import { PropType, defineComponent, h, Fragment, Teleport, VNode } from 'vue' import { Calendar, CalendarOptions } from '@fullcalendar/core' import { CustomRenderingStore, CustomRendering } from '@fullcalendar/core/internal' import { OPTION_IS_COMPLEX } from './options.js' const FullCalendar = defineComponent({ props: { options: Object as PropType }, data() { return { renderId: 0, customRenderingMap: new Map>() } }, methods: { getApi(): Calendar { return getSecret(this).calendar }, buildOptions(suppliedOptions: CalendarOptions | undefined): CalendarOptions { return { ...suppliedOptions, customRenderingMetaMap: this.$slots, handleCustomRendering: getSecret(this).handleCustomRendering, } }, }, render() { const teleportNodes: VNode[] = [] for (const customRendering of this.customRenderingMap.values()) { const innerContent = typeof customRendering.generatorMeta === 'function' ? customRendering.generatorMeta(customRendering.renderProps) : // vue-normalized slot function customRendering.generatorMeta // probably a vue JSX node returned from content-inject func teleportNodes.push( h(Teleport, { key:, to: customRendering.containerEl }, innerContent) ) } return h('div', { // when renderId is changed, Vue will trigger a real-DOM async rerender, calling beforeUpdate/updated attrs: { 'data-fc-render-id': this.renderId } }, h(Fragment, teleportNodes)) // for containing Teleport keys }, mounted() { const customRenderingStore = new CustomRenderingStore() getSecret(this).handleCustomRendering = customRenderingStore.handle.bind(customRenderingStore) const calendarOptions = this.buildOptions(this.options) const calendar = new Calendar(this.$el as HTMLElement, calendarOptions) getSecret(this).calendar = calendar calendar.render() customRenderingStore.subscribe((customRenderingMap) => { this.customRenderingMap = customRenderingMap // likely same reference, so won't rerender this.renderId++ // force rerender getSecret(this).needCustomRenderingResize = true }) }, beforeUpdate() { this.getApi().resumeRendering() // the watcher handlers paused it }, updated() { if (getSecret(this).needCustomRenderingResize) { getSecret(this).needCustomRenderingResize = false this.getApi().updateSize() } }, beforeUnmount() { this.getApi().destroy() }, watch: buildWatchers() }) export default FullCalendar // Internals type FullCalendarInstance = InstanceType interface FullCalendarSecret { calendar: Calendar handleCustomRendering: (customRendering: CustomRendering) => void needCustomRenderingResize?: boolean } // storing internal state: // function getSecret(inst: FullCalendarInstance): FullCalendarSecret { return inst as any as FullCalendarSecret } function buildWatchers() { let watchers: { [member: string]: any } = { // watches changes of ALL options and their nested objects, // but this is only a means to be notified of top-level non-complex options changes. options: { deep: true, handler(this: FullCalendarInstance, options: CalendarOptions) { let calendar = this.getApi() calendar.pauseRendering() let calendarOptions = this.buildOptions(options) calendar.resetOptions(calendarOptions) this.renderId++ // will queue a rerender } } } for (let complexOptionName in OPTION_IS_COMPLEX) { // handlers called when nested objects change watchers[`options.${complexOptionName}`] = { deep: true, handler(this: FullCalendarInstance, val: any) { // unfortunately the handler is called with undefined if new props were set, but the complex one wasn't ever set if (val !== undefined) { let calendar = this.getApi() calendar.pauseRendering() calendar.resetOptions({ [complexOptionName]: val }, [complexOptionName]) this.renderId++ // will queue a rerender } } } } return watchers }