE: number; static BONE_SHEAR: number; static SLOT_ATTACHMENT: number; static SLOT_COLOR: number; static SLOT_TWO_COLOR: number; static PATH_POSITION: number; static PATH_SPACING: number; static PATH_MIX: number; static CURVE_LINEAR: number; static CURVE_STEPPED: number; static CURVE_BEZIER: number; attachmentLoader: AttachmentLoader; scale: number; private linkedMeshes; constructor(attachmentLoader: AttachmentLoader); readSkeletonData(binary: Uint8Array): SkeletonData; private readSkin; private readAttachment; private readVertices; private readFloatArray; private readShortArray; private readAnimation; private readCurve; setCurve(timeline: CurveTimeline, frameIndex: number, cx1: number, cy1: number, cx2: number, cy2: number): void; } /** Collects each visible {@link BoundingBoxAttachment} and computes the world vertices for its polygon. The polygon vertices are * provided along with convenience methods for doing hit detection. * @public * */ export declare class SkeletonBounds extends SkeletonBoundsBase { } /** * @public */ export declare class SkeletonData implements ISkeletonData { name: string; bones: BoneData[]; slots: SlotData[]; skins: Skin[]; defaultSkin: Skin; events: EventData[]; animations: Animation_2[]; ikConstraints: IkConstraintData[]; transformConstraints: TransformConstraintData[]; pathConstraints: PathConstraintData[]; x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; version: string; hash: string; fps: number; imagesPath: string; audioPath: string; findBone(boneName: string): BoneData; findBoneIndex(boneName: string): number; findSlot(slotName: string): SlotData; findSlotIndex(slotName: string): number; findSkin(skinName: string): Skin; findEvent(eventDataName: string): EventData; findAnimation(animationName: string): Animation_2; findIkConstraint(constraintName: string): IkConstraintData; findTransformConstraint(constraintName: string): TransformConstraintData; findPathConstraint(constraintName: string): PathConstraintData; findPathConstraintIndex(pathConstraintName: string): number; } /** * @public */ export declare class SkeletonJson { attachmentLoader: AttachmentLoader; scale: number; private linkedMeshes; constructor(attachmentLoader: AttachmentLoader); readSkeletonData(json: string | any): SkeletonData; readAttachment(map: any, skin: Skin, slotIndex: number, name: string, skeletonData: SkeletonData): Attachment; readVertices(map: any, attachment: VertexAttachment, verticesLength: number): void; readAnimation(map: any, name: string, skeletonData: SkeletonData): void; readCurve(map: any, timeline: CurveTimeline, frameIndex: number): void; getValue(map: any, prop: string, defaultValue: any): any; static blendModeFromString(str: string): BLEND_MODES.NORMAL | BLEND_MODES.ADD | BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY | BLEND_MODES.SCREEN; static positionModeFromString(str: string): PositionMode; static spacingModeFromString(str: string): SpacingMode; static rotateModeFromString(str: string): RotateMode; static transformModeFromString(str: string): TransformMode; } /** * @public */ export declare class Skin implements ISkin { name: string; attachments: Map_2[]; bones: BoneData[]; constraints: ConstraintData[]; constructor(name: string); setAttachment(slotIndex: number, name: string, attachment: Attachment): void; addSkin(skin: Skin): void; copySkin(skin: Skin): void; /** @return May be null. */ getAttachment(slotIndex: number, name: string): Attachment; removeAttachment(slotIndex: number, name: string): void; getAttachments(): Array; getAttachmentsForSlot(slotIndex: number, attachments: Array): void; clear(): void; /** Attach each attachment in this skin if the corresponding attachment in the old skin is currently attached. */ attachAll(skeleton: Skeleton, oldSkin: Skin): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class SkinEntry { slotIndex: number; name: string; attachment: Attachment; constructor(slotIndex: number, name: string, attachment: Attachment); } /** * @public */ export declare class Slot implements ISlot { blendMode: number; data: SlotData; bone: Bone; color: Color; darkColor: Color; attachment: Attachment; private attachmentTime; attachmentState: number; deform: number[]; constructor(data: SlotData, bone: Bone); /** @return May be null. */ getAttachment(): Attachment; /** Sets the attachment and if it changed, resets {@link #getAttachmentTime()} and clears {@link #getAttachmentVertices()}. * @param attachment May be null. */ setAttachment(attachment: Attachment): void; setAttachmentTime(time: number): void; /** Returns the time since the attachment was set. */ getAttachmentTime(): number; setToSetupPose(): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class SlotData implements ISlotData { index: number; name: string; boneData: BoneData; color: Color; darkColor: Color; attachmentName: string; blendMode: BLEND_MODES; constructor(index: number, name: string, boneData: BoneData); } /** * @public */ export declare enum SpacingMode { Length = 0, Fixed = 1, Percent = 2 } /** * @public */ export declare class Spine extends SpineBase { createSkeleton(spineData: SkeletonData): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class SwirlEffect implements VertexEffect { static interpolation: PowOut; centerX: number; centerY: number; radius: number; angle: number; private worldX; private worldY; constructor(radius: number); begin(skeleton: Skeleton): void; transform(position: Vector2, uv: Vector2, light: Color, dark: Color): void; end(): void; } /** The interface for all