import * as React from 'react'; import { Style, PageSize, FontStore, PDFVersion, Orientation, SourceObject, HyphenationCallback, SVGPresentationAttributes, } from '@lachie-pdf/types'; declare namespace ReactPDF { interface Styles { [key: string]: Style; } interface OnRenderProps { blob?: Blob; } interface DocumentProps { title?: string; author?: string; subject?: string; creator?: string; keywords?: string; producer?: string; language?: string; pdfVersion?: PDFVersion; onRender?: (props: OnRenderProps) => any; children?: React.ReactNode; } /** * This component represent the PDF document itself. It must be the root * of your tree element structure, and under no circumstances should it be * used as children of another react-pdf component. In addition, it should * only have childs of type . */ class Document extends React.Component {} interface NodeProps { id?: string; style?: Style | Style[]; /** * Render component in all wrapped pages. * @see */ fixed?: boolean; /** * Force the wrapping algorithm to start a new page when rendering the * element. * @see */ break?: boolean; /** * Hint that no page wrapping should occur between all sibling elements following the element within n points * @see */ minPresenceAhead?: number; } interface PageProps extends NodeProps { /** * Enable page wrapping for this page. * @see */ wrap?: boolean; /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; size?: PageSize; orientation?: Orientation; children?: React.ReactNode; } /** * Represents single page inside the PDF document, or a subset of them if * using the wrapping feature. A can contain as many pages as * you want, but ensure not rendering a page inside any component besides * Document. */ class Page extends React.Component {} interface ViewProps extends NodeProps { id?: string; /** * Enable/disable page wrapping for element. * @see */ wrap?: boolean; /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; render?: (props: { pageNumber: number; subPageNumber: number; }) => React.ReactNode; children?: React.ReactNode; } /** * The most fundamental component for building a UI and is designed to be * nested inside other views and can have 0 to many children. */ class View extends React.Component {} interface BaseImageProps extends NodeProps { /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; cache?: boolean; } interface ImageWithSrcProp extends BaseImageProps { src: SourceObject; } interface ImageWithSourceProp extends BaseImageProps { source: SourceObject; } type ImageProps = ImageWithSrcProp | ImageWithSourceProp; /** * A React component for displaying network or local (Node only) JPG or * PNG images, as well as base64 encoded image strings. */ class Image extends React.Component {} interface TextProps extends NodeProps { id?: string; /** * Enable/disable page wrapping for element. * @see */ wrap?: boolean; /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; render?: (props: { pageNumber: number; totalPages: number; subPageNumber: number; subPageTotalPages: number; }) => React.ReactNode; children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Override the default hyphenation-callback * @see */ hyphenationCallback?: HyphenationCallback; /** * Specifies the minimum number of lines in a text element that must be shown at the bottom of a page or its container. * @see */ orphans?: number; /** * Specifies the minimum number of lines in a text element that must be shown at the top of a page or its container.. * @see */ widows?: number; } interface SVGTextProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; x: string | number; y: string | number; /** * Override the default hyphenation-callback * @see */ hyphenationCallback?: HyphenationCallback; } /** * A React component for displaying text. Text supports nesting of other * Text or Link components to create inline styling. */ class Text extends React.Component {} interface LinkProps extends NodeProps { /** * Enable/disable page wrapping for element. * @see */ wrap?: boolean; /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; src: string; children?: React.ReactNode; } /** * A React component for displaying a hyperlink. Link’s can be nested * inside a Text component, or being inside any other valid primitive. */ class Link extends React.Component {} interface NoteProps extends NodeProps { children: string; } class Note extends React.Component {} interface CanvasProps extends NodeProps { /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; paint: ( painter: any, availableWidth: number, availableHeight: number, ) => null; } class Canvas extends React.Component {} interface SVGProps extends NodeProps { /** * Enables debug mode on page bounding box. * @see */ debug?: boolean; width?: string | number; height?: string | number; viewBox?: string; preserveAspectRatio?: string; } /** * The element is a container that defines a new coordinate system and viewport. It is used as the outermost element of SVG documents. */ class Svg extends React.Component {} interface LineProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; x1: string | number; x2: string | number; y1: string | number; y2: string | number; } /** * The element is used to create a line. */ class Line extends React.Component {} interface PolylineProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; points: string; } /** * The element is used to create any shape that consists of only straight lines (that is connected at several points). */ class Polyline extends React.Component {} interface PolygonProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; points: string; } /** * The element is used to create a graphic that contains at least three sides. * Polygons are made of straight lines, and the shape is "closed" (all the lines connect up). */ class Polygon extends React.Component {} interface PathProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; d: string; } /** * The element is the most powerful element in the SVG library of basic shapes. It can be used to create lines, curves, arcs, and more. */ class Path extends React.Component {} interface RectProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; x: string | number; y: string | number; width: string | number; height: string | number; rx?: string | number; ry?: string | number; } /** * The element is used to create a rectangle and variations of a rectangle shape. */ class Rect extends React.Component {} interface CircleProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; cx: string | number; cy: string | number; r: string | number; } /** * The element is used to create a circle. */ class Circle extends React.Component {} interface EllipseProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { