import mutate, { DeclarativeMutation } from "dom-mutator"; import type { Context, Experiment, FeatureResult, Result, SubscriptionFunction, FeatureDefinition, FeatureResultSource, Attributes, WidenPrimitives, RealtimeUsageData, LoadFeaturesOptions, RefreshFeaturesOptions, ApiHost, ClientKey, VariationMeta, Filter, VariationRange, AutoExperimentVariation, AutoExperiment, } from "./types/growthbook"; import type { ConditionInterface } from "./types/mongrule"; import { getUrlRegExp, isIncluded, getBucketRanges, hash, chooseVariation, getQueryStringOverride, inNamespace, inRange, isURLTargeted, decrypt, } from "./util"; import { evalCondition } from "./mongrule"; import { refreshFeatures, subscribe, unsubscribe } from "./feature-repository"; const isBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined"; export class GrowthBook< // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any AppFeatures extends Record = Record > { // context is technically private, but some tools depend on it so we can't mangle the name // _ctx below is a clone of this property that we use internally private context: Context; public debug: boolean; public ready: boolean; // Properties and methods that start with "_" are mangled by Terser (saves ~150 bytes) private _ctx: Context; private _renderer: null | (() => void); private _trackedExperiments: Set; private _trackedFeatures: Record; private _subscriptions: Set; private _rtQueue: RealtimeUsageData[]; private _rtTimer: number; private _assigned: Map< string, { // eslint-disable-next-line experiment: Experiment; // eslint-disable-next-line result: Result; } >; // eslint-disable-next-line private _forcedFeatureValues: Map; private _attributeOverrides: Attributes; private _activeAutoExperiments: Map< string, { valueHash: string; undo: () => void } >; constructor(context?: Context) { context = context || {}; // These properties are all initialized in the constructor instead of above // This saves ~80 bytes in the final output this._ctx = this.context = context; this._renderer = null; this._trackedExperiments = new Set(); this._trackedFeatures = {}; this.debug = false; this._subscriptions = new Set(); this._rtQueue = []; this._rtTimer = 0; this.ready = false; this._assigned = new Map(); this._forcedFeatureValues = new Map(); this._attributeOverrides = {}; this._activeAutoExperiments = new Map(); if (context.features) { this.ready = true; } if (isBrowser && context.enableDevMode) { window._growthbook = this; document.dispatchEvent(new Event("gbloaded")); } if (context.experiments) { this.ready = true; this._updateAllAutoExperiments(); } if (context.clientKey) { this._refresh({}, true, false); } } public async loadFeatures(options?: LoadFeaturesOptions): Promise { await this._refresh(options, true, true); if (options && options.autoRefresh) { subscribe(this); } } public async refreshFeatures( options?: RefreshFeaturesOptions ): Promise { await this._refresh(options, false, true); } public getApiInfo(): [ApiHost, ClientKey] { return [ (this._ctx.apiHost || "").replace(/\/*$/, ""), this._ctx.clientKey || "", ]; } private async _refresh( options?: RefreshFeaturesOptions, allowStale?: boolean, updateInstance?: boolean ) { options = options || {}; if (!this._ctx.clientKey) { throw new Error("Missing clientKey"); } await refreshFeatures( this, options.timeout, options.skipCache || this._ctx.enableDevMode, allowStale, updateInstance ); } private _render() { if (this._renderer) { this._renderer(); } } public setFeatures(features: Record) { this._ctx.features = features; this.ready = true; this._render(); } public async setEncryptedFeatures( encryptedString: string, decryptionKey?: string, subtle?: SubtleCrypto ): Promise { const featuresJSON = await decrypt( encryptedString, decryptionKey || this._ctx.decryptionKey, subtle ); this.setFeatures( JSON.parse(featuresJSON) as Record ); } public setExperiments(experiments: AutoExperiment[]): void { this._ctx.experiments = experiments; this.ready = true; this._updateAllAutoExperiments(); } public async setEncryptedExperiments( encryptedString: string, decryptionKey?: string, subtle?: SubtleCrypto ): Promise { const experimentsJSON = await decrypt( encryptedString, decryptionKey || this._ctx.decryptionKey, subtle ); this.setExperiments(JSON.parse(experimentsJSON) as AutoExperiment[]); } public setAttributes(attributes: Attributes) { this._ctx.attributes = attributes; this._render(); this._updateAllAutoExperiments(); } public setAttributeOverrides(overrides: Attributes) { this._attributeOverrides = overrides; this._render(); this._updateAllAutoExperiments(); } public setForcedVariations(vars: Record) { this._ctx.forcedVariations = vars || {}; this._render(); this._updateAllAutoExperiments(); } // eslint-disable-next-line