declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace plaf { namespace metal { /** * The metal look and feel implementation of TreeUI. *

* MetalTreeUI allows for configuring how to * visually render the spacing and delineation between nodes. The following * hints are supported: * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A line is drawn connecting the child to the parent. For handling * of the root node refer to * {@link javax.swing.JTree#setRootVisible} and * {@link javax.swing.JTree#setShowsRootHandles}. *


A horizontal line is drawn dividing the children of the root node.


Do not draw any visual indication between nodes.

* As it is typically impractical to obtain the TreeUI from * the JTree and cast to an instance of MetalTreeUI * you enable this property via the client property * JTree.lineStyle. For example, to switch to * Horizontal style you would do: * tree.putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Horizontal"); *

* The default is Angled. * @author Tom Santos * @author Steve Wilson (value add stuff) */ // @ts-ignore class MetalTreeUI extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTreeUI { // @ts-ignore constructor() // @ts-ignore public static createUI(x: javax.swing.JComponent): javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI // @ts-ignore getHorizontalLegBuffer(): number /*int*/ // @ts-ignore public installUI(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void // @ts-ignore public uninstallUI(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void /** * this function converts between the string passed into the client property * and the internal representation (currently and int) */ // @ts-ignore decodeLineStyle(lineStyleFlag: java.lang.Object | any): void // @ts-ignore isLocationInExpandControl(row: number /*int*/, rowLevel: number /*int*/, mouseX: number /*int*/, mouseY: number /*int*/): boolean // @ts-ignore public paint(g: java.awt.Graphics, c: javax.swing.JComponent): void // @ts-ignore paintHorizontalSeparators(g: java.awt.Graphics, c: javax.swing.JComponent): void // @ts-ignore paintVerticalPartOfLeg(g: java.awt.Graphics, clipBounds: java.awt.Rectangle, insets: java.awt.Insets, path: javax.swing.tree.TreePath): void // @ts-ignore paintHorizontalPartOfLeg(g: java.awt.Graphics, clipBounds: java.awt.Rectangle, insets: java.awt.Insets, bounds: java.awt.Rectangle, path: javax.swing.tree.TreePath, row: number /*int*/, isExpanded: boolean, hasBeenExpanded: boolean, isLeaf: boolean): void } } } } }