import { _truncate, AnyObject } from '@naturalcycles/js-lib' export interface TableDiffOptions { /** * @default false */ logEmpty?: boolean /** * @default undefined * * If set - values of each field will be stringified and limited to maxFieldLen. */ maxFieldLen?: number /** * Title of the A column * * @default `a` */ aTitle?: string /** * Title of the B column * * @default `b` */ bTitle?: string } /** * Compares 2 objects, logs their differences via `console.table`. * * If `logEmpty` is set will explicitly log that fact, otherwise will log nothing. * * Function is located in nodejs-lib (not js-lib), because it's planned to improve in the future and add e.g colors (via chalk). */ export function tableDiff(a: AnyObject, b: AnyObject, opt: TableDiffOptions = {}): void { const { maxFieldLen, aTitle = 'a', bTitle = 'b' } = opt const diff: AnyObject = {} if (a && b && a !== b) { new Set([...Object.keys(a), ...Object.keys(b)]).forEach(k => { if (a[k] !== b[k]) { diff[k] = { [aTitle]: maxFieldLen && a[k] ? _truncate(String(a[k]), maxFieldLen) : a[k], [bTitle]: maxFieldLen && b[k] ? _truncate(String(b[k]), maxFieldLen) : b[k], } } }) } if (Object.keys(diff).length) { console.table(diff) } else if (opt.logEmpty) { console.log('no_difference') } }