declare namespace java { namespace net { /** * Utility class for HTML form decoding. This class contains static methods * for decoding a String from the application/x-www-form-urlencoded * MIME format. *

* The conversion process is the reverse of that used by the URLEncoder class. It is assumed * that all characters in the encoded string are one of the following: * "{@code a}" through "{@code z}", * "{@code A}" through "{@code Z}", * "{@code 0}" through "{@code 9}", and * "{@code -}", "{@code _}", * "{@code .}", and "{@code *}". The * character "{@code %}" is allowed but is interpreted * as the start of a special escaped sequence. *

* The following rules are applied in the conversion: *


* There are two possible ways in which this decoder could deal with * illegal strings. It could either leave illegal characters alone or * it could throw an {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException}. * Which approach the decoder takes is left to the * implementation. * @author Mark Chamness * @author Michael McCloskey * @since 1.2 */ // @ts-ignore class URLDecoder extends java.lang.Object { // @ts-ignore constructor() /** * Decodes a {@code x-www-form-urlencoded} string. * The platform's default encoding is used to determine what characters * are represented by any consecutive sequences of the form * "{@code %xy}". * @param s the {#code String} to decode * @deprecated The resulting string may vary depending on the platform's * default encoding. Instead, use the decode(String,String) method * to specify the encoding. * @return the newly decoded {#code String} */ // @ts-ignore public static decode(s: java.lang.String | string): string /** * Decodes a {@code application/x-www-form-urlencoded} string using a specific * encoding scheme. * The supplied encoding is used to determine * what characters are represented by any consecutive sequences of the * form "{@code %xy}". *

* Note: The * World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation states that * UTF-8 should be used. Not doing so may introduce * incompatibilities. * @param s the {#code String} to decode * @param enc The name of a supported * character * encoding. * @return the newly decoded {#code String} * @exception UnsupportedEncodingException * If character encoding needs to be consulted, but * named character encoding is not supported * @see URLEncoder#encode(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * @since 1.4 */ // @ts-ignore public static decode(s: java.lang.String | string, enc: java.lang.String | string): string } } }