declare namespace javax { namespace swing { namespace JTable { /** * Printing modes, used in printing JTables. * @see #print(JTable.PrintMode, MessageFormat, MessageFormat, * boolean, PrintRequestAttributeSet, boolean) * @see #getPrintable * @since 1.5 */ // @ts-ignore class PrintMode extends java.lang.Enum { /** * Printing mode that prints the table at its current size, * spreading both columns and rows across multiple pages if necessary. */ // @ts-ignore public static readonly NORMAL: javax.swing.JTable.PrintMode /** * Printing mode that scales the output smaller, if necessary, * to fit the table's entire width (and thereby all columns) on each page; * Rows are spread across multiple pages as necessary. */ // @ts-ignore public static readonly FIT_WIDTH: javax.swing.JTable.PrintMode // @ts-ignore public static values(): javax.swing.JTable.PrintMode[] // @ts-ignore public static valueOf(name: java.lang.String | string): javax.swing.JTable.PrintMode } } } }