export interface GridClasses { /** * Styles applied to the root element of the cell with type="actions". */ actionsCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the column header when aggregated. */ aggregationColumnHeader: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the header when aggregation if `headerAlign="left"`. */ 'aggregationColumnHeader--alignLeft': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the header when aggregation if `headerAlign="center"`. */ 'aggregationColumnHeader--alignCenter': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the header when aggregation if `headerAlign="right"`. */ 'aggregationColumnHeader--alignRight': string; /** * Styles applied to the aggregation label in the column header when aggregated. */ aggregationColumnHeaderLabel: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element if `autoHeight={true}`. */ autoHeight: string; /** * Styles applied to the icon of the boolean cell. */ booleanCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if the cell is editable. */ 'cell--editable': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if the cell is in edit mode. */ 'cell--editing': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if `align="center"`. */ 'cell--textCenter': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if `align="left"`. */ 'cell--textLeft': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if `align="right"`. */ 'cell--textRight': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if the cell has a custom renderer. */ 'cell--withRenderer': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the top edge of a cell selection range. */ 'cell--rangeTop': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the bottom edge of a cell selection range. */ 'cell--rangeBottom': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the left edge of a cell selection range. */ 'cell--rangeLeft': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element if it is at the right edge of a cell selection range. */ 'cell--rangeRight': string; /** * Styles applied to the cell element. */ cell: string; /** * Styles applied to the element that wraps the cell content. */ cellContent: string; /** * Styles applied to the cell checkbox element. */ cellCheckbox: string; /** * Styles applied to the skeleton cell element. */ cellSkeleton: string; /** * Styles applied to the selection checkbox element. */ checkboxInput: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if `headerAlign="center"`. */ 'columnHeader--alignCenter': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if `headerAlign="left"`. */ 'columnHeader--alignLeft': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if `headerAlign="right"`. */ 'columnHeader--alignRight': string; /** * Styles applied to the floating column header element when it is dragged. */ 'columnHeader--dragging': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if it is being dragged. */ 'columnHeader--moving': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if the type of the column is `number`. */ 'columnHeader--numeric': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if the column is sortable. */ 'columnHeader--sortable': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if the column is sorted. */ 'columnHeader--sorted': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header if the column has a filter applied to it. */ 'columnHeader--filtered': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header element. */ columnHeader: string; /** * Styles applied to the column group header element. */ columnGroupHeader: string; /** * Styles applied to the header checkbox cell element. */ columnHeaderCheckbox: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header's draggable container element. */ columnHeaderDraggableContainer: string; /** * Styles applied to the row's draggable placeholder element inside the special row reorder cell. */ rowReorderCellPlaceholder: string; /** * Styles applied to the column headers wrapper if a column is being dragged. */ columnHeaderDropZone: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header's title element; */ columnHeaderTitle: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header's title container element. */ columnHeaderTitleContainer: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header's title excepted buttons. */ columnHeaderTitleContainerContent: string; /** * Styles applied to the column group header cell if not empty. */ 'columnHeader--filledGroup': string; /** * Styles applied to the empty column group header cell. */ 'columnHeader--emptyGroup': string; /** * Styles applied to the column group header cell when show column border. */ 'columnHeader--showColumnBorder': string; /** * Styles applied to the column headers. */ columnHeaders: string; /** * Styles applied to the column headers's inner element. */ columnHeadersInner: string; /** * Styles applied to the column headers's inner element if there is a horizontal scrollbar. */ 'columnHeadersInner--scrollable': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header separator if the column is resizable. */ 'columnSeparator--resizable': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header separator if the column is being resized. */ 'columnSeparator--resizing': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header separator if the side is "left". */ 'columnSeparator--sideLeft': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header separator if the side is "right". */ 'columnSeparator--sideRight': string; /** * Styles applied to the column header separator element. */ columnSeparator: string; /** * Styles applied to the columns panel element. */ columnsPanel: string; /** * Styles applied to the columns panel row element. */ columnsPanelRow: string; /** * Styles applied to the detail panel element. */ detailPanel: string; /** * Styles applied to the detail panels wrapper element. */ detailPanels: string; /** * Styles applied to the detail panel toggle cell element. */ detailPanelToggleCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the detail panel toggle cell element if expanded. */ 'detailPanelToggleCell--expanded': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the cell inside a footer row. */ footerCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the panel element. */ panel: string; /** * Styles applied to the panel header element. */ panelHeader: string; /** * Styles applied to the panel wrapper element. */ panelWrapper: string; /** * Styles