Mobiscroll CLI changelog v 1.10.1 - 17 Apr 2023 * Fixed: We fixed a bug that prevented the version 4 library installation with the -no-npm flag in Angular projects v 1.10.0 - 13 Apr 2023 * New: We added support for Angular standalone components. * New: We added support for Ionic 7 Angular applications which are using standalone Angular components by default. * Fixed: We prevented the Angular Ivy package installation for previos unsupported versions. v 1.9.0 - 30 Mar 2023 * New: Added Angular Ivy support for Angular version 13 and higher. v 1.8.1 - 4 Apr 2023 * Fixed: We fixed the yarn 2+ config where the AUTH_TOKEN was not updated in the .yarnrc.yml when a new token was generated in the .npmrc file. v 1.8.0 - 6 Dec 2022 * New: We added the `--legacy-peer-deps` flag that will be transmitted to internally executed npm install command. * Fixed: We fixed the yarn 2+ config where the content of the .yarnrc.yml file was overwritten. * Fixed: We adjusted the scss import in case of Angular config to work with Angular 15. v 1.7.3 - 22 Sep 2022 * Fixed: solved deprecation warnings by removing the npm-registry-client dependency and replaced with a local solution. * Fixed: solved the vulnerability error by removing the git-clone package which was causing it and replacing with a local solution. v 1.7.2 - 17 Jun 2022 * Fixed: We fixed the yarn 2+ config where on some cases the npm auth token copy from the .npmrc gave error. v 1.7.1 - 11 May 2022 * Fixed: We fixed the `--proxy` parameter to pass it down to the `npm` and `yarn` calls, so the config command runs, even if proxy options are not set in the npm/yarn config, or in the system environment variables. v 1.7.0 - 17 Nov 2021 * New: We added support for yarn 2+. The cli takes the npm auth token from the .npmrc file and creates .yarnrc.yml to make sure the mobiscroll install gets authenticated. * Fixed: passed down proxy url to the npm registry client. * Fixed: Updated outdated packages. v 1.6.0 - 2 Mar 2021 * New: We switched from the deprecated request library to axios for the internal requests. * New: We added esm build support for the packages created with the no-npm config. * New: We improved on the Mobiscroll v5 react usage instructions. * Fixed: We fixed the unhandled package.json error message when the CLI was not executed in the root folder of the application. * Fixed: We fixed the missing MbscModule module problem in angular apps. The module was removed when the config command was re-executed. * Fixed: We fixed the `--scss` and `--css` flags doesn't removed the previous style import. * Fixed: We fixed the v5 angular config which always loaded the css even if the scss option was selected. * Fixed: We fixed the update process which was exiting in case of an unsuccessful update. v 1.5.8 - 2 Dec 2020 * New: added support for v5 trial installation and improved on the version flag. It is possible to pass main versions to the flag and it will install the latest from the passed version. v 1.5.7 - 20 Nov 2020 * Fixed: We fixed series of error messages which occurred when the package.json didn't have dependencies property. * Fixed: We prevented the error which occurred if the npm install didn't return the package with the installed version. v 1.5.6 - 2 Jul 2020 * Fixed: We fixed the start command which was incorrectly detecting the user's framework. v 1.5.5 - 1 Jul 2020 * Fixed: We fixed scss font path variable pointed to a wrong path in case of angular 10 and no-npm config. v 1.5.4 - 25 Jun 2020 * Fixed: We fixed and improved on the warning message which is appearing when the user doesn't have an appropriate license to install mobiscroll from npm. v 1.5.3 - 16 Jun 2020 * Fixed: We fixed the angular module detection in case of an Ionic 5 apps. It only displayed the routing modules of the pages. v 1.5.2 - 4 May 2020 * Fixed: We fixed a bug which was present in the no-npm config with sass stylesheet. An angular specific replace in the scss was applied to other frameworks and it caused the problems. v 1.5.1 - 20 Apr 2020 * Fixed: npm install version check gave an error if beta version was installed. v 1.5.0 - 17 Apr 2020 * New: added compatibility with Mobiscroll version 5. * Fixed: fixed `--scss` flag was not working if the project was already configured with css. * Fixed: no-npm config didn't complete the package generation if yarn was used. v 1.4.0 - 25 Feb 2020 * New: start command now supports ionic-react apps. * New: start ionic-angular command now installs Ionic v5 based apps. For ionic 4 based app implemented an `--ionic-version=4` flag. * Fixed: config ionic command duplicated mobiscroll imports in react apps. v 1.3.5 - 22 Jan 2020 * Fixed: Config angular gave an error with older angular cli apps. The command searched for a `style.scss` file even if the app didn't have scss config. * Fixed: Improved angular config feedback messages. v 1.3.4 - 22 Jan 2020 * Fixed: yarn detection was improved, before it didn't detect correctly if the yarn is installed on system. * Fixed: error occured when scss stylesheet was selected in Angular CLI app and it wasn configurated with only css. * Fixed: rxsj-compat package detection on osx. v 1.3.3 - 7 Jan 2020 * Fixed: Ionic --no-npm config crashing. It gave the following error: `TypeError: Cannot read property 'dependencies' of undefined`. v 1.3.2 - 6 Jan 2020 * Fixed: Ionic 3 config was crashing. It gave the following error: `no such file or directory, open ''`. v 1.3.1 - 16 Dec 2019 * Fixed: Previously