import { MetadataGroup } from '../definitions'; import { LoggerLevel } from './logger'; export declare type ColorFunction = (...text: string[]) => string; export declare type LoggerColors = { [L in LoggerLevel]: ColorFunction; }; export declare type HelpGroupColors = { [G in Exclude]: ColorFunction; }; export interface HelpColors { /** * Used to color the section titles in help output. */ title: ColorFunction; group: HelpGroupColors; } export interface Colors { /** * Used to mark text as important. Comparable to HTML's . */ strong: ColorFunction; /** * Used to mark text as less important. */ weak: ColorFunction; /** * Used to mark text as input such as commands, inputs, options, etc. */ input: ColorFunction; /** * Used to mark text as successful. */ success: ColorFunction; /** * Used to mark text as failed. */ failure: ColorFunction; /** * Used to mark text as ancillary or supportive. */ ancillary: ColorFunction; log: LoggerColors; help: HelpColors; } export declare const DEFAULT_COLORS: Colors; export declare const NO_COLORS: Colors;