public setForcedFeatures(map: Map) { this._forcedFeatureValues = map; this._render(); } public setURL(url: string) { this._ctx.url = url; this._updateAllAutoExperiments(true); } public getAttributes() { return { ...this._ctx.attributes, ...this._attributeOverrides }; } public getFeatures() { return this._ctx.features || {}; } public getExperiments() { return this._ctx.experiments || []; } public subscribe(cb: SubscriptionFunction): () => void { this._subscriptions.add(cb); return () => { this._subscriptions.delete(cb); }; } public getAllResults() { return new Map(this._assigned); } public destroy() { // Release references to save memory this._subscriptions.clear(); this._assigned.clear(); this._trackedExperiments.clear(); this._trackedFeatures = {}; this._rtQueue = []; if (this._rtTimer) { clearTimeout(this._rtTimer); } unsubscribe(this); if (isBrowser && window._growthbook === this) { delete window._growthbook; } // Undo any active auto experiments this._activeAutoExperiments.forEach((exp) => { exp.undo(); }); this._activeAutoExperiments.clear(); } public setRenderer(renderer: () => void) { this._renderer = renderer; } public forceVariation(key: string, variation: number) { this._ctx.forcedVariations = this._ctx.forcedVariations || {}; this._ctx.forcedVariations[key] = variation; this._render(); } public run(experiment: Experiment): Result { const result = this._run(experiment, null); this._fireSubscriptions(experiment, result); return result; } public triggerExperiment(key: string) { if (!this._ctx.experiments) return null; const exp = this._ctx.experiments.find((exp) => exp.key === key); if (!exp || !exp.manual) return null; return this._runAutoExperiment(exp, true); } private _runAutoExperiment( experiment: AutoExperiment, forceManual?: boolean, forceRerun?: boolean ) { const key = experiment.key; const existing = this._activeAutoExperiments.get(key); // If this is a manual experiment and it's not already running, skip if (experiment.manual && !forceManual && !existing) return null; // Run the experiment const result =; // A hash to quickly tell if the assigned value changed const valueHash = JSON.stringify(result.value); // If the changes are already active, no need to re-apply them if ( !forceRerun && result.inExperiment && existing && existing.valueHash === valueHash ) { return result; } // Undo any existing changes if (existing) this._undoActiveAutoExperiment(key); // Apply new changes if (result.inExperiment) { const undo = this._applyDOMChanges(result.value); if (undo) { this._activeAutoExperiments.set(experiment.key, { undo, valueHash, }); } } return result; } private _undoActiveAutoExperiment(key: string) { const exp = this._activeAutoExperiments.get(key); if (exp) { exp.undo(); this._activeAutoExperiments.delete(key); } } private _updateAllAutoExperiments(forceRerun?: boolean) { const experiments = this._ctx.experiments || []; // Stop any experiments that are no longer defined const keys = new Set( => e.key)); this._activeAutoExperiments.forEach((v, k) => { if (!keys.has(k)) { v.undo(); this._activeAutoExperiments.delete(k); } }); // Re-run all new/updated experiments experiments.forEach((exp) => { this._runAutoExperiment(exp, false, forceRerun); }); } private _fireSubscriptions(experiment: Experiment, result: Result) { const key = experiment.key; // If assigned variation has changed, fire subscriptions const prev = this._assigned.get(key); // TODO: what if the experiment definition has changed? if ( !prev || prev.result.inExperiment !== result.inExperiment || prev.result.variationId !== result.variationId ) { this._assigned.set(key, { experiment, result }); this._subscriptions.forEach((cb) => { try { cb(experiment, result); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } } private _trackFeatureUsage(key: string, res: FeatureResult): void { // Don't track feature usage that was forced via an override if (res.source === "override") return; // Only track a feature once, unless the assigned value changed const stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(res.value); if (this._trackedFeatures[key] === stringifiedValue) return; this._trackedFeatures[key] = stringifiedValue; // Fire user-supplied callback if (this._ctx.onFeatureUsage) { try { this._ctx.onFeatureUsage(key, res); } catch (e) { // Ignore feature usage callback errors } } // In browser environments, queue up feature usage to be tracked in batches if (!isBrowser || !window.fetch) return; this._rtQueue.push({ key, on: res.on, }); if (!this._rtTimer) { this._rtTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { // Reset the queue this._rtTimer = 0; const q = [...this._rtQueue]; this._rtQueue = []; // Skip logging if a real-time usage key is not configured