import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/promise/types'; import { GenericExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/types/extrinsic'; /** * 'Staked': Rewards are paid into the stash account, increasing the amount at stake accordingly. * 'Stash': Rewards are paid into the stash account, not increasing the amount at stake. * 'Controller': Rewards are paid into the controller account * Custom account address: Rewards are paid into the custom account address */ export type DotRewardDestination = 'Staked' | 'Stash' | 'Controller' | string; export type DotStakeOptions = { controllerAccount?: string; rewardDestination?: DotRewardDestination; }; export type DotTx = { from: string; submittableExtrinsic: SubmittableExtrinsic; }; export type DotSignedTx = { data: { extrinsic: SubmittableExtrinsic; }; }; export type DotTxHash = { data: { tx_hash: string; }; }; export type DotTxStatus = { data: { status: 'success' | 'error'; extrinsic: GenericExtrinsic; error: string | null; }; };