applied to the panel content element. */ panelContent: string; /** * Styles applied to the panel footer element. */ panelFooter: string; /** * Styles applied to the paper element. */ paper: string; /** * Styles applied to root of the boolean edit component. */ editBooleanCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the root of the filter form component. */ filterForm: string; /** * Styles applied to the delete icon of the filter form component. */ filterFormDeleteIcon: string; /** * Styles applied to the link operator input of the filter form component. */ filterFormLogicOperatorInput: string; /** * Styles applied to the column input of the filter form component. */ filterFormColumnInput: string; /** * Styles applied to the operator input of the filter form component. */ filterFormOperatorInput: string; /** * Styles applied to the value input of the filter form component. */ filterFormValueInput: string; /** * Styles applied to the root of the input component. */ editInputCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the filter icon element. */ filterIcon: string; /** * Styles applied to the footer container element. */ footerContainer: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header icon's container. */ iconButtonContainer: string; /** * Styles applied to the column header separator icon element. */ iconSeparator: string; /** * Styles applied to the main container element. */ main: string; /** * Styles applied to the menu element. */ menu: string; /** * Styles applied to the menu icon element. */ menuIcon: string; /** * Styles applied to the menu icon button element. */ menuIconButton: string; /** * Styles applied to the menu icon element if the menu is open. */ menuOpen: string; /** * Styles applied to the menu list element. */ menuList: string; /** * Styles applied to the overlay wrapper element. */ overlayWrapper: string; /** * Styles applied to the overlay wrapper inner element. */ overlayWrapperInner: string; /** * Styles applied to the overlay element. */ overlay: string; /** * Styles applied to the virtualization container. */ virtualScroller: string; /** * Styles applied to the virtualization content. */ virtualScrollerContent: string; /** * Styles applied to the virtualization content when its height is bigger than the virtualization container. */ 'virtualScrollerContent--overflowed': string; /** * Styles applied to the virtualization render zone. */ virtualScrollerRenderZone: string; /** * Styles applied to the pinned columns. */ pinnedColumns: string; /** * Styles applied to the left pinned columns. */ 'pinnedColumns--left': string; /** * Styles applied to the right pinned columns. */ 'pinnedColumns--right': string; /** * Styles applied to the pinned column headers. */ pinnedColumnHeaders: string; /** * Styles applied to the left pinned column headers. */ 'pinnedColumnHeaders--left': string; /** * Styles applied to the right pinned column headers. */ 'pinnedColumnHeaders--right': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element. */ root: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element if density is "standard" (default). */ 'root--densityStandard': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element if density is "comfortable". */ 'root--densityComfortable': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element if density is "compact". */ 'root--densityCompact': string; /** * Styles applied to the root element when user selection is disabled. */ 'root--disableUserSelection': string; /** * Styles applied to the row element if the row is editable. */ 'row--editable': string; /** * Styles applied to the row element if the row is in edit mode. */ 'row--editing': string; /** * Styles applied to the floating special row reorder cell element when it is dragged. */ 'row--dragging': string; /** * Styles applied to the last visible row element on every page of the grid. */ 'row--lastVisible': string; /** * Styles applied to the row if it has dynamic row height. */ 'row--dynamicHeight': string; /** * Styles applied to the row if its detail panel is open. */ 'row--detailPanelExpanded': string; /** * Styles applied to the row element. */ row: string; /** * Styles applied to the footer row count element to show the total number of rows. * Only works when pagination is disabled. */ rowCount: string; /** * Styles applied to the row reorder cell container element. */ rowReorderCellContainer: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the row reorder cell */ rowReorderCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the row reorder cell when dragging is allowed */ 'rowReorderCell--draggable': string; /** * Styles applied to both scroll area elements. */ scrollArea: string; /** * Styles applied to the left scroll area element. */ 'scrollArea--left': string; /** * Styles applied to the right scroll area element. */ 'scrollArea--right': string; /** * Styles applied to the footer selected row count element. */ selectedRowCount: string; /** * Styles applied to the sort icon element. */ sortIcon: string; /** * Styles applied to the toolbar container element. */ toolbarContainer: string; /** * Styles applied to the toolbar filter list element. */ toolbarFilterList: string; /** * Styles applied to cells, column header and other elements that have border. * Sets border color only. */ withBorderColor: string; /** * Styles applied the cell if `showColumnVerticalBorder={true}`. */ 'cell--withRightBorder': string; /** * Styles applied the column header if `showColumnVerticalBorder={true}`. */ 'columnHeader--withRightBorder': string; /** * Styles applied to the root of the grouping column of the tree data. */ treeDataGroupingCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the toggle of the grouping cell of the tree data. */ treeDataGroupingCellToggle: string; /** * Styles applied to the root element of the grouping criteria cell */ groupingCriteriaCell: string; /** * Styles applied to the toggle of the grouping criteria cell */ groupingCriteriaCellToggle: string; /** * Styles applied to the pinned rows container. */ pinnedRows: string; /** * Styles applied to the top pinned rows container. */ 'pinnedRows--top': string; /** * Styles applied to the bottom pinned rows container. */ 'pinnedRows--bottom': string; /** * Styles applied to pinned rows render zones. */ pinnedRowsRenderZone: string; } export type GridClassKey = keyof GridClasses; export declare function getDataGridUtilityClass(slot: string): string; export declare const gridClasses: Record;