declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace plaf { namespace basic { /** * A Basic L&F implementation of ToolBarUI. This implementation * is a "combined" view/controller. *

* @author Georges Saab * @author Jeff Shapiro */ // @ts-ignore class BasicToolBarUI extends javax.swing.plaf.ToolBarUI implements javax.swing.SwingConstants { // @ts-ignore constructor() // @ts-ignore toolBar: javax.swing.JToolBar // @ts-ignore dragWindow: javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow // @ts-ignore focusedCompIndex: number /*int*/ // @ts-ignore dockingColor: java.awt.Color // @ts-ignore floatingColor: java.awt.Color // @ts-ignore dockingBorderColor: java.awt.Color // @ts-ignore floatingBorderColor: java.awt.Color // @ts-ignore dockingListener: javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener // @ts-ignore propertyListener: java.beans.PropertyChangeListener // @ts-ignore toolBarContListener: java.awt.event.ContainerListener // @ts-ignore toolBarFocusListener: java.awt.event.FocusListener // @ts-ignore constraintBeforeFloating: java.lang.String | string /** * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no * longer used. * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to * the key bindings specification for further details. * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3. */ // @ts-ignore upKey: javax.swing.KeyStroke /** * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no * longer used. * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to * the key bindings specification for further details. * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3. */ // @ts-ignore downKey: javax.swing.KeyStroke /** * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no * longer used. * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to * the key bindings specification for further details. * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3. */ // @ts-ignore leftKey: javax.swing.KeyStroke /** * As of Java 2 platform v1.3 this previously undocumented field is no * longer used. * Key bindings are now defined by the LookAndFeel, please refer to * the key bindings specification for further details. * @deprecated As of Java 2 platform v1.3. */ // @ts-ignore rightKey: javax.swing.KeyStroke // @ts-ignore public static createUI(c: javax.swing.JComponent): javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI // @ts-ignore public installUI(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void // @ts-ignore public uninstallUI(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void // @ts-ignore installDefaults(): void // @ts-ignore uninstallDefaults(): void // @ts-ignore installComponents(): void // @ts-ignore uninstallComponents(): void // @ts-ignore installListeners(): void // @ts-ignore uninstallListeners(): void // @ts-ignore installKeyboardActions(): void // @ts-ignore uninstallKeyboardActions(): void // @ts-ignore navigateFocusedComp(direction: number /*int*/): void /** * Creates a rollover border for toolbar components. The * rollover border will be installed if rollover borders are * enabled. *

* Override this method to provide an alternate rollover border. * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore createRolloverBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border /** * Creates the non rollover border for toolbar components. This * border will be installed as the border for components added * to the toolbar if rollover borders are not enabled. *

* Override this method to provide an alternate rollover border. * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore createNonRolloverBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border /** * No longer used, use BasicToolBarUI.createFloatingWindow(JToolBar) * @see #createFloatingWindow */ // @ts-ignore createFloatingFrame(toolbar: javax.swing.JToolBar): javax.swing.JFrame /** * Creates a window which contains the toolbar after it has been * dragged out from its container * @return a RootPaneContainer object, containing the toolbar. * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore createFloatingWindow(toolbar: javax.swing.JToolBar): javax.swing.RootPaneContainer // @ts-ignore createDragWindow(toolbar: javax.swing.JToolBar): javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow /** * Returns a flag to determine whether rollover button borders * are enabled. * @return true if rollover borders are enabled; false otherwise * @see #setRolloverBorders * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore public isRolloverBorders(): boolean /** * Sets the flag for enabling rollover borders on the toolbar and it will * also install the appropriate border depending on the state of the flag. * @param rollover if true, rollover borders are installed. * Otherwise non-rollover borders are installed * @see #isRolloverBorders * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore public setRolloverBorders(rollover: boolean): void /** * Installs rollover borders on all the child components of the JComponent. *

* This is a convenience method to call setBorderToRollover * for each child component. * @param c container which holds the child components (usually a JToolBar) * @see #setBorderToRollover * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore installRolloverBorders(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void /** * Installs non-rollover borders on all the child components of the JComponent. * A non-rollover border is the border that is installed on the child component * while it is in the toolbar. *

* This is a convenience method to call setBorderToNonRollover * for each child component. * @param c container which holds the child components (usually a JToolBar) * @see #setBorderToNonRollover * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore installNonRolloverBorders(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void /** * Installs normal borders on all the child components of the JComponent. * A normal border is the original border that was installed on the child * component before it was added to the toolbar. *

* This is a convenience method to call setBorderNormal * for each child component. * @param c container which holds the child components (usually a JToolBar) * @see #setBorderToNonRollover * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore installNormalBorders(c: javax.swing.JComponent): void /** * Sets the border of the component to have a rollover border which * was created by the {@link #createRolloverBorder} method. * @param c component which will have a rollover border installed * @see #createRolloverBorder * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore setBorderToRollover(c: java.awt.Component): void /** * Returns a rollover border for the button. * @param b the button to calculate the rollover border for * @return the rollover border * @see #setBorderToRollover * @since 1.6 */ // @ts-ignore getRolloverBorder(b: javax.swing.AbstractButton): javax.swing.border.Border /** * Sets the border of the component to have a non-rollover border which * was created by the {@link #createNonRolloverBorder} method. * @param c component which will have a non-rollover border installed * @see #createNonRolloverBorder * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore setBorderToNonRollover(c: java.awt.Component): void /** * Returns a non-rollover border for the button. * @param b the button to calculate the non-rollover border for * @return the non-rollover border * @see #setBorderToNonRollover * @since 1.6 */ // @ts-ignore getNonRolloverBorder(b: javax.swing.AbstractButton): javax.swing.border.Border /** * Sets the border of the component to have a normal border. * A normal border is the original border that was installed on the child * component before it was added to the toolbar. * @param c component which will have a normal border re-installed * @see #createNonRolloverBorder * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore setBorderToNormal(c: java.awt.Component): void // @ts-ignore public setFloatingLocation(x: number /*int*/, y: number /*int*/): void // @ts-ignore public isFloating(): boolean // @ts-ignore public setFloating(b: boolean, p: java.awt.Point): void // @ts-ignore public setOrientation(orientation: number /*int*/): void /** * Gets the color displayed when over a docking area */ // @ts-ignore public getDockingColor(): java.awt.Color /** * Sets the color displayed when over a docking area */ // @ts-ignore public setDockingColor(c: java.awt.Color): void /** * Gets the color displayed when over a floating area */ // @ts-ignore public getFloatingColor(): java.awt.Color /** * Sets the color displayed when over a floating area */ // @ts-ignore public setFloatingColor(c: java.awt.Color): void // @ts-ignore public canDock(c: java.awt.Component, p: java.awt.Point): boolean // @ts-ignore dragTo(position: java.awt.Point, origin: java.awt.Point): void // @ts-ignore floatAt(position: java.awt.Point, origin: java.awt.Point): void // @ts-ignore createToolBarContListener(): java.awt.event.ContainerListener // @ts-ignore createToolBarFocusListener(): java.awt.event.FocusListener // @ts-ignore createPropertyListener(): java.beans.PropertyChangeListener // @ts-ignore createDockingListener(): javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener // @ts-ignore createFrameListener(): java.awt.event.WindowListener /** * Paints the contents of the window used for dragging. * @param g Graphics to paint to. * @throws NullPointerException is g is null * @since 1.5 */ // @ts-ignore paintDragWindow(g: java.awt.Graphics): void } } } } }