import { TemplateRef } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslationWidth } from '@angular/common'; import { DayTemplateContext } from './datepicker-day-template-context'; import { NgbDateStruct } from './ngb-date-struct'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; /** * A configuration service for the [`NgbDatepicker`](#/components/datepicker/api#NgbDatepicker) component. * * You can inject this service, typically in your root component, and customize the values of its properties in * order to provide default values for all the datepickers used in the application. */ export declare class NgbDatepickerConfig { dayTemplate: TemplateRef; dayTemplateData: (date: NgbDateStruct, current?: { year: number; month: number; }) => any; footerTemplate: TemplateRef; displayMonths: number; firstDayOfWeek: number; markDisabled: (date: NgbDateStruct, current?: { year: number; month: number; }) => boolean; minDate: NgbDateStruct; maxDate: NgbDateStruct; navigation: 'select' | 'arrows' | 'none'; outsideDays: 'visible' | 'collapsed' | 'hidden'; showWeekNumbers: boolean; startDate: { year: number; month: number; }; weekdays: TranslationWidth | boolean; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; }