interface IAddress { getEmail(): string; getName(): string; } interface IAttachment { /** * Object that represents an attachment in an email message sent to an Email Capture plug-in implementation. * Each Attachment object contains properties for the attachment file name, attachment type, and the value of the attachment file. */ getName(): string; /** Returns the file type of an attachment in an email message as a string. For example, this method returns PLAINTEXT, PDF, and MISCBINARY for text, PDF, and Microsoft Word files, respectively. */ getType(): string; /** * Returns a text string for a text file attachment or base-64 encoded string for binary attachment types of an email message. * You can use getType() to define the behavior of the plug-in implementation depending on the file type of the attachment. */ getValue(): string; } /** Object that represents an email message sent to the Email Capture plug-in implementation. */ interface IEmail { getAttachments(): IAttachment[]; getCc(): IAddress; getFrom(): IAddress[]; getHtmlBody(): string; getReplyTo(): IAddress; getSentDate(): Date; getSubject(): string; getTextBody(): string; getTo(): IAddress; }