import { IonicNativePlugin } from '@ionic-native/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; export declare enum Connection { UNKNOWN = 0, ETHERNET = 1, WIFI = 2, CELL_2G = 3, CELL_3G = 4, CELL_4G = 5, CELL = 6, NONE = 7 } /** * @name Network * @premier network-information * @description * Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-network-information. For more info, please see the [Network plugin docs]( * * @usage * ```typescript * import { Network } from '@ionic-native/network/ngx'; * * constructor(private network: Network) { } * * ... * * // watch network for a disconnection * let disconnectSubscription = => { * console.log('network was disconnected :-('); * }); * * // stop disconnect watch * disconnectSubscription.unsubscribe(); * * * // watch network for a connection * let connectSubscription = => { * console.log('network connected!'); * // We just got a connection but we need to wait briefly * // before we determine the connection type. Might need to wait. * // prior to doing any api requests as well. * setTimeout(() => { * if ( === 'wifi') { * console.log('we got a wifi connection, woohoo!'); * } * }, 3000); * }); * * // stop connect watch * connectSubscription.unsubscribe(); * * ``` * @advanced * The `type` property will return one of the following connection types: `unknown`, `ethernet`, `wifi`, `2g`, `3g`, `4g`, `cellular`, `none` */ export declare class NetworkOriginal extends IonicNativePlugin { /** * Constants for possible connection types */ Connection: { UNKNOWN: string; ETHERNET: string; WIFI: string; CELL_2G: string; CELL_3G: string; CELL_4G: string; CELL: string; NONE: string; }; /** * Connection type * @return {string} */ type: string; /** * Downlink Max Speed * @return {string} */ downlinkMax: string; /** * Returns an observable to watch connection changes * @return {Observable} */ onChange(): Observable; /** * Get notified when the device goes offline * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable. */ onDisconnect(): Observable; /** * Get notified when the device goes online * @returns {Observable} Returns an observable. */ onConnect(): Observable; } export declare const Network: NetworkOriginal;