declare namespace java { namespace rmi { namespace server { /** * An obsolete subclass of {@link ExportException}. * @author Ann Wollrath * @since JDK1.1 * @deprecated This class is obsolete. Use {#link ExportException} instead. */ // @ts-ignore class SocketSecurityException extends java.rmi.server.ExportException { /** * Constructs an SocketSecurityException with the specified * detail message. * @param s the detail message. * @since JDK1.1 */ // @ts-ignore constructor(s: java.lang.String | string) /** * Constructs an SocketSecurityException with the specified * detail message and nested exception. * @param s the detail message. * @param ex the nested exception * @since JDK1.1 */ // @ts-ignore constructor(s: java.lang.String | string, ex: java.lang.Exception) } } } }