declare namespace javax { namespace swing { /** * SortOrder is an enumeration of the possible sort orderings. * @see RowSorter * @since 1.6 */ // @ts-ignore class SortOrder extends java.lang.Enum { /** * Enumeration value indicating the items are sorted in increasing order. * For example, the set 1, 4, 0 sorted in * ASCENDING order is 0, 1, 4. */ // @ts-ignore public static readonly ASCENDING: javax.swing.SortOrder /** * Enumeration value indicating the items are sorted in decreasing order. * For example, the set 1, 4, 0 sorted in * DESCENDING order is 4, 1, 0. */ // @ts-ignore public static readonly DESCENDING: javax.swing.SortOrder /** * Enumeration value indicating the items are unordered. * For example, the set 1, 4, 0 in * UNSORTED order is 1, 4, 0. */ // @ts-ignore public static readonly UNSORTED: javax.swing.SortOrder // @ts-ignore public static values(): javax.swing.SortOrder[] // @ts-ignore public static valueOf(name: java.lang.String | string): javax.swing.SortOrder } } }