/** * Like AbortSignal, but it can "abort itself" via the `.abort()` method. * * Similar to how DeferredPromise is both a Promise and has `.resolve()` and `.reject()` methods. * * This is to simplify the AbortController/AbortSignal usage. * * Before this - you need to keep track of 2 things: AbortController and AbortSignal. * * After - you are good with only AbortableSignal, which can do both. * And it's compatible with AbortSignal (because it extends it). * * @experimental */ export interface AbortableSignal extends AbortSignal { abort: AbortController['abort']; } /** * Creates AbortableSignal, * which is like AbortSignal, but can "abort itself" with `.abort()` method. * * @experimental */ export declare function createAbortableSignal(): AbortableSignal;