declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace plaf { namespace basic { /** * Factory object that can vend Borders appropriate for the basic L & F. * @author Georges Saab * @author Amy Fowler */ // @ts-ignore class BasicBorders extends java.lang.Object { // @ts-ignore constructor() // @ts-ignore public static getButtonBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getRadioButtonBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getToggleButtonBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getMenuBarBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getSplitPaneBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border /** * Returns a border instance for a JSplitPane divider * @since 1.3 */ // @ts-ignore public static getSplitPaneDividerBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getTextFieldBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getProgressBarBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border // @ts-ignore public static getInternalFrameBorder(): javax.swing.border.Border } } } } }