timelines. */ /** * @public */ export declare interface Timeline { /** Applies this timeline to the skeleton. * @param skeleton The skeleton the timeline is being applied to. This provides access to the bones, slots, and other * skeleton components the timeline may change. * @param lastTime The time this timeline was last applied. Timelines such as {@link EventTimeline}} trigger only at specific * times rather than every frame. In that case, the timeline triggers everything between `lastTime` * (exclusive) and `time` (inclusive). * @param time The time within the animation. Most timelines find the key before and the key after this time so they can * interpolate between the keys. * @param events If any events are fired, they are added to this list. Can be null to ignore fired events or if the timeline * does not fire events. * @param alpha 0 applies the current or setup value (depending on `blend`). 1 applies the timeline value. * Between 0 and 1 applies a value between the current or setup value and the timeline value. By adjusting * `alpha` over time, an animation can be mixed in or out. `alpha` can also be useful to * apply animations on top of each other (layering). * @param blend Controls how mixing is applied when `alpha` < 1. * @param direction Indicates whether the timeline is mixing in or out. Used by timelines which perform instant transitions, * such as {@link DrawOrderTimeline} or {@link AttachmentTimeline}. */ apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; /** Uniquely encodes both the type of this timeline and the skeleton property that it affects. */ getPropertyId(): number; } /** * @public */ export declare enum TimelineType { rotate = 0, translate = 1, scale = 2, shear = 3, attachment = 4, color = 5, deform = 6, event = 7, drawOrder = 8, ikConstraint = 9, transformConstraint = 10, pathConstraintPosition = 11, pathConstraintSpacing = 12, pathConstraintMix = 13, twoColor = 14 } /** Stores settings and other state for the playback of an animation on an {@link AnimationState} track. * * References to a track entry must not be kept after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ /** * @public */ export declare class TrackEntry implements ITrackEntry { /** The animation to apply for this track entry. */ animation: Animation_2; /** The animation queued to start after this animation, or null. `next` makes up a linked list. */ next: TrackEntry; /** The track entry for the previous animation when mixing from the previous animation to this animation, or null if no * mixing is currently occuring. When mixing from multiple animations, `mixingFrom` makes up a linked list. */ mixingFrom: TrackEntry; /** The track entry for the next animation when mixing from this animation to the next animation, or null if no mixing is * currently occuring. When mixing to multiple animations, `mixingTo` makes up a linked list. */ mixingTo: TrackEntry; /** The listener for events generated by this track entry, or null. * * A track entry returned from {@link AnimationState#setAnimation()} is already the current animation * for the track, so the track entry listener {@link AnimationStateListener#start()} will not be called. */ listener: AnimationStateListener; /** The index of the track where this track entry is either current or queued. * * See {@link AnimationState#getCurrent()}. */ trackIndex: number; /** If true, the animation will repeat. If false it will not, instead its last frame is applied if played beyond its * duration. */ loop: boolean; /** If true, when mixing from the previous animation to this animation, the previous animation is applied as normal instead * of being mixed out. * * When mixing between animations that key the same property, if a lower track also keys that property then the value will * briefly dip toward the lower track value during the mix. This happens because the first animation mixes from 100% to 0% * while the second animation mixes from 0% to 100%. Setting `holdPrevious` to true applies the first animation * at 100% during the mix so the lower track value is overwritten. Such dipping does not occur on the lowest track which * keys the property, only when a higher track also keys the property. * * Snapping will occur if `holdPrevious` is true and this animation does not key all the same properties as the * previous animation. */ holdPrevious: boolean; /** When the mix percentage ({@link #mixTime} / {@link #mixDuration}) is less than the * `eventThreshold`, event timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to 0, so event * timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out. */ eventThreshold: number; /** When the mix percentage ({@link #mixtime} / {@link #mixDuration}) is less than the * `attachmentThreshold`, attachment timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to * 0, so attachment timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out. */ attachmentThreshold: number; /** When the mix percentage ({@link #mixTime} / {@link #mixDuration}) is less than the * `drawOrderThreshold`, draw order timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to 0, * so draw order timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out. */ drawOrderThreshold: number; /** Seconds when this animation starts, both initially and after looping. Defaults to 0. * * When changing the `animationStart` time, it often makes sense to set {@link #animationLast} to the same * value to prevent timeline keys before the start time from triggering. */ animationStart: number; /** Seconds