configured css/scss versions wasn't detected by the config command in case of angular-cli based apps. * Fixed: js and css file detection check was not correct in case of no-npm config * Fixed: Get rid of `UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning` warnings. * Fixed: no-npm config update grabbed the older package instead of the newly generated one. * Fixed: modified angular config to do not replace modules which are already present in the module file. v 1.3.0 - 27 Nov 2019 * Fixed: angular `--no-npm` includes the esm5 file in the generated package, required by Ivy. v 1.2.1 - 30 Sep 2019 * Fixed: angular `--no-npm` config version check error. v 1.2.0 - 27 Sep 2019 * New: angular config won't install rxjs-compat package starting form Mobiscroll v4.8.2. * New: config command will install the trial version if the user has a different or old license. v 1.1.1 - 30 Aug 2019 * Fixed: `start` command failed when trying to install mobiscroll to the created starter app. v 1.1.0 - 12 Aug 2019 * New: config ionic now support's ionic react based applications. * Fixed: Exit configuration process if the command is not executed on the root folder where the `pacakge.json` is located. v 1.0.0 - 4 Jul 2019 * New: added `--css` flag to force css style config. * New: ionic config detects previously used style type. It can be override with the `--css` and `--scss` flags. v 0.10.3 - 12 Jun 2019 * Fixed: ionic 3 config font loading errors in case of scss style. v 0.10.2 - 4 Jun 2019 * Fixed: older angular cli config `not a directory` error. v 0.10.1 - 28 May 2019 * Fixed: changing config from css to scss improvements and fixes. v 0.10.0 - 17 May 2019 * New: added scss config support. v 0.9.2 - 26 Mar 2019 * Fixed: --no-npm install package caching problem with yarn. v 0.9.1 - 20 Mar 2019 * New: Detect yarn and use it's commands where the project was configured with it. * New: Improved no access to package feedback message. v 0.9.0 - 14 Mar 2019 * New: Improved failed npm install feedback messages. * New: Reduced async operations. v 0.8.9 - 13 Nov 2018 * Fixed: Updated package versions. Older inquer(v3.x) was not working with newer node versions. * New: New proxy flag where the user can define a proxy URL which will be passed to the internal requests. v 0.8.8 - 10 Oct 2018 * Fixed: config angular --no-npm wasn't clearing unused files. v 0.8.7 - 20 Sept 2018 * Fixed: config angular errors during the stylesheet configuration. (The angular-cli modified the structure of it's angular.json config file. Added support for both of the configurations). v 0.8.6 - 11 Sep 2018 * New: Copying font files to the public folder in case of meteor app. Fixed angular typescript check which was giving error if no devDependencies were found in the package.json. v 0.8.5 - 14 aug 2018 * New: support for ionic 4 based app v 0.8.4 - 13 aug 2018 * Fixed: trial version of angular config v 0.8.3 - 3 aug 2018 * New: Added angular and react project support for start command. * Fixed: add feedback message when Logout command didn't find .npmrc file. v 0.8.2 - 3 aug 2018 * Fixed: Ionic 3 config css link v 0.8.0 - 2 aug 2018 * New: support for ionic 4 based app * Fixed: no-npm install fixes v 0.7.1 - 19 jul 2018 * Fixed: `-v`(version) flag * New: print warning on unknown command, v 0.7.0 - 19 jul 2018 * New: `start` command for creating starter apps. v 0.6.4 - 11 jul 2018 * New: Modified --no-npm version info. It is get from the local file instead of an apicall. * Fixed:typo fixes * Fixed:react install instruction fixes * Fixed: no-npm remove unused file fixes v 0.6.3 - 9 jul 2018 * New: handle non angular-cli based config angular installs v 0.6.2 - 4 jul 2018 * Fixed: modified http links to https v 0.6.1 - 22 jun 2018 * Fixed: fix mobiscroll logout command v 0.6.0 - 20 jun 2018 * New: .npmrc file will be generated in the working directory by default and added --global flag to modify this. * New: config command new --version flag * New: print warnings if the config ionic command is used in older ionic projects v 0.5.1 - 14 may 2018 * Fixed: updated getApiKey request, used request.get instead of http.get * New: added angular cli v6 support v 0.5.0 - 29 mar 2018 * New: unified trial & package names * New: config angular command installs rxjs-compat package v 0.4.8 - 5 mar 2018 * Fixed: angular config lite/trial old lite replace fix * Fixed: normalizing line endings v 0.4.4 - 21 Feb 2018 * Fixed: trial config fix * Fixed: no-npm support errors v 0.4.0 - * New: added support for `react`, `javascript`, `jquery`, `angularjs` config v 0.3.1 * New: added separate help for the config command. * Fixed: added description for lazy flag. * Fixed: ioni-pro command error v 0.3.0 - 21 dec 2017 * New: add `ionic-pro` command to config * New: added `--lazy` flag * New: Use local npm-login instead of git and removed assets copy from copy script. v 0.2.2 - 11 dec 2017 * Fixed: removed harmony flag for fixing compatibility problems * New: remove trial/nontrial packages from package.json if the other version is installed v 0.2.1 - 5 oct 2017 * New: config command ask for email and username v 0.2.0 - 4 oct 2017 * New: angular configuration v 0.1.4 - 2 oct 2017 * Fixed: npm install error message improvements v 0.1.3 - 29 sept 2017 * Fixed: npm login/logout issues v 0.1.2 - 29 sept 2017 * New: npm login/logout support v 0.1.1 - 28 sept - 2017 * Fixed: Error message improvements v 0.1.0 * New: Introducing Mobiscroll CLI with ionic configuration tool