import type { RecordedCall } from "@ethereum-waffle/provider"; import { utils } from "ethers"; /** * Injects call history into hardhat provider, * making it possible to use matchers like calledOnContract */ class CallHistory { public recordedCalls: RecordedCall[] = []; public addUniqueCall(call: RecordedCall) { if ( this.recordedCalls.find( (c) => c.address === call.address && === ) === undefined ) { this.recordedCalls.push(call); } } public clearAll() { this.recordedCalls = []; } } function toRecordedCall(message: any): RecordedCall { return { address: ? utils.getAddress(utils.hexlify( : undefined, data: ? utils.hexlify( : "0x", }; } function getHardhatVMEventEmitter(hardhatWaffleProvider: any) { const vm = hardhatWaffleProvider?._hardhatNetwork.provider?._wrapped._wrapped?._wrapped ?._node?._vmTracer?._vm; /** * There were changes related to the location of event emitter introduced * in Hardhat version 2.11.0. */ return vm?.evm?.events ?? vm; } let injected = false; export const injectCallHistory = (hardhatWaffleProvider: any) => { if (injected) { return; } const callHistory = new CallHistory(); hardhatWaffleProvider.clearCallHistory = () => { callHistory.clearAll(); }; let beforeMessageListener: (message: any) => void | undefined; const init = hardhatWaffleProvider?._hardhatNetwork?.provider?._wrapped?._wrapped ?._wrapped?._init; if (!init) { throw new Error("Could not inject call history into hardhat provider"); } hardhatWaffleProvider._hardhatNetwork.provider._wrapped._wrapped._wrapped._init = async function () { await init.apply(this); if (typeof beforeMessageListener === "function") { // has to be here because of weird behaviour of init function, which requires us to re-register the handler. getHardhatVMEventEmitter(hardhatWaffleProvider)?.off?.( "beforeMessage", beforeMessageListener ); } beforeMessageListener = (message: any) => { callHistory.addUniqueCall(toRecordedCall(message)); }; hardhatWaffleProvider.callHistory = callHistory.recordedCalls; getHardhatVMEventEmitter(hardhatWaffleProvider)?.on?.( "beforeMessage", beforeMessageListener ); }; injected = true; };