for the last frame of this animation. Non-looping animations won't play past this time. Looping animations will * loop back to {@link #animationStart} at this time. Defaults to the animation {@link Animation#duration}. */ animationEnd: number; /** The time in seconds this animation was last applied. Some timelines use this for one-time triggers. Eg, when this * animation is applied, event timelines will fire all events between the `animationLast` time (exclusive) and * `animationTime` (inclusive). Defaults to -1 to ensure triggers on frame 0 happen the first time this animation * is applied. */ animationLast: number; nextAnimationLast: number; /** Seconds to postpone playing the animation. When this track entry is the current track entry, `delay` * postpones incrementing the {@link #trackTime}. When this track entry is queued, `delay` is the time from * the start of the previous animation to when this track entry will become the current track entry (ie when the previous * track entry {@link TrackEntry#trackTime} >= this track entry's `delay`). * * {@link #timeScale} affects the delay. */ delay: number; /** Current time in seconds this track entry has been the current track entry. The track time determines * {@link #animationTime}. The track time can be set to start the animation at a time other than 0, without affecting * looping. */ trackTime: number; trackLast: number; nextTrackLast: number; /** The track time in seconds when this animation will be removed from the track. Defaults to the highest possible float * value, meaning the animation will be applied until a new animation is set or the track is cleared. If the track end time * is reached, no other animations are queued for playback, and mixing from any previous animations is complete, then the * properties keyed by the animation are set to the setup pose and the track is cleared. * * It may be desired to use {@link AnimationState#addEmptyAnimation()} rather than have the animation * abruptly cease being applied. */ trackEnd: number; /** Multiplier for the delta time when this track entry is updated, causing time for this animation to pass slower or * faster. Defaults to 1. * * {@link #mixTime} is not affected by track entry time scale, so {@link #mixDuration} may need to be adjusted to * match the animation speed. * * When using {@link AnimationState#addAnimation()} with a `delay` <= 0, note the * {@link #delay} is set using the mix duration from the {@link AnimationStateData}, assuming time scale to be 1. If * the time scale is not 1, the delay may need to be adjusted. * * See AnimationState {@link AnimationState#timeScale} for affecting all animations. */ timeScale: number; /** Values < 1 mix this animation with the skeleton's current pose (usually the pose resulting from lower tracks). Defaults * to 1, which overwrites the skeleton's current pose with this animation. * * Typically track 0 is used to completely pose the skeleton, then alpha is used on higher tracks. It doesn't make sense to * use alpha on track 0 if the skeleton pose is from the last frame render. */ alpha: number; /** Seconds from 0 to the {@link #getMixDuration()} when mixing from the previous animation to this animation. May be * slightly more than `mixDuration` when the mix is complete. */ mixTime: number; /** Seconds for mixing from the previous animation to this animation. Defaults to the value provided by AnimationStateData * {@link AnimationStateData#getMix()} based on the animation before this animation (if any). * * A mix duration of 0 still mixes out over one frame to provide the track entry being mixed out a chance to revert the * properties it was animating. * * The `mixDuration` can be set manually rather than use the value from * {@link AnimationStateData#getMix()}. In that case, the `mixDuration` can be set for a new * track entry only before {@link AnimationState#update(float)} is first called. * * When using {@link AnimationState#addAnimation()} with a `delay` <= 0, note the * {@link #delay} is set using the mix duration from the {@link AnimationStateData}, not a mix duration set * afterward. */ mixDuration: number; interruptAlpha: number; totalAlpha: number; /** Controls how properties keyed in the animation are mixed with lower tracks. Defaults to {@link MixBlend#replace}, which * replaces the values from the lower tracks with the animation values. {@link MixBlend#add} adds the animation values to * the values from the lower tracks. * * The `mixBlend` can be set for a new track entry only before {@link AnimationState#apply()} is first * called. */ mixBlend: MixBlend; timelineMode: number[]; timelineHoldMix: TrackEntry[]; timelinesRotation: number[]; reset(): void; /** Uses {@link #trackTime} to compute the `animationTime`, which is between {@link #animationStart} * and {@link #animationEnd}. When the `trackTime` is 0, the `animationTime` is equal to the * `animationStart` time. */ getAnimationTime(): number; setAnimationLast(animationLast: number): void; /** Returns true if at least one loop has been completed. * * See {@link AnimationStateListener#complete()}. */ isComplete(): boolean; /** Resets the rotation directions for mixing this entry's rotate timelines. This can be useful to avoid bones rotating the * long way around when using {@link #alpha} and starting animations on other tracks. * * Mixing with {@link MixBlend#replace} involves finding a rotation between two others, which has two possible solutions: * the short way or the long way around. The two rotations likely