declare namespace javax { namespace management { namespace modelmbean { /** *

The ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object describes a notification emitted * by a ModelMBean. * It is a subclass of MBeanNotificationInfo with the addition of an * associated Descriptor and an implementation of the Descriptor interface.


* The fields in the descriptor are defined, but not limited to, the following. * Note that when the Type in this table is Number, a String that is the decimal * representation of a Long can also be used.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
nameStringNotification name.
descriptorTypeStringMust be "notification".
severityNumber0-6 where 0: unknown; 1: non-recoverable; * 2: critical, failure; 3: major, severe; * 4: minor, marginal, error; 5: warning; * 6: normal, cleared, informative
messageIDStringUnique key for message text (to allow translation, analysis).
messageTextStringText of notification.
logStringT - log message, F - do not log message.
logfileStringfully qualified file name appropriate for operating system.
visibilityNumber1-4 where 1: always visible 4: rarely visible.
presentationStringStringXML formatted string to allow presentation of data.

The default descriptor contains the name, descriptorType, * displayName and severity(=6) fields. The default value of the name * and displayName fields is the name of the Notification class (as * specified by the name parameter of the * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo constructor).


The serialVersionUID of this class is -7445681389570207141L. * @since 1.5 */ // @ts-ignore class ModelMBeanNotificationInfo extends implements { /** * Constructs a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object with a default * descriptor. * @param notifTypes The array of strings (in dot notation) containing * the notification types that may be emitted. * @param name The name of the Notification class. * @param description A human readable description of the * Notification. Optional. */ // @ts-ignore constructor(notifTypes: java.lang.String[] | string[], name: java.lang.String | string, description: java.lang.String | string) /** * Constructs a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object. * @param notifTypes The array of strings (in dot notation) * containing the notification types that may be emitted. * @param name The name of the Notification class. * @param description A human readable description of the Notification. * Optional. * @param descriptor An instance of Descriptor containing the * appropriate metadata for this instance of the * MBeanNotificationInfo. If it is null a default descriptor * will be created. If the descriptor does not contain the * fields "displayName" or "severity", * the missing ones are added with their default values. * @exception RuntimeOperationsException Wraps an * {#link IllegalArgumentException}. The descriptor is invalid, or * descriptor field "name" is not equal to parameter name, or * descriptor field "descriptorType" is not equal to "notification". */ // @ts-ignore constructor(notifTypes: java.lang.String[] | string[], name: java.lang.String | string, description: java.lang.String | string, descriptor: /** * Constructs a new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object from this * ModelMBeanNotfication Object. * @param inInfo the ModelMBeanNotificationInfo to be duplicated */ // @ts-ignore constructor(inInfo: /** * Creates and returns a new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo which is a * duplicate of this ModelMBeanNotificationInfo. */ // @ts-ignore public clone(): any /** * Returns a copy of the associated Descriptor for the * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo. * @return Descriptor associated with the * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object. * @see #setDescriptor */ // @ts-ignore public getDescriptor(): /** * Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo If the new Descriptor is null, * then the associated Descriptor reverts to a default * descriptor. The Descriptor is validated before it is * assigned. If the new Descriptor is invalid, then a * RuntimeOperationsException wrapping an * IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * @param inDescriptor replaces the Descriptor associated with the * ModelMBeanNotification interface * @exception RuntimeOperationsException Wraps an * {#link IllegalArgumentException} for invalid Descriptor. * @see #getDescriptor */ // @ts-ignore public setDescriptor(inDescriptor: void /** * Returns a human readable string containing * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo. * @return a string describing this object. */ // @ts-ignore public toString(): string } } } }