import { EnvironmentProviders, InjectionToken } from '@angular/core'; export declare const NU_MONACO_EDITOR_CONFIG: InjectionToken; export declare function provideNuMonacoEditorConfig(config?: NuMonacoEditorConfig): EnvironmentProviders; export interface NuMonacoEditorConfig { /** * The base URL to monaco editor library assets via AMD (RequireJS), Default: `` * You can using local path, e.g.: `assets/monaco-editor/min`. */ baseUrl?: string; /** * Default options when creating editors */ defaultOptions?: monaco.editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions; /** * The event after the first loading of the monaco editor library is completed, use this function to extend monaco editor functionalities. * - @param `_monaco` equar to `window.monaco` */ monacoLoad?: (_monaco: any) => void; /** * The event before the first preload of the monaco editor library is completed, use this function to set nls availableLanguages. */ monacoPreLoad?: () => void; /** * Trigger automatic format delay time, default: `100` */ autoFormatTime?: number; }