if (!this._ctx.realtimeKey) return; window .fetch( `${ this._ctx.realtimeKey }&events=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(q))}`, { cache: "no-cache", mode: "no-cors", } ) .catch(() => { // TODO: retry in case of network errors? }); }, this._ctx.realtimeInterval || 2000); } } private _getFeatureResult( key: string, value: T, source: FeatureResultSource, ruleId?: string, experiment?: Experiment, result?: Result ): FeatureResult { const ret: FeatureResult = { value, on: !!value, off: !value, source, ruleId: ruleId || "", }; if (experiment) ret.experiment = experiment; if (result) ret.experimentResult = result; // Track the usage of this feature in real-time this._trackFeatureUsage(key, ret); return ret; } public isOn(key: K): boolean { return this.evalFeature(key).on; } public isOff(key: K): boolean { return this.evalFeature(key).off; } public getFeatureValue< V extends AppFeatures[K], K extends string & keyof AppFeatures = string >(key: K, defaultValue: V): WidenPrimitives { const value = this.evalFeature, K>(key).value; return value === null ? (defaultValue as WidenPrimitives) : value; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link evalFeature} * @param id */ // eslint-disable-next-line public feature< V extends AppFeatures[K], K extends string & keyof AppFeatures = string >(id: K): FeatureResult { return this.evalFeature(id); } public evalFeature< V extends AppFeatures[K], K extends string & keyof AppFeatures = string >(id: K): FeatureResult { // Global override if (this._forcedFeatureValues.has(id)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Global override", { id, value: this._forcedFeatureValues.get(id), }); return this._getFeatureResult( id, this._forcedFeatureValues.get(id), "override" ); } // Unknown feature id if (!this._ctx.features || !this._ctx.features[id]) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Unknown feature", { id }); return this._getFeatureResult(id, null, "unknownFeature"); } // Get the feature const feature: FeatureDefinition = this._ctx.features[id]; // Loop through the rules if (feature.rules) { for (const rule of feature.rules) { // If it's a conditional rule, skip if the condition doesn't pass if (rule.condition && !this._conditionPasses(rule.condition)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip rule because of condition", { id, rule, }); continue; } // If there are filters for who is included (e.g. namespaces) if (rule.filters && this._isFilteredOut(rule.filters)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip rule because of filters", { id, rule, }); continue; } // Feature value is being forced if ("force" in rule) { // If this is a percentage rollout, skip if not included if ( !this._isIncludedInRollout( rule.seed || id, rule.hashAttribute, rule.range, rule.coverage, rule.hashVersion ) ) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip rule because user not included in rollout", { id, rule, }); continue; } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Force value from rule", { id, rule, }); // If this was a remotely evaluated experiment, fire the tracking callbacks if (rule.tracks) { rule.tracks.forEach((t) => { this._track(t.experiment, t.result); }); } return this._getFeatureResult(id, rule.force as V, "force",; } if (!rule.variations) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip invalid rule", { id, rule, }); continue; } // For experiment rules, run an experiment const exp: Experiment = { variations: rule.variations as [V, V, ...V[]], key: rule.key || id, }; if ("coverage" in rule) exp.coverage = rule.coverage; if (rule.weights) exp.weights = rule.weights; if (rule.hashAttribute) exp.hashAttribute = rule.hashAttribute; if (rule.namespace) exp.namespace = rule.namespace; if (rule.meta) exp.meta = rule.meta; if (rule.ranges) exp.ranges = rule.ranges; if ( =; if (rule.phase) exp.phase = rule.phase; if (rule.seed) exp.seed = rule.seed; if (rule.hashVersion) exp.hashVersion = rule.hashVersion; if (rule.filters) exp.filters = rule.filters; // Only return a value if the user is part of the experiment const res = this._run(exp, id); this._fireSubscriptions(exp, res); if (res.inExperiment && !res.passthrough) { return this._getFeatureResult( id, res.value, "experiment",, exp, res ); } } } process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Use default value", { id, value: feature.defaultValue, }); // Fall back to using the default value return this._getFeatureResult( id, feature.defaultValue === undefined ? null : feature.defaultValue, "defaultValue" ); } private _isIncludedInRollout( seed: string, hashAttribute: string | undefined, range: VariationRange | undefined, coverage: number | undefined, hashVersion: number | undefined ): boolean { if (!range && coverage === undefined) return true; const { hashValue } = this._getHashAttribute(hashAttribute); if (!hashValue) { return false; } const n = hash(seed, hashValue, hashVersion || 1); if (n === null) return false; return range ? inRange(n, range) : coverage !