import isBlob from 'is-blob'; import parse from './parse.js'; import WebSocket from 'isomorphic-ws'; import endpoints from './endpoints.js'; import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3'; import { Bar, Channel, DataSource, DefaultCredentials, Quote, Trade, TradeUpdate, Message, Endpoints, } from './entities.js'; export declare interface Events { open: (stream: AlpacaStream) => void; close: (stream: AlpacaStream) => void; authenticated: (stream: AlpacaStream) => void; success: (message: Message) => void; error: (message: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => void; subscription: (message: Message) => void; message: (message: Object) => void; trade_updates: (update: TradeUpdate) => void; trade: (trade: Trade) => void; quote: (quote: Quote) => void; bar: (bar: Bar) => void; } export declare interface AlpacaStream { on(event: U, listener: Events[U]): this; once(event: U, listener: Events[U]): this; emit( event: U, ...args: Parameters ): boolean; } export class AlpacaStream extends EventEmitter { private host: string; private connection: WebSocket; private authenticated: boolean; private baseURLs: Endpoints = endpoints; constructor( protected params: { credentials: DefaultCredentials; type: 'account' | 'market_data'; source?: DataSource; endpoints?: Endpoints | Map; }, ) { // construct EventEmitter super(); // override endpoints if custom provided if ('endpoints' in params) { this.baseURLs = Object.assign(endpoints, params.endpoints); } if ( // if not specified !('paper' in params.credentials) && // and live key isn't already provided !('key' in params.credentials && params.credentials.key.startsWith('A')) ) { params.credentials['paper'] = true; } // assign the host we will connect to switch (params.type) { case 'account': = params.credentials.paper ? this.baseURLs.websocket.account.replace('api.', 'paper-api.') : this.baseURLs.websocket.account; break; case 'market_data': = this.baseURLs.websocket.market_data(this.params.source); break; default: = 'unknown'; } this.connection = new WebSocket(; this.connection.onopen = () => { let message = {}; switch (this.params.type) { case 'account': message = { action: 'authenticate', data: { key_id: params.credentials.key, secret_key: params.credentials.secret, }, }; break; case 'market_data': // {"action":"auth","key":"PK*****","secret":"*************"} message = { action: 'auth', ...params.credentials }; break; } this.connection.send(JSON.stringify(message)); // pass through this.emit('open', this); }; // pass through this.connection.onclose = () => this.emit('close', this); this.connection.onmessage = async (event: any) => { let data =; if (isBlob(data)) { data = await; } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { data = String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(; } let parsed = JSON.parse(data), messages = this.params.type == 'account' ? [parsed] : parsed; messages.forEach((message: any) => { // pass the message this.emit('message', message); // pass authenticated event if ('T' in message && message.msg == 'authenticated') { this.authenticated = true; this.emit('authenticated', this); } else if ('stream' in message && == 'authorization') { if ( == 'authorized') { this.authenticated = true; this.emit('authenticated', this); } } // pass trade_updates event if ('stream' in message && == 'trade_updates') { this.emit('trade_updates', parse.trade_update(; } // pass trade, quote, bar event const x: { [index: string]: keyof Events } = { success: 'success', subscription: 'subscription', error: 'error', t: 'trade', q: 'quote', b: 'bar', }; if ('T' in message) { this.emit(x[message.T.split('.')[0]], message); } }); }; // pass the error this.connection.onerror = (err: WebSocket.ErrorEvent) => { this.emit('error', err); }; } /** * Retrieve the underlying WebSocket connection AlpacaStream uses. * Now callers can read and modify properties of the web socket * i.e., close the websocket with AlpacaStream.getConnection().close(). * @returns a WebSocket object */ getConnection() { return this.connection; } /** * Subscribe to an account or data stream channel. * @param channel trades, quotes, bars, trade_updates * @param symbols only use with data stream ex. [ "AAPL", "TSLA", ... ] */ subscribe(channel: Channel, symbols: string[] = []) { switch (this.params.type) { case 'account': // {"action":"listen","data":{"streams":["trade_updates"]}} this.send( JSON.stringify({ action: 'listen', data: { streams: [channel] } }), ); break; case 'market_data': // {"action":"subscribe","trades":["AAPL"],"quotes":["AMD","CLDR"],"bars":["AAPL","VOO"]} let message: any = { action: 'subscribe' }; message[channel] = symbols; this.send(JSON.stringify(message)); break; } return this; } /** * Unsubscribe to an account or data stream channel. * @param channel trades, quotes, bars, trade_updates * @param symbols only use with data stream ex. [ "AAPL", "TSLA", ... ] */ unsubscribe(channel: Channel, symbols: string[] = []) { switch (this.params.type) { case 'account': // {"action":"unlisten","data":{"streams":["trade_updates"]}} this.send( JSON.stringify({ action: 'unlisten', data: { streams: [channel] } }), ); break; case 'market_data': // {"action":"unsubscribe","trades":["AAPL"],"quotes":["AMD","CLDR"],"bars":["AAPL","VOO"]} let message: any = { action: 'unsubscribe' }; message[channel] = symbols; this.send(JSON.stringify(message)); break; } return this; } private send(message: any) { // don't bother if we aren't authenticated if (!this.authenticated) { throw new Error('not authenticated'); } // if the message is in object form, stringify it for the user if (typeof message == 'object') { message = JSON.stringify(message); } // send it off this.connection.send(message); // chainable return return this; } }