import { ApiHost, CacheSettings, ClientKey, FeatureApiResponse, Polyfills, RepositoryKey, } from "./types/growthbook"; import type { GrowthBook } from "."; type CacheEntry = { data: FeatureApiResponse; version: string; staleAt: Date; }; type ScopedChannel = { src: EventSource | null; cb: (event: MessageEvent) => void; errors: number; }; // Config settings const cacheSettings: CacheSettings = { // Consider a fetch stale after 1 minute staleTTL: 1000 * 60, cacheKey: "gbFeaturesCache", backgroundSync: true, }; const polyfills: Polyfills = { fetch: globalThis.fetch ? globalThis.fetch.bind(globalThis) : undefined, SubtleCrypto: globalThis.crypto ? globalThis.crypto.subtle : undefined, EventSource: globalThis.EventSource, }; try { if (globalThis.localStorage) { polyfills.localStorage = globalThis.localStorage; } } catch (e) { // Ignore localStorage errors } // Global state const subscribedInstances: Map> = new Map(); let cacheInitialized = false; const cache: Map = new Map(); const activeFetches: Map< RepositoryKey, Promise > = new Map(); const streams: Map = new Map(); const supportsSSE: Set = new Set(); // Public functions export function setPolyfills(overrides: Partial): void { Object.assign(polyfills, overrides); } export function configureCache(overrides: Partial): void { Object.assign(cacheSettings, overrides); if (!cacheSettings.backgroundSync) { clearAutoRefresh(); } } export async function clearCache(): Promise { cache.clear(); activeFetches.clear(); clearAutoRefresh(); cacheInitialized = false; await updatePersistentCache(); } export async function refreshFeatures( instance: GrowthBook, timeout?: number, skipCache?: boolean, allowStale?: boolean, updateInstance?: boolean ): Promise { const data = await fetchFeaturesWithCache( instance, allowStale, timeout, skipCache ); updateInstance && data && (await refreshInstance(instance, data)); } // Subscribe a GrowthBook instance to feature changes export function subscribe(instance: GrowthBook): void { const [key] = getKey(instance); const subs = subscribedInstances.get(key) || new Set(); subs.add(instance); subscribedInstances.set(key, subs); } export function unsubscribe(instance: GrowthBook): void { subscribedInstances.forEach((s) => s.delete(instance)); } // Private functions async function updatePersistentCache() { try { if (!polyfills.localStorage) return; await polyfills.localStorage.setItem( cacheSettings.cacheKey, JSON.stringify(Array.from(cache.entries())) ); } catch (e) { // Ignore localStorage errors } } async function fetchFeaturesWithCache( instance: GrowthBook, allowStale?: boolean, timeout?: number, skipCache?: boolean ): Promise { const [key] = getKey(instance); const now = new Date(); await initializeCache(); const existing = cache.get(key); if (existing && !skipCache && (allowStale || existing.staleAt > now)) { // Reload features in the backgroud if stale if (existing.staleAt < now) { fetchFeatures(instance); } // Otherwise, if we don't need to refresh now, start a background sync else { startAutoRefresh(instance); } return; } else { const data = await promiseTimeout(fetchFeatures(instance), timeout); return data; } } function getKey(instance: GrowthBook): [RepositoryKey, ApiHost, ClientKey] { const [apiHost, clientKey] = instance.getApiInfo(); return [`${apiHost}||${clientKey}`, apiHost, clientKey]; } // Guarantee the promise always resolves within {timeout} ms // Resolved value will be `null` when there's an error or it takes too long // Note: The promise will continue running in the background, even if the timeout is hit function promiseTimeout( promise: Promise, timeout?: number ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { let resolved = false; let timer: unknown; const finish = (data?: T) => { if (resolved) return; resolved = true; timer && clearTimeout(timer as NodeJS.Timer); resolve(data || null); }; if (timeout) { timer = setTimeout(() => finish(), timeout); } promise.then((data) => finish(data)).catch(() => finish()); }); } // Populate cache from localStorage (if available) async function initializeCache(): Promise { if (cacheInitialized) return; cacheInitialized = true; try { if (polyfills.localStorage) { const value = await polyfills.localStorage.getItem( cacheSettings.cacheKey ); if (value) { const parsed: [RepositoryKey, CacheEntry][] = JSON.parse(value); if (parsed && Array.isArray(parsed)) { parsed.forEach(([key, data]) => { cache.set(key, {, staleAt: new