import { Logger } from "@lbu/insight"; import { ExecOptions, SpawnOptions } from "child_process"; interface UuidFunc { /** * Return a new uuid v4 */ (): string; /** * Returns true if value conforms a basic uuid structure. * This check is case-insensitive. */ isValid(value: any): boolean; } /** * Return a new uuid v4 * @example * ```js * uuid(); * // => f3283b08-08c4-43fc-9fa6-e36c0ab2b61a * ``` */ export declare const uuid: UuidFunc; /** * AppErrors represent errors, that should immediately stop the request and return a * status and other meta data directly * @example * ```js * new AppError(401, "error.server.unauthorized"); * AppError.validationError("validation.string.length", { message: "String should have at * least 3 characters" }); AppError.serverError({}, new Error("Oopsie")); * ``` */ export class AppError extends Error { /** * Key is preferred to be in the following format * ``` * "" * "error.server.notImplemented" * ``` */ public key: string; /** * Status number to send to the api client */ public status: number; /** * Extra information in the form of an object for the client to use */ public info: T; /** * Optional original error that was thrown */ public originalError?: Error; /** * Create a new AppError */ constructor(key: string, status: number, info?: T, originalError?: Error); /** * Check if value contains the properties to at least act like a valid AppError */ static instanceOf(value: unknown): value is AppError; /** * Create a new 404 not found error */ static notFound(info?: T, error?: Error): AppError; /** * Create a new 405 not implemented error */ static notImplemented(info?: T, error?: Error): AppError; /** * Create a new 500 internal server error */ static serverError(info?: T, error?: Error): AppError; /** * Create a new 400 validation error */ static validationError( key: string, info?: T, error?: Error, ): AppError; /** * Format errors recursively */ static format( e: AppError | Error, skipStack?: boolean, ): | { key: string; status: number; info: T; originalError: any; stack: string[]; } | { name: string; message: string; stack: string[] }; } /** * Check if item is null or undefined * @example * ```js * isNil(null); * // => true * isNil(undefined); * // => true * isNil({}); * // => false * ``` */ export function isNil( value: T | null | undefined, ): value is null | undefined; /** * Check if item is a plain javascript object * Not completely bullet proof * @example * ```js * isPlainObject("foo"); * // => false * isPlainObject(new (class Foo {})); * // => false * isPlainObject([]); * // => false * isPlainObject({}); * // => true * ``` */ export function isPlainObject(obj: any): boolean; /** * Re expose lodash.merge * TODO: Note that lodash.merge is deprecated although it doesnt say so when installing * **Note:** This method mutates `object`. * @example * ```js * merge({}, {}); * // => {} * merge({}, { foo: true}); * // => { foo: true } * merge({ bar: 1 }, { bar: 2 }); * // => { bar: 2 } * ``` */ export function merge(object: any, ...sources: any[]): any; /** * Flattens the given nested object, skipping anything that is not a plain object * @example * ```js * flatten({ foo: { bar: 2 } }); * // => { "": 2 } * ``` */ export function flatten( object: any, result?: any, path?: string, ): { [key: string]: any }; /** * Opposite of flatten * @example * ```js * unFlatten({ "": 2}); * // => { foo: { bar: 2 } } * ``` */ export function unFlatten(data?: { [keys: string]: any }): any; /** * Convert a camelCase string to a snake_case string * * @example * ```js * camelToSnakeCase("fooBBar"); * // => "foo_b_bar" * ``` */ export function camelToSnakeCase(input: string): string; /** * Promisify version of child_process#exec * @example * ```js * exec("uname -m"); * // => Promise<{ stdout: "x86_64\n", stderr: "", exitCode: 0 }> * ``` */ export function exec( command: string, opts?: ExecOptions, ): Promise<{ stdout: string; stderr: string; exitCode: number }>; /** * A promise wrapper around child_process#spawn * @example * ```js * spawn("ls", ["-al"], { cwd: "/home" }); * // => Promise<{ exitCode: 0 }> * ``` */ export function spawn( command: string, args: string[], opts?: SpawnOptions, ): Promise<{ exitCode: number }>; /** * Read a readable stream completely, and return as Buffer */ export function streamToBuffer(stream: ReadableStream): Promise; /** * Options for processDirectoryRecursive and processDirectoryRecursiveSync */ export interface ProcessDirectoryOptions { /** * Skip node_modules directory, true by default */ skipNodeModules?: boolean; /** * Skip files and directories starting with a '.', true * by default */ skipDotFiles?: boolean; } /** * Recursively walks directory async and calls cb on all files * */ export function processDirectoryRecursive( dir: string, cb: (file: string) => Promise | void, opts?: ProcessDirectoryOptions, ): Promise; /** * Recursively walks directory synchronous and calls cb on all files */ export function processDirectoryRecursiveSync( dir: string, cb: (file: string) => void, opts?: ProcessDirectoryOptions, ): void; /** * Reexport of path#join * @example * ```js * pathJoin("/foo", "bar"); * // => "/foo/bar" * ``` */ export function pathJoin( string[]): string; /** * Return seconds since unix epoch */ export function getSecondsSinceEpoch(): number; /** * An empty function, doing exactly nothing but returning undefined. */ export function noop(): void; /** * HACKY * Let V8 know to please run the garbage collector. */ export function gc(): void; export interface MainFnCallback { (logger: Logger): void | Promise; } /** * Run the provided cb if this file is the process entrypoint * Will also load dotenv before executing the provided callback. * Another side effect is that a process listener is added for warnings */ export function mainFn(meta: ImportMeta, cb: MainFnCallback): void; /** * Return filename for ES Module * Alternative to CommonJS __filename */ export function filenameForModule(meta: ImportMeta): string; /** * Return dirname for ES Module * Alternative to CommonJS __dirname */ export function dirnameForModule(meta: ImportMeta): string; /** * Returns whether NODE_ENV === "production" */ export function isProduction(): boolean; /** * Returns whether NODE_ENV !== "production" OR IS_STAGING === "true" */ export function isStaging(): boolean;