== undefined ? n <= coverage : true; } private _conditionPasses(condition: ConditionInterface): boolean { return evalCondition(this.getAttributes(), condition); } private _isFilteredOut(filters: Filter[]): boolean { return filters.some((filter) => { const { hashValue } = this._getHashAttribute(filter.attribute); if (!hashValue) return true; const n = hash(filter.seed, hashValue, filter.hashVersion || 2); if (n === null) return true; return !filter.ranges.some((r) => inRange(n, r)); }); } private _run( experiment: Experiment, featureId: string | null ): Result { const key = experiment.key; const numVariations = experiment.variations.length; // 1. If experiment has less than 2 variations, return immediately if (numVariations < 2) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Invalid experiment", { id: key }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 2. If the context is disabled, return immediately if (this._ctx.enabled === false) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Context disabled", { id: key }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 2.5. Merge in experiment overrides from the context experiment = this._mergeOverrides(experiment); // 3. If a variation is forced from a querystring, return the forced variation const qsOverride = getQueryStringOverride( key, this._getContextUrl(), numVariations ); if (qsOverride !== null) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Force via querystring", { id: key, variation: qsOverride, }); return this._getResult(experiment, qsOverride, false, featureId); } // 4. If a variation is forced in the context, return the forced variation if (this._ctx.forcedVariations && key in this._ctx.forcedVariations) { const variation = this._ctx.forcedVariations[key]; process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Force via dev tools", { id: key, variation, }); return this._getResult(experiment, variation, false, featureId); } // 5. Exclude if a draft experiment or not active if (experiment.status === "draft" || === false) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because inactive", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 6. Get the hash attribute and return if empty const { hashValue } = this._getHashAttribute(experiment.hashAttribute); if (!hashValue) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because missing hashAttribute", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 7. Exclude if user is filtered out (used to be called "namespace") if (experiment.filters) { if (this._isFilteredOut(experiment.filters)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of filters", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } } else if ( experiment.namespace && !inNamespace(hashValue, experiment.namespace) ) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of namespace", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 7.5. Exclude if experiment.include returns false or throws if (experiment.include && !isIncluded(experiment.include)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of include function", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 8. Exclude if condition is false if (experiment.condition && !this._conditionPasses(experiment.condition)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of condition", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 8.1. Exclude if user is not in a required group if ( experiment.groups && !this._hasGroupOverlap(experiment.groups as string[]) ) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of groups", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 8.2. Old style URL targeting if (experiment.url && !this._urlIsValid(experiment.url as RegExp)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of url", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 8.3. New, more powerful URL targeting if ( experiment.urlPatterns && !isURLTargeted(this._getContextUrl(), experiment.urlPatterns) ) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of url targeting", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 9. Get bucket ranges and choose variation const n = hash( experiment.seed || key, hashValue, experiment.hashVersion || 1 ); if (n === null) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of invalid hash version", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } const ranges = experiment.ranges || getBucketRanges( numVariations, experiment.coverage === undefined ? 