declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace text { /** * DefaultFormatter formats arbitrary objects. Formatting is done * by invoking the toString method. In order to convert the * value back to a String, your class must provide a constructor that * takes a String argument. If no single argument constructor that takes a * String is found, the returned value will be the String passed into * stringToValue. *

* Instances of DefaultFormatter can not be used in multiple * instances of JFormattedTextField. To obtain a copy of * an already configured DefaultFormatter, use the * clone method. *

* Warning: * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running * the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage * of all JavaBeans™ * has been added to the java.beans package. * Please see {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}. * @see javax.swing.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore class DefaultFormatter extends javax.swing.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter implements java.lang.Cloneable, { /** * Creates a DefaultFormatter. */ // @ts-ignore constructor() /** * Installs the DefaultFormatter onto a particular * JFormattedTextField. * This will invoke valueToString to convert the * current value from the JFormattedTextField to * a String. This will then install the Actions from * getActions, the DocumentFilter * returned from getDocumentFilter and the * NavigationFilter returned from * getNavigationFilter onto the * JFormattedTextField. *

* Subclasses will typically only need to override this if they * wish to install additional listeners on the * JFormattedTextField. *

* If there is a ParseException in converting the * current value to a String, this will set the text to an empty * String, and mark the JFormattedTextField as being * in an invalid state. *

* While this is a public method, this is typically only useful * for subclassers of JFormattedTextField. * JFormattedTextField will invoke this method at * the appropriate times when the value changes, or its internal * state changes. * @param ftf JFormattedTextField to format for, may be null indicating * uninstall from current JFormattedTextField. */ // @ts-ignore public install(ftf: javax.swing.JFormattedTextField): void /** * Sets when edits are published back to the * JFormattedTextField. If true, commitEdit * is invoked after every valid edit (any time the text is edited). On * the other hand, if this is false than the DefaultFormatter * does not publish edits back to the JFormattedTextField. * As such, the only time the value of the JFormattedTextField * will change is when commitEdit is invoked on * JFormattedTextField, typically when enter is pressed * or focus leaves the JFormattedTextField. * @param commit Used to indicate when edits are committed back to the * JTextComponent */ // @ts-ignore public setCommitsOnValidEdit(commit: boolean): void /** * Returns when edits are published back to the * JFormattedTextField. * @return true if edits are committed after every valid edit */ // @ts-ignore public getCommitsOnValidEdit(): boolean /** * Configures the behavior when inserting characters. If * overwriteMode is true (the default), new characters * overwrite existing characters in the model. * @param overwriteMode Indicates if overwrite or overstrike mode is used */ // @ts-ignore public setOverwriteMode(overwriteMode: boolean): void /** * Returns the behavior when inserting characters. * @return true if newly inserted characters overwrite existing characters */ // @ts-ignore public getOverwriteMode(): boolean /** * Sets whether or not the value being edited is allowed to be invalid * for a length of time (that is, stringToValue throws * a ParseException). * It is often convenient to allow the user to temporarily input an * invalid value. * @param allowsInvalid Used to indicate if the edited value must always * be valid */ // @ts-ignore public setAllowsInvalid(allowsInvalid: boolean): void /** * Returns whether or not the value being edited is allowed to be invalid * for a length of time. * @return false if the edited value must always be valid */ // @ts-ignore public getAllowsInvalid(): boolean /** * Sets that class that is used to create new Objects. If the * passed in class does not have a single argument constructor that * takes a String, String values will be used. * @param valueClass Class used to construct return value from * stringToValue */ // @ts-ignore public setValueClass(valueClass: java.lang.Class): void /** * Returns that class that is used to create new Objects. * @return Class used to construct return value from stringToValue */ // @ts-ignore public getValueClass(): java.lang.Class /** * Converts the passed in String into an instance of * getValueClass by way of the constructor that * takes a String argument. If getValueClass * returns null, the Class of the current value in the * JFormattedTextField will be used. If this is null, a * String will be returned. If the constructor throws an exception, a * ParseException will be thrown. If there is no single * argument String constructor, string will be returned. * @throws ParseException if there is an error in the conversion * @param string String to convert * @return Object representation of text */ // @ts-ignore public stringToValue(string: java.lang.String | string): any /** * Converts the passed in Object into a String by way of the * toString method. * @throws ParseException if there is an error in the conversion * @param value Value to convert * @return String representation of value */ // @ts-ignore public valueToString(value: java.lang.Object | any): string /** * Returns the DocumentFilter used to restrict the characters * that can be input into the JFormattedTextField. * @return DocumentFilter to restrict edits */ // @ts-ignore getDocumentFilter(): javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter /** * Returns the NavigationFilter used to restrict where the * cursor can be placed. * @return NavigationFilter to restrict navigation */ // @ts-ignore getNavigationFilter(): javax.swing.text.NavigationFilter /** * Creates a copy of the DefaultFormatter. * @return copy of the DefaultFormatter */ // @ts-ignore public clone(): any } } } }