import { ITranslationMessagesFile } from '../api/i-translation-messages-file'; import { INormalizedMessage } from '../api/i-normalized-message'; import { ITransUnit } from '../api/i-trans-unit'; import { INote } from '../api/i-note'; import { AbstractTransUnit } from './abstract-trans-unit'; import { ParsedMessage } from './parsed-message'; import { AbstractMessageParser } from './abstract-message-parser'; /** * Created by martin on 23.05.2017. * A Translation Unit in an XTB file. */ export declare class XtbTransUnit extends AbstractTransUnit implements ITransUnit { private _sourceTransUnitFromMaster; constructor(_element: Element, _id: string, _translationMessagesFile: ITranslationMessagesFile, _sourceTransUnitFromMaster: AbstractTransUnit); /** * Get content to translate. * Source parts are excluded here. * @return content to translate. */ sourceContent(): string; /** * Test, wether setting of source content is supported. * If not, setSourceContent in trans-unit will do nothing. * xtb does not support this, all other formats do. */ supportsSetSourceContent(): boolean; /** * Set new source content in the transunit. * Normally, this is done by ng-extract. * Method only exists to allow xliffmerge to merge missing changed source content. * @param newContent the new content. */ setSourceContent(newContent: string): void; /** * Return a parser used for normalized messages. */ protected messageParser(): AbstractMessageParser; /** * The original text value, that is to be translated, as normalized message. */ createSourceContentNormalized(): ParsedMessage; /** * the translated value (containing all markup, depends on the concrete format used). */ targetContent(): string; /** * the translated value, but all placeholders are replaced with {{n}} (starting at 0) * and all embedded html is replaced by direct html markup. */ targetContentNormalized(): INormalizedMessage; /** * State of the translation. * (not supported in xmb) * If we have a master, we assumed it is translated if the content is not the same as the masters one. */ nativeTargetState(): string; /** * Map an abstract state (new, translated, final) to a concrete state used in the xml. * Returns the state to be used in the xml. * @param state one of Constants.STATE... * @returns a native state (depends on concrete format) * @throws error, if state is invalid. */ protected mapStateToNativeState(state: string): string; /** * Map a native state (found in the document) to an abstract state (new, translated, final). * Returns the abstract state. * @param nativeState nativeState */ protected mapNativeStateToState(nativeState: string): string; /** * set state in xml. * (not supported in xmb) * @param nativeState nativeState */ protected setNativeTargetState(nativeState: string): void; /** * All the source elements in the trans unit. * The source element is a reference to the original template. * It contains the name of the template file and a line number with the position inside the template. * It is just a help for translators to find the context for the translation. * This is set when using Angular 4.0 or greater. * Otherwise it just returns an empty array. */ sourceReferences(): { sourcefile: string; linenumber: number; }[]; /** * Test, wether setting of source refs is supported. * If not, setSourceReferences will do nothing. * xtb does not support this, all other formats do. */ supportsSetSourceReferences(): boolean; /** * Set source ref elements in the transunit. * Normally, this is done by ng-extract. * Method only exists to allow xliffmerge to merge missing source refs. * @param sourceRefs the sourcerefs to set. Old ones are removed. */ setSourceReferences(sourceRefs: { sourcefile: string; linenumber: number; }[]): void; /** * The description set in the template as value of the i18n-attribute. * e.g. i18n="mydescription". * In xtb only the master stores it. */ description(): string; /** * The meaning (intent) set in the template as value of the i18n-attribute. * This is the part in front of the | symbol. * e.g. i18n="meaning|mydescription". * In xtb only the master stores it. */ meaning(): string; /** * Test, wether setting of description and meaning is supported. * If not, setDescription and setMeaning will do nothing. * xtb does not support this, all other formats do. */ supportsSetDescriptionAndMeaning(): boolean; /** * Change description property of trans-unit. * @param description description */ setDescription(description: string): void; /** * Change meaning property of trans-unit. * @param meaning meaning */ setMeaning(meaning: string): void; /** * Get all notes of the trans-unit. * There are NO notes in xmb/xtb */ notes(): INote[]; /** * Test, wether setting of notes is supported. * If not, setNotes will do nothing. * xtb does not support this, all other formats do. */ supportsSetNotes(): boolean; /** * Add notes to trans unit. * @param newNotes the notes to add. * NOT Supported in xmb/xtb */ setNotes(newNotes: INote[]): void; /** * Copy source to target to use it as dummy translation. * Returns a changed copy of this trans unit. * receiver is not changed. * (internal usage only, a client should call importNewTransUnit on ITranslationMessageFile) * In xtb there is nothing to do, because there is only a target, no source. */ cloneWithSourceAsTarget(isDefaultLang: boolean, copyContent: boolean, targetFile: ITranslationMessagesFile): AbstractTransUnit; /** * Copy source to target to use it as dummy translation. * (internal usage only, a client should call createTranslationFileForLang on ITranslationMessageFile) */ useSourceAsTarget(isDefaultLang: boolean, copyContent: boolean): void; /** * Set the translation to a given string (including markup). * @param translation translation */ protected translateNative(translation: string): void; }