declare namespace javax { namespace sql { namespace rowset { namespace spi { /** * A specialized interface that facilitates an extension of the * SyncProvider abstract class for XML orientated * synchronization providers. *

* SyncProvider implementations that supply XML data reader * capabilities such as output XML stream capabilities can implement this * interface to provide standard XmlReader objects to * WebRowSet implementations. *

* An XmlReader object is registered as the * XML reader for a WebRowSet by being assigned to the * rowset's xmlReader field. When the WebRowSet * object's readXml method is invoked, it in turn invokes * its XML reader's readXML method. */ // @ts-ignore interface XmlReader extends javax.sql.RowSetReader { /** * Reads and parses the given WebRowSet object from the given * input stream in XML format. The xmlReader field of the * given WebRowSet object must contain this * XmlReader object. *

* If a parsing error occurs, the exception that is thrown will * include information about the location of the error in the * original XML document. * @param caller the WebRowSet object to be parsed, whose * xmlReader field must contain a reference to * this XmlReader object * @param reader the object from which * caller will be read * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or * this XmlReader object is not the reader * for the given rowset */ // @ts-ignore readXML(caller: javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet, reader: void } } } } }