#!/usr/bin/env node import * as yargs from 'yargs' import { dimGrey } from '../colors' import { runScript } from '../script' import { EncryptCLIOptions, secretsEncrypt } from '../secret/secrets-encrypt.util' runScript(() => { const { pattern, encKey, algorithm, del } = getEncryptCLIOptions() secretsEncrypt(pattern, encKey, algorithm, del) }) function getEncryptCLIOptions(): EncryptCLIOptions { require('dotenv').config() let { pattern, encKey, encKeyVar, algorithm, del } = yargs.options({ pattern: { type: 'string', array: true, desc: 'Globby pattern for secrets. Can be many.', // demandOption: true, default: './secret/**', }, encKey: { type: 'string', desc: 'Encryption key', // demandOption: true, // default: process.env.SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY!, }, encKeyVar: { type: 'string', desc: 'Env variable name to get `encKey` from.', default: 'SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY', }, algorithm: { type: 'string', default: 'aes-256-cbc', }, del: { type: 'boolean', desc: 'Delete source files after encryption/decryption. Be careful!', }, }).argv if (!encKey) { encKey = process.env[encKeyVar] if (encKey) { console.log(`using encKey from process.env.${dimGrey(encKeyVar)}`) } else { throw new Error( `encKey is required. Can be provided as --encKey or env.SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY (see readme.md)`, ) } } // `as any` because @types/yargs can't handle string[] type properly return { pattern: pattern as any, encKey, algorithm, del } }