1 : experiment.coverage, experiment.weights ); const assigned = chooseVariation(n, ranges); // 10. Return if not in experiment if (assigned < 0) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because of coverage", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 11. Experiment has a forced variation if ("force" in experiment) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Force variation", { id: key, variation: experiment.force, }); return this._getResult( experiment, experiment.force === undefined ? -1 : experiment.force, false, featureId ); } // 12. Exclude if in QA mode if (this._ctx.qaMode) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because QA mode", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 12.5. Exclude if experiment is stopped if (experiment.status === "stopped") { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("Skip because stopped", { id: key, }); return this._getResult(experiment, -1, false, featureId); } // 13. Build the result object const result = this._getResult(experiment, assigned, true, featureId, n); // 14. Fire the tracking callback this._track(experiment, result); // 15. Return the result process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && this.log("In experiment", { id: key, variation: result.variationId, }); return result; } log(msg: string, ctx: Record) { if (!this.debug) return; if (this._ctx.log) this._ctx.log(msg, ctx); else console.log(msg, ctx); } private _track(experiment: Experiment, result: Result) { if (!this._ctx.trackingCallback) return; const key = experiment.key; // Make sure a tracking callback is only fired once per unique experiment const k = result.hashAttribute + result.hashValue + key + result.variationId; if (this._trackedExperiments.has(k)) return; this._trackedExperiments.add(k); try { this._ctx.trackingCallback(experiment, result); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } private _mergeOverrides(experiment: Experiment): Experiment { const key = experiment.key; const o = this._ctx.overrides; if (o && o[key]) { experiment = Object.assign({}, experiment, o[key]); if (typeof experiment.url === "string") { experiment.url = getUrlRegExp( // eslint-disable-next-line experiment.url as any ); } } return experiment; } private _getHashAttribute(attr?: string) { const hashAttribute = attr || "id"; let hashValue = ""; if (this._attributeOverrides[hashAttribute]) { hashValue = this._attributeOverrides[hashAttribute]; } else if (this._ctx.attributes) { hashValue = this._ctx.attributes[hashAttribute] || ""; } else if (this._ctx.user) { hashValue = this._ctx.user[hashAttribute] || ""; } return { hashAttribute, hashValue }; } private _getResult( experiment: Experiment, variationIndex: number, hashUsed: boolean, featureId: string | null, bucket?: number ): Result { let inExperiment = true; // If assigned variation is not valid, use the baseline and mark the user as not in the experiment if (variationIndex < 0 || variationIndex >= experiment.variations.length) { variationIndex = 0; inExperiment = false; } const { hashAttribute, hashValue } = this._getHashAttribute( experiment.hashAttribute ); const meta: Partial = experiment.meta ? experiment.meta[variationIndex] : {}; const res: Result = { key: meta.key || "" + variationIndex, featureId, inExperiment, hashUsed, variationId: variationIndex, value: experiment.variations[variationIndex], hashAttribute, hashValue, }; if ( =; if (bucket !== undefined) res.bucket = bucket; if (meta.passthrough) res.passthrough = meta.passthrough; return res; } private _getContextUrl() { return this._ctx.url || (isBrowser ? window.location.href : ""); } private _urlIsValid(urlRegex: RegExp): boolean { const url = this._getContextUrl(); if (!url) return false; const pathOnly = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "").replace(/^[^/]*\//, "/"); if (urlRegex.test(url)) return true; if (urlRegex.test(pathOnly)) return true; return false; } private _hasGroupOverlap(expGroups: string[]): boolean { const groups = this._ctx.groups || {}; for (let i = 0; i < expGroups.length; i++) { if (groups[expGroups[i]]) return true; } return false; } private _applyDOMChanges(changes: AutoExperimentVariation) { if (!isBrowser) return; const undo: (() => void)[] = []; if (changes.css) { const s = document.createElement("style"); s.innerHTML = changes.css; document.head.appendChild(s); undo.push(() => s.remove()); } if (changes.js) { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.innerHTML = changes.js; document.body.appendChild(script); undo.push(() => script.remove()); } if (changes.domMutations) { changes.domMutations.forEach((mutation) => { undo.push(mutate.declarative(mutation as DeclarativeMutation).revert); }); } return () => { undo.forEach((fn) => fn()); }; } }