change over time, so which direction is the short or long * way also changes. If the short way was always chosen, bones would flip to the other side when that direction became the * long way. TrackEntry chooses the short way the first time it is applied and remembers that direction. */ resetRotationDirections(): void; onComplete: (trackIndex: number, loopCount: number) => any; onEvent: (trackIndex: number, event: Event_2) => any; onStart: (trackIndex: number) => any; onEnd: (trackIndex: number) => any; private static deprecatedWarning1; private static deprecatedWarning2; get time(): number; set time(value: number); get endTime(): number; set endTime(value: number); loopsCount(): number; } /** * @public */ export declare class TransformConstraint implements Updatable { data: TransformConstraintData; bones: Array; target: Bone; rotateMix: number; translateMix: number; scaleMix: number; shearMix: number; temp: Vector2; active: boolean; constructor(data: TransformConstraintData, skeleton: Skeleton); isActive(): boolean; apply(): void; update(): void; applyAbsoluteWorld(): void; applyRelativeWorld(): void; applyAbsoluteLocal(): void; applyRelativeLocal(): void; } /** * @public */ export declare class TransformConstraintData extends ConstraintData { bones: BoneData[]; target: BoneData; rotateMix: number; translateMix: number; scaleMix: number; shearMix: number; offsetRotation: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; offsetScaleX: number; offsetScaleY: number; offsetShearY: number; relative: boolean; local: boolean; constructor(name: string); } /** Changes a transform constraint's {@link TransformConstraint#rotateMix}, {@link TransformConstraint#translateMix}, * {@link TransformConstraint#scaleMix}, and {@link TransformConstraint#shearMix}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class TransformConstraintTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_ROTATE: number; static PREV_TRANSLATE: number; static PREV_SCALE: number; static PREV_SHEAR: number; static ROTATE: number; static TRANSLATE: number; static SCALE: number; static SHEAR: number; /** The index of the transform constraint slot in {@link Skeleton#transformConstraints} that will be changed. */ transformConstraintIndex: number; /** The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, rotateMix: number, translateMix: number, scaleMix: number, shearMix: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, firedEvents: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a bone's local {@link Bone#x} and {@link Bone#y}. */ /** * @public */ export declare class TranslateTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_X: number; static PREV_Y: number; static X: number; static Y: number; /** The index of the bone in {@link Skeleton#bones} that will be changed. */ boneIndex: number; /** The time in seconds, x, and y values for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds, x, and y values for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, x: number, y: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** Changes a slot's {@link Slot#color} and {@link Slot#darkColor} for two color tinting. */ /** * @public */ export declare class TwoColorTimeline extends CurveTimeline { static ENTRIES: number; static PREV_TIME: number; static PREV_R: number; static PREV_G: number; static PREV_B: number; static PREV_A: number; static PREV_R2: number; static PREV_G2: number; static PREV_B2: number; static R: number; static G: number; static B: number; static A: number; static R2: number; static G2: number; static B2: number; /** The index of the slot in {@link Skeleton#slots()} that will be changed. The {@link Slot#darkColor()} must not be * null. */ slotIndex: number; /** The time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha values of the color, red, green, blue of the dark color, for each key frame. */ frames: ArrayLike_2; constructor(frameCount: number); getPropertyId(): number; /** Sets the time in seconds, light, and dark colors for the specified key frame. */ setFrame(frameIndex: number, time: number, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number, r2: number, g2: number, b2: number): void; apply(skeleton: Skeleton, lastTime: number, time: number, events: Array, alpha: number, blend: MixBlend, direction: MixDirection): void; } /** * @public */ export declare interface Updatable { update(): void; isActive(): boolean; } /** * @public */ export declare abstract class VertexAttachment extends Attachment { private static nextID; id: number; bones: Array; vertices: ArrayLike_2; worldVerticesLength: number; deformAttachment: VertexAttachment; constructor(name: string); computeWorldVerticesOld(slot: Slot, worldVertices: ArrayLike_2): void; /** Transforms local vertices to world coordinates. * @param start The index of the first local vertex value to transform. Each vertex has 2 values, x and y. * @param count The number of world vertex values to output. Must be <= {@link #getWorldVerticesLength()} - start. * @param worldVertices The output world vertices. Must have a length >= offset + count. * @param offset The worldVertices index to begin writing values. */ computeWorldVertices(slot: Slot, start: number, count: number, worldVertices: ArrayLike_2, offset: number, stride: number): void; copyTo(attachment: VertexAttachment): void; } /** * @public */ export declare interface VertexEffect { begin(skeleton: Skeleton): void; transform(position: Vector2, uv: Vector2, light: Color, dark: Color): void; end(): void; } export { }