declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace plaf { namespace basic { /** * Provides the Windows look and feel for a password field. * The only difference from the standard text field is that * the view of the text is simply a string of the echo * character as specified in JPasswordField, rather than the * real text contained in the field. * @author Timothy Prinzing */ // @ts-ignore class BasicPasswordFieldUI extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextFieldUI { // @ts-ignore constructor() /** * Creates a UI for a JPasswordField. * @param c the JPasswordField * @return the UI */ // @ts-ignore public static createUI(c: javax.swing.JComponent): javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI /** * Fetches the name used as a key to look up properties through the * UIManager. This is used as a prefix to all the standard * text properties. * @return the name ("PasswordField") */ // @ts-ignore getPropertyPrefix(): string /** * Installs the necessary properties on the JPasswordField. * @since 1.6 */ // @ts-ignore installDefaults(): void /** * Creates a view (PasswordView) for an element. * @param elem the element * @return the view */ // @ts-ignore public create(elem: javax.swing.text.Element): javax.swing.text.View } } } } }