import React from 'react'; import { css, cx } from '@leafygreen-ui/emotion'; import { useDarkMode } from '@leafygreen-ui/leafygreen-provider'; import { Polymorphic, PolymorphicAs, usePolymorphic, } from '@leafygreen-ui/polymorphic'; import { fontWeights as fontWeightTokens } from '@leafygreen-ui/tokens'; import { baseTypographyStyles, bodyTypeScaleStyles, defaultTextColor, } from '../styles'; import { useUpdatedBaseFontSize } from '../utils/useUpdatedBaseFontSize'; import { BaseBodyProps } from './Body.types'; const Body = Polymorphic( ({ baseFontSize: baseFontSizeOverride, darkMode: darkModeProp, className, weight = 'regular', as = 'p' as PolymorphicAs, }) => { const { theme } = useDarkMode(darkModeProp); const baseFontSize = useUpdatedBaseFontSize(baseFontSizeOverride); const { Component } = usePolymorphic(as); // Currently hardcoding selectors to keys; could consider a dynamic solution that runs once const fontWeight = css` font-weight: ${fontWeightTokens[weight]}; strong, b { font-weight: ${fontWeightTokens.bold}; } `; return ( ); }, ); Body.displayName = 'Body'; export default Body;