import * as React from 'react'; import { OverrideProps, OverridableStringUnion } from '@mui/types'; import { PopperProps } from '@mui/base/Popper'; import { MenuActions } from '@mui/base/Menu'; import { ColorPaletteProp, VariantProp, SxProps, ApplyColorInversion } from '../styles/types'; import { SlotProps, CreateSlotsAndSlotProps } from '../utils/types'; export type MenuSlot = 'root'; export interface MenuSlots { /** * The component that renders the root. * @default 'ul' */ root?: React.ElementType; } export type MenuSlotsAndSlotProps = CreateSlotsAndSlotProps; }>; export interface MenuPropsSizeOverrides { } export interface MenuPropsColorOverrides { } export interface MenuPropsVariantOverrides { } export type { MenuActions } from '@mui/base/Menu'; export interface MenuTypeMap

{ props: P & { /** * A ref with imperative actions. * It allows to select the first or last menu item. */ actions?: React.Ref; /** * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component. * @default 'neutral' */ color?: OverridableStringUnion; /** * The component used for the root node. * Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. */ component?: React.ElementType; /** * If `true`, the children with an implicit color prop invert their colors to match the component's variant and color. * @default false */ invertedColors?: boolean; /** * Triggered when focus leaves the menu and the menu should close. */ onClose?: () => void; /** * Function called when the items displayed in the menu change. */ onItemsChange?: (items: string[]) => void; /** * Controls whether the menu is displayed. * @default false */ open?: boolean; /** * The size of the component (affect other nested list* components because the `Menu` inherits `List`). * @default 'md' */ size?: OverridableStringUnion<'sm' | 'md' | 'lg', MenuPropsSizeOverrides>; /** * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. */ sx?: SxProps; /** * The [global variant]( to use. * @default 'outlined' */ variant?: OverridableStringUnion; } & MenuSlotsAndSlotProps & Omit; defaultComponent: D; } export type MenuProps = OverrideProps, D>; export interface MenuOwnerState extends ApplyColorInversion { }