style?: SVGPresentationAttributes; cx: string | number; cy: string | number; rx: string | number; ry: string | number; } /** * The element is used to create an ellipse. * An ellipse is closely related to a circle. The difference is that an ellipse has an x and a y radius that differs from each other, while a circle has equal x and y radius. */ class Ellipse extends React.Component {} interface TspanProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes { x?: string | number; y?: string | number; } /** * The element defines a subtext within a element or another element. * It allows for adjustment of the style and/or position of that subtext as needed. */ class Tspan extends React.Component {} interface GProps extends SVGPresentationAttributes {} /** * The SVG element is a container used to group other SVG elements. * Transformations applied to the element are performed on its child elements, and its attributes are inherited by its children. */ class G extends React.Component {} interface StopProps { offset: string | number; stopColor: string; stopOpacity?: string | number; } /** * The SVG element defines a color and its position to use on a gradient. This element is always a child of a or element */ class Stop extends React.Component {} interface DefsProps {} /** * The element is used to store graphical objects that will be used at a later time. Objects created inside a element are not rendered directly. To display them you have to reference them */ class Defs extends React.Component {} interface ClipPathProps { id?: string; } /** * The SVG element defines a clipping path, to be used by the clipPath property. * A clipping path restricts the region to which paint can be applied. Conceptually, parts of the drawing that lie outside of the region bounded by the clipping path are not drawn. */ class ClipPath extends React.Component {} interface LinearGradientProps { id: string; x1: string | number; x2: string | number; y1: string | number; y2: string | number; } /** * The element lets authors define linear gradients that can be applied to fill or stroke of graphical elements. */ class LinearGradient extends React.Component {} interface RadialGradientProps { id: string; cx: string | number; cy: string | number; fr: string | number; fx: string | number; fy: string | number; } /** * The element lets authors define radial gradients that can be applied to fill or stroke of graphical elements. */ class RadialGradient extends React.Component {} interface BlobProviderParams { blob: Blob | null; url: string | null; loading: boolean; error: Error | null; } interface BlobProviderProps { document: React.ReactElement; children: (params: BlobProviderParams) => React.ReactNode; } /** * Easy and declarative way of getting document's blob data without * showing it on screen. * @see * @platform web */ class BlobProvider extends React.Component {} interface PDFViewerProps { width?: number | string; height?: number | string; style?: Style | Style[]; className?: string; children?: React.ReactElement; innerRef?: React.Ref; showToolbar?: boolean; } /** * Iframe PDF viewer for client-side generated documents. * @platform web */ class PDFViewer extends React.Component {} interface PDFDownloadLinkProps { document: React.ReactElement; fileName?: string; style?: Style | Style[]; className?: string; children?: | React.ReactNode | ((params: BlobProviderParams) => React.ReactNode); onClick?: Function; } /** * Anchor tag to enable generate and download PDF documents on the fly. * @see * @platform web */ class PDFDownloadLink extends React.Component {} interface UsePDFInstance { loading: boolean; blob: Blob | null; url: string | null; error: string | null; } /** * React hook for creating and updating a PDF document instance * @platform web */ function usePDF(options: { document: React.ReactElement; }): [UsePDFInstance, () => void]; const Font: FontStore; const StyleSheet: { create: (styles: T) => T; }; const version: any; const PDFRenderer: any; const pdf: ( initialValue?: React.ReactElement, ) => { container: any; isDirty: () => boolean; toString: () => string; toBlob: () => Promise; toBuffer: () => Promise; on: (event: 'change', callback: () => void) => void; updateContainer: (document: React.ReactElement) => void; removeListener: (event: 'change', callback: () => void) => void; }; const renderToStream: ( document: React.ReactElement, ) => Promise; const renderToString: (document: React.ReactElement) => Promise; const renderToFile: ( document: React.ReactElement, filePath: string, callback?: (output: NodeJS.ReadableStream, filePath: string) => any, ) => Promise; const render: typeof renderToFile; } declare const pdf: typeof ReactPDF.pdf; declare const Document: typeof ReactPDF.Document; declare const Page: typeof ReactPDF.Page; declare const View: typeof ReactPDF.View; declare const Image: typeof ReactPDF.Image; declare const Text: typeof ReactPDF.Text; declare const Canvas: typeof ReactPDF.Canvas; declare const Link: typeof ReactPDF.Link; declare const Note: typeof ReactPDF.Note; declare const Svg: typeof ReactPDF.Svg; declare const Line: typeof ReactPDF.Line; declare const Polyline: typeof ReactPDF.Polyline; declare const Polygon: typeof ReactPDF.Polygon; declare const Path: typeof ReactPDF.Path; declare const Rect: typeof ReactPDF.Rect; declare const Circle: typeof ReactPDF.Circle; declare const Ellipse: typeof ReactPDF.Ellipse; declare const Tspan: typeof ReactPDF.Tspan; declare const G: typeof ReactPDF.G; declare const Stop: typeof ReactPDF.Stop; declare const Defs: typeof ReactPDF.Defs; declare const ClipPath: typeof ReactPDF.ClipPath; declare const LinearGradient: typeof ReactPDF.LinearGradient; declare const RadialGradient: typeof ReactPDF.RadialGradient; declare const Font: typeof ReactPDF.Font; declare const StyleSheet: typeof ReactPDF.StyleSheet; declare const PDFRenderer: typeof ReactPDF.PDFRenderer; declare const version: typeof ReactPDF.version; declare const renderToFile: typeof ReactPDF.renderToFile; declare const renderToString: typeof ReactPDF.renderToString; declare const renderToStream: typeof ReactPDF.renderToStream; declare const usePDF: typeof ReactPDF.usePDF; declare const PDFViewer: typeof ReactPDF.PDFViewer; declare const BlobProvider: typeof ReactPDF.BlobProvider; declare const PDFDownloadLink: typeof ReactPDF.PDFDownloadLink; export default ReactPDF; export { pdf, Document, Page, View, Image, Text, Canvas, Link, Note, Svg, Line, Polyline, Polygon, Path, Rect, Circle, Ellipse, Tspan, G, Stop, Defs, ClipPath, LinearGradient, RadialGradient, Font, StyleSheet, PDFRenderer, version, renderToFile, renderToStream, renderToString, usePDF, PDFViewer, BlobProvider, PDFDownloadLink, };