import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers" import { expect } from "chai" import { BigNumber, Contract } from "ethers" import { ethers } from "hardhat" import fixture from "./fixture" export async function getOwnerAccount(): Promise { return (await ethers.getSigners())[0] } export async function makeAccountGenerator(): Promise<()=>SignerWithAddress> { let accounts = await ethers.getSigners() //removes the default owner, which is accounts[0] accounts.splice(0,1) function* nextAccount() { let index = 0 while (true) { yield accounts[index%accounts.length] index++ } } let newNextAccountGen = nextAccount() return () =>! } export function getAmountOut(amountIn: BigNumber, reserveIn: BigNumber, reserveOut: BigNumber) { const amountInWithFee = amountIn.mul(997); const numerator = amountInWithFee.mul(reserveOut); const denominator = reserveIn.mul(1000).add(amountInWithFee); return numerator.div(denominator); } export async function getTokenContract(tokenAddress: string): Promise { return await ethers.getContractAt("IPangolinERC20", tokenAddress) } export async function getPairContract(pairAddress: string): Promise { return await ethers.getContractAt("IPangolinPair", pairAddress) } export async function getWAVAXContract(): Promise { return await ethers.getContractAt("IWAVAX", fixture.Tokens.WAVAX) } export async function fundWAVAX(account: SignerWithAddress, amount: BigNumber) { const WAVAX = await getWAVAXContract() await WAVAX.connect(account).deposit({value: amount}) expect(await WAVAX.balanceOf(account.address)).to.gte(amount) } export async function fundToken(account: SignerWithAddress, tokenToFund: string, amountAvax: BigNumber): Promise { const WAVAX = await ethers.getContractAt("IWAVAX", fixture.Tokens.WAVAX) //we're already funded in this case if (tokenToFund == WAVAX.address) return amountAvax const tokenContract = await getTokenContract(tokenToFund) type TokenSymbol = keyof typeof fixture.Pairs.AVAX const tokenSymbol = await tokenContract.symbol() as TokenSymbol if (!(tokenSymbol in fixture.Pairs.AVAX)) throw `No valid pair for AVAX-${tokenSymbol} required to fund the account with 1INCH from WAVAX` const pairAddress: string = fixture.Pairs.AVAX[tokenSymbol] const fundPairContract = await ethers.getContractAt("IPangolinPair", pairAddress) let [reserves0, reserves1] = await fundPairContract.getReserves() const token0: string = await fundPairContract.token0() if (token0 != fixture.Tokens.WAVAX) [reserves0, reserves1] = [reserves1, reserves0] expect(await WAVAX.balanceOf(account.address)).to.gte(amountAvax) await WAVAX.connect(account).transfer(fundPairContract.address, amountAvax) let amountOut0 = BigNumber.from(0) let amountOut1 = getAmountOut(amountAvax, reserves0, reserves1) if (token0 != fixture.Tokens.WAVAX) [amountOut0, amountOut1] = [amountOut1, amountOut0] expect(amountOut0.add(amountOut1), "Not enough AVAX used, value is 0 due to rounding issues, use a bigger amountAvax").to.not.equal(0) await fundPairContract.connect(account).swap(amountOut0, amountOut1, account.address, []) return await tokenContract.balanceOf(account.address) } export async function fundLiquidityToken(account: SignerWithAddress, pairAddress: string, amountAvax: BigNumber): Promise { const pairContract = await getPairContract(pairAddress) await fundWAVAX(account, amountAvax) let pairToken0 = await getTokenContract(await pairContract.token0()) let pairToken1 = await getTokenContract(await pairContract.token1()) let amountToken0 = await fundToken(account, pairToken0.address, amountAvax.div(2)) let amountToken1 = await fundToken(account, pairToken1.address, amountAvax.div(2)) expect(await pairToken0.balanceOf(account.address)).to.gte(amountToken0) expect(await pairToken1.balanceOf(account.address)).to.gte(amountToken1) // funds the liquidity token await pairToken0.connect(account).transfer(pairContract.address, amountToken0) await pairToken1.connect(account).transfer(pairContract.address, amountToken1) await pairContract.connect(account).mint(account.address) let liquidityAmount = await pairContract.balanceOf(account.address) expect(liquidityAmount) return liquidityAmount } export function getDeadline() { return Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 20 * 4; } export async function checkDust(tokens: string[], addressToCheck: string, expectAmount: number) { for(let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { let token = await getTokenContract(tokens[i]) expect(await token.balanceOf(addressToCheck)).to.equal(expectAmount) } }