Date(data.staleAt), }); }); } } } } catch (e) { // Ignore localStorage errors } } // Called whenever new features are fetched from the API function onNewFeatureData(key: RepositoryKey, data: FeatureApiResponse): void { // If contents haven't changed, ignore the update, extend the stale TTL const version = data.dateUpdated || ""; const staleAt = new Date( + cacheSettings.staleTTL); const existing = cache.get(key); if (existing && version && existing.version === version) { existing.staleAt = staleAt; updatePersistentCache(); return; } // Update in-memory cache cache.set(key, { data, version, staleAt, }); // Update local storage (don't await this, just update asynchronously) updatePersistentCache(); // Update features for all subscribed GrowthBook instances const instances = subscribedInstances.get(key); instances && instances.forEach((instance) => refreshInstance(instance, data)); } async function refreshInstance( instance: GrowthBook, data: FeatureApiResponse ): Promise { await (data.encryptedExperiments ? instance.setEncryptedExperiments( data.encryptedExperiments, undefined, polyfills.SubtleCrypto ) : instance.setExperiments(data.experiments || instance.getExperiments())); await (data.encryptedFeatures ? instance.setEncryptedFeatures( data.encryptedFeatures, undefined, polyfills.SubtleCrypto ) : instance.setFeatures(data.features || instance.getFeatures())); } async function fetchFeatures( instance: GrowthBook ): Promise { const [key, apiHost, clientKey] = getKey(instance); const endpoint = apiHost + "/api/features/" + clientKey; let promise = activeFetches.get(key); if (!promise) { promise = (polyfills.fetch as typeof globalThis.fetch)(endpoint) // TODO: auto-retry if status code indicates a temporary error .then((res) => { if (res.headers.get("x-sse-support") === "enabled") { supportsSSE.add(key); } return res.json(); }) .then((data: FeatureApiResponse) => { onNewFeatureData(key, data); startAutoRefresh(instance); activeFetches.delete(key); return data; }) .catch((e) => { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && instance.log("Error fetching features", { apiHost, clientKey, error: e ? e.message : null, }); activeFetches.delete(key); return Promise.resolve({}); }); activeFetches.set(key, promise); } return await promise; } // Watch a feature endpoint for changes // Will prefer SSE if enabled, otherwise fall back to cron function startAutoRefresh(instance: GrowthBook): void { const [key, apiHost, clientKey] = getKey(instance); if ( cacheSettings.backgroundSync && supportsSSE.has(key) && polyfills.EventSource ) { if (streams.has(key)) return; const channel: ScopedChannel = { src: null, cb: (event: MessageEvent) => { try { const json: FeatureApiResponse = JSON.parse(; onNewFeatureData(key, json); // Reset error count on success channel.errors = 0; } catch (e) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && instance.log("SSE Error", { apiHost, clientKey, error: e ? (e as Error).message : null, }); onSSEError(channel, apiHost, clientKey); } }, errors: 0, }; streams.set(key, channel); enableChannel(channel, apiHost, clientKey); } } function onSSEError( channel: ScopedChannel, apiHost: string, clientKey: string ) { channel.errors++; if (channel.errors > 3 || (channel.src && channel.src.readyState === 2)) { // exponential backoff after 4 errors, with jitter const delay = Math.pow(3, channel.errors - 3) * (1000 + Math.random() * 1000); disableChannel(channel); setTimeout(() => { enableChannel(channel, apiHost, clientKey); }, Math.min(delay, 300000)); // 5 minutes max } } function disableChannel(channel: ScopedChannel) { if (!channel.src) return; channel.src.onopen = null; channel.src.onerror = null; channel.src.close(); channel.src = null; } function enableChannel( channel: ScopedChannel, apiHost: string, clientKey: string ) { channel.src = new polyfills.EventSource( `${apiHost}/sub/${clientKey}` ) as EventSource; channel.src.addEventListener("features", channel.cb); channel.src.onerror = () => { onSSEError(channel, apiHost, clientKey); }; channel.src.onopen = () => { channel.errors = 0; }; } function destroyChannel(channel: ScopedChannel, key: RepositoryKey) { disableChannel(channel); streams.delete(key); } function clearAutoRefresh() { // Clear list of which keys are auto-updated supportsSSE.clear(); // Stop listening for any SSE events streams.forEach(destroyChannel); // Remove all references to GrowthBook instances subscribedInstances.clear(); }