declare namespace javax { namespace xml { namespace bind { namespace Marshaller { /** *

* Register an instance of an implementation of this class with a {@link Marshaller} to externally listen * for marshal events. *


* This class enables pre and post processing of each marshalled object. * The event callbacks are called when marshalling from an instance that maps to an xml element or * complex type definition. The event callbacks are not called when marshalling from an instance of a * Java datatype that represents a simple type definition. *


* External listener is one of two different mechanisms for defining marshal event callbacks. * See Marshal Event Callbacks for an overview. * @see Marshaller#setListener(Listener) * @see Marshaller#getListener() * @since JAXB2.0 */ // @ts-ignore abstract class Listener extends java.lang.Object { // @ts-ignore constructor() /** *

* Callback method invoked before marshalling from source to XML. *


* This method is invoked just before marshalling process starts to marshal source. * Note that if the class of source defines its own beforeMarshal method, * the class specific callback method is invoked just before this method is invoked. * @param source instance of JAXB mapped class prior to marshalling from it. */ // @ts-ignore public beforeMarshal(source: java.lang.Object | any): void /** *

* Callback method invoked after marshalling source to XML. *


* This method is invoked after source and all its descendants have been marshalled. * Note that if the class of source defines its own afterMarshal method, * the class specific callback method is invoked just before this method is invoked. * @param source instance of JAXB mapped class after marshalling it. */ // @ts-ignore public afterMarshal(source: java.lang.Object | any): void } } } } }