import { ControlValueAccessor } from '@angular/forms'; import { MaskService } from './mask.service'; import { IConfig } from './config'; export declare class MaskDirective implements ControlValueAccessor { private document; private _maskService; private _maskValue; private _inputValue; private _position; private _start; private _end; onChange: (_: any) => void; onTouch: () => void; constructor(document: any, _maskService: MaskService); set maskExpression(value: string); set specialCharacters(value: IConfig['specialCharacters']); set patterns(value: IConfig['patterns']); set prefix(value: IConfig['prefix']); set sufix(value: IConfig['sufix']); set dropSpecialCharacters(value: IConfig['dropSpecialCharacters']); set showMaskTyped(value: IConfig['showMaskTyped']); set showTemplate(value: IConfig['showTemplate']); set clearIfNotMatch(value: IConfig['clearIfNotMatch']); onInput(e: KeyboardEvent): void; onBlur(): void; onFocus(e: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent): void; a(e: KeyboardEvent): void; onPaste(): void; /** It writes the value in the input */ writeValue(inputValue: string): Promise; registerOnChange(fn: any): void; registerOnTouched(fn: any): void; /** It disables the input element */ setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void; private _repeatPatternSymbols; }