declare namespace java { namespace lang { namespace ref { /** * SoftReference objects are used to detect referents which * are no longer visible and who's memory is to be reclaimed. * @author OTI * @version initial * @since 1.2 */ // @ts-ignore class SoftReference extends java.lang.ref.Reference { /** * Constructs a new instance of this class. * @param r referent to track. * @param q queue to register to the reference object with. */ // @ts-ignore constructor(r: T, q: java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue) /** * Constructs a new instance of this class. * @param r referent to track. */ // @ts-ignore constructor(r: T) /** * Return the referent of the reference object. * @return Referent to which reference refers, * or null if object has been cleared. */ // @ts-ignore public get(): T } } } }