import * as React from 'react'; import type { CommonProps, PolymorphicComponentProps, PolymorphicForwardRefComponent } from '../utils/index.js'; import '@itwin/itwinui-css/css/surface.css'; declare type SurfaceHeaderOwnProps = {}; export declare type SurfaceHeaderProps = PolymorphicComponentProps; declare type SurfaceBodyOwnProps = { /** * Gives padding to the surface body */ isPadded?: boolean; }; export declare type SurfaceBodyProps = PolymorphicComponentProps; export declare type SurfaceProps = { /** * Sets the elevation of the surface */ elevation?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5; /** * Content in the surface. */ children: React.ReactNode; } & Omit; /** * The Surface container allows content to appear elevated through the use of a drop shadow * @example * Surface Content * Surface Content * * Surface Header Content * Surface Body Content * */ export declare const Surface: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<{ /** * Sets the elevation of the surface */ elevation?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | undefined; /** * Content in the surface. */ children: React.ReactNode; } & Omit & React.RefAttributes> & { /** * Surface header subcomponent */ Header: PolymorphicForwardRefComponent<"div", SurfaceHeaderOwnProps>; /** * Surface body subcomponent. Additional padding can be added to the body through the 'isPadded' prop */ Body: PolymorphicForwardRefComponent<"div", SurfaceBodyOwnProps>; }; export default Surface;