import { pFilter, pMap, _since } from '@naturalcycles/js-lib' import * as fs from 'fs-extra' import * as globby from 'globby' import { dimGrey, yellow } from '../colors' export interface DelOptions { /** * Globby patterns. */ patterns: string[] /** * @default 0 (infinite) */ concurrency?: number verbose?: boolean silent?: boolean debug?: boolean dry?: boolean } export type DelSingleOption = string const DEF_OPT: DelOptions = { patterns: [], concurrency: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, } /** * Delete files that match input patterns. * * @experimental */ export async function del(_opt: DelOptions | DelSingleOption): Promise { const started = // Convert DelSingleOption to DelOptions if (typeof _opt === 'string') { _opt = { patterns: [_opt], } } const opt = { ...DEF_OPT, ..._opt, concurrency: _opt.concurrency || DEF_OPT.concurrency, } const { patterns, concurrency, verbose, silent, debug, dry } = opt if (debug) { console.log(opt) } // 1. glob only files, expand dirs, delete const filenames = await globby(patterns, { dot: true, expandDirectories: true, onlyFiles: true, }) if (verbose || debug || dry) { console.log(`Will delete ${yellow(filenames.length)} files:`, filenames) } if (dry) return await pMap(filenames, filepath => fs.remove(filepath), { concurrency }) // 2. glob only dirs, expand, delete only empty! let dirnames = await globby(patterns, { dot: true, expandDirectories: true, onlyDirectories: true, }) // Add original patterns (if any of them are dirs) dirnames = dirnames.concat( await pFilter(patterns, async pattern => { return (await fs.pathExists(pattern)) && (await fs.lstat(pattern)).isDirectory() }), ) const dirnamesSorted = dirnames.sort().reverse() // console.log({ dirnamesSorted }) const deletedDirs: string[] = [] for await (const dirpath of dirnamesSorted) { if (await isEmptyDir(dirpath)) { // console.log(`empty dir: ${dirpath}`) await fs.remove(dirpath) deletedDirs.push(dirpath) } } if (verbose || debug) console.log({ deletedDirs }) if (!silent) { console.log( `del deleted ${yellow(filenames.length)} files and ${yellow( deletedDirs.length, )} dirs ${dimGrey(_since(started))}`, ) } } // Improved algorithm: // 1. glob only files, expand dirs, delete // 2. glob only dirs, expand, delete only empty! // 3. test each original pattern, if it exists and is directory and is empty - delete async function isEmptyDir(dir: string): Promise { return (await fs.readdir(dir)).length === 0 }