/** * An XmlSerializer that supports formatting. * Original code is based on [xmldom](https://www.npmjs.com/package/xmldom) * It is extended to support formatting including handling of elements with mixed content. * Example formatted output: *
 *         An element with
 *             mixed
 *              content
* Same when "element" is indicated as "mixedContentElement": *
 *         An element with mixed content
*/ /** * Options used to control the formatting */ export interface XmlSerializerOptions { beautify?: boolean; indentString?: string; mixedContentElements?: string[]; } export declare class XmlSerializer { constructor(); /** * Serialze xml document to string. * @param document the document * @param options can be used to activate beautifying. */ serializeToString(document: Document, options?: XmlSerializerOptions): string; /** * Main format method that does all the work. * Outputs a node to the outputbuffer. * @param node the node to be formatted. * @param options options * @param buf outputbuffer, new output will be appended to this array. * @param indentLevel Lever of indentation for formatted output. * @param partOfMixedContent true, if node is a subelement of an element containind mixed content. * @param visibleNamespaces visibleNamespaces */ private doSerializeToString; private needNamespaceDefine; private _xmlEncoder; private outputIndented; private indentationString; /** * Test, wether tagName is an element containing mixed content. * @param tagName tagName * @param options options */ private isMixedContentElement; private containsOnlyWhiteSpace; }