import * as React from 'react'; import { OverridableStringUnion, OverrideProps } from '@mui/types'; import { ColorPaletteProp, SxProps, VariantProp, ApplyColorInversion } from '../styles/types'; import { CreateSlotsAndSlotProps, SlotProps } from '../utils/types'; export type ListItemSlot = 'root' | 'startAction' | 'endAction'; export interface ListItemSlots { /** * The component that renders the root. * @default 'li' */ root?: React.ElementType; /** * The component that renders the start action. * @default 'div' */ startAction?: React.ElementType; /** * The component that renders the end action. * @default 'div' */ endAction?: React.ElementType; } export interface ListItemPropsVariantOverrides { } export interface ListItemPropsColorOverrides { } export type ListItemSlotsAndSlotProps = CreateSlotsAndSlotProps; startAction: SlotProps<'div', {}, ListItemOwnerState>; endAction: SlotProps<'div', {}, ListItemOwnerState>; }>; export interface ListItemTypeMap

{ props: P & ListItemSlotsAndSlotProps & { /** * The color of the component. It supports those theme colors that make sense for this component. * @default 'neutral' */ color?: OverridableStringUnion; /** * The content of the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * The element to display at the start of ListItem. */ startAction?: React.ReactNode; /** * The element to display at the end of ListItem. */ endAction?: React.ReactNode; /** * If `true`, the component can contain NestedList. * @default false */ nested?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the component has sticky position (with top = 0). * @default false */ sticky?: boolean; /** * The [global variant]( to use. * @default 'plain' */ variant?: OverridableStringUnion; /** * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. */ sx?: SxProps; }; defaultComponent: D; } export type ListItemProps = OverrideProps, D>; export interface ListItemOwnerState extends ApplyColorInversion { /** * If `true`, the element is rendered in a horizontal list. * @internal */ row: boolean; /** * If `true`, the element is rendered in a wrapped list. * @internal */ wrap: boolean; /** * If `true`, the element is rendered in a nested list item. */ nesting: boolean | string; /** * @internal * The internal prop for controlling CSS margin of the element. */ 'data-first-child'?: boolean; }