declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace filechooser { /** * FileFilter is an abstract class used by {@code JFileChooser} * for filtering the set of files shown to the user. See * {@code FileNameExtensionFilter} for an implementation that filters using * the file name extension. *

* A FileFilter * can be set on a JFileChooser to * keep unwanted files from appearing in the directory listing. * For an example implementation of a simple file filter, see * yourJDK/demo/jfc/FileChooserDemo/ * For more information and examples see * How to Use File Choosers, * a section in The Java Tutorial. * @see FileNameExtensionFilter * @see javax.swing.JFileChooser#setFileFilter * @see javax.swing.JFileChooser#addChoosableFileFilter * @author Jeff Dinkins */ // @ts-ignore abstract class FileFilter extends java.lang.Object { // @ts-ignore constructor() /** * Whether the given file is accepted by this filter. */ // @ts-ignore public abstract accept(f: boolean /** * The description of this filter. For example: "JPG and GIF Images" * @see FileView#getName */ // @ts-ignore public abstract getDescription(): string } } } }