import { useState, useEffect, useRef, useCallback, useMemo, } from 'react'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import { FieldValue, UseFieldProps, UseFieldValues, FieldState, FieldValidationObject, FieldAsyncValidationObject, fieldDefaultProps, } from './types/field.types'; import { FormFields, ResetOptions } from './types/form.types'; import { ErrorFieldWithoutForm, ErrorFieldWithoutName } from './errors'; import { getFieldUniqueId, useRefValue, getExposedField, isResetAllowed, } from './utils'; import { useFormContext, defaultFormState } from './Formiz'; import { useStepContext } from './FormizStep'; const getValidationsWithRequired = ( validations: FieldValidationObject[], required?: boolean | string, ) => { if (!required && required !== '') { return validations; } return [ ...validations, { rule: (x: FieldValue) => !!x || x === 0, message: required !== true ? required : '', }]; }; export const useField = ({ name, debounce = fieldDefaultProps.debounce, defaultValue = fieldDefaultProps.defaultValue, formatValue = fieldDefaultProps.formatValue, onChange = fieldDefaultProps.onChange, required = fieldDefaultProps.required, validations = fieldDefaultProps.validations, asyncValidations = fieldDefaultProps.asyncValidations, keepValue = fieldDefaultProps.keepValue, ...otherProps }: UseFieldProps): UseFieldValues => { if (!name) { throw ErrorFieldWithoutName; } const { formStateRef, actions, subjects, keepValuesRef, fromSetFieldsValuesRef, initialValuesRef, } = useFormContext(); if (!subjects || !actions || !keepValuesRef) { throw ErrorFieldWithoutForm; } const isMountedRef = useRef(true); const subjectsRef = useRefValue(subjects); const actionsRef = useRefValue(actions); const stepContext = useStepContext(); const stepName = stepContext?.name; const [formState, setFormState] = useState(formStateRef?.current ?? defaultFormState); const initValue = (() => { if (get(fromSetFieldsValuesRef?.current, name) !== undefined) { return get(fromSetFieldsValuesRef?.current, name); } if (keepValuesRef.current?.[name] !== undefined) { return keepValuesRef.current?.[name]; } return get(initialValuesRef?.current, name) ?? defaultValue; })(); const [state, setState] = useState({ id: getFieldUniqueId(), resetKey: 0, value: initValue, valueDebounced: initValue, errors: [], asyncErrors: [], externalErrors: [], isAsyncValidating: false, isExternalValidating: false, isPristine: true, isEnabled: true, }); const validationsWithRequired = getValidationsWithRequired(validations || [], required); const stateRef = useRefValue(state); const nameRef = useRefValue(name); const stepNameRef = useRefValue(stepName); const validationsRef = useRefValue(validationsWithRequired); const asyncValidationsRef = useRefValue(asyncValidations || []); const debounceRef = useRefValue(debounce); const onChangeRef = useRefValue(onChange); const formatValueRef = useRefValue(formatValue); const defaultValueRef = useRefValue(defaultValue); const keepValueRef = useRefValue(keepValue); const setValue = useCallback( (value: FieldValue | ((prevValue: FieldValue) => FieldValue)) => { setState((prevState: FieldState) => { const computedValue = typeof value === 'function' ? value(prevState.value) : value; onChangeRef.current(formatValueRef.current(computedValue), computedValue); return ({ ...prevState, externalErrors: [], value: computedValue, isPristine: false, }); }); }, [onChangeRef, formatValueRef], ); // Subscribe to form state useEffect(() => { const subscription = subjectsRef.current.onFormUpdate .subscription .subscribe(setFormState); return () => subscription.unsubscribe(); }, [subjectsRef]); // Subscribe to external updates useEffect(() => { const subscription = subjectsRef.current.onExternalFieldsUpdate .subscription .subscribe((fields: FormFields) => { const field = fields.find((x) => ===; if (field && JSON.stringify(field) !== JSON.stringify(stateRef.current)) { setState(field); } }); return () => subscription.unsubscribe(); }, [subjectsRef, stateRef]); // Subscribe to reset useEffect(() => { const subscription = subjectsRef.current.onReset .subscription .subscribe((resetOptions: ResetOptions = {}) => { const value = get(initialValuesRef?.current, nameRef.current) ?? defaultValueRef.current; setState((prevState): FieldState => ({ ...prevState, externalErrors: isResetAllowed('values', resetOptions) ? [] : prevState.externalErrors, resetKey: isResetAllowed('resetKey', resetOptions) ? prevState.resetKey + 1 : prevState.resetKey, isPristine: isResetAllowed('pristine', resetOptions) ? true : prevState.isPristine, isAsyncValidating: isResetAllowed('validating', resetOptions) ? false : prevState.isAsyncValidating, isExternalValidating: isResetAllowed('validating', resetOptions) ? false : prevState.isExternalValidating, value: isResetAllowed('values', resetOptions) ? value : prevState.value, })); if (isResetAllowed('values', resetOptions)) { onChangeRef.current( formatValueRef.current(value), value, ); actionsRef.current?.removeFromInitialValues?.(nameRef.current); } }); return () => subscription.unsubscribe(); }, [ subjectsRef, initialValuesRef, defaultValueRef, nameRef, onChangeRef, formatValueRef, actionsRef, ]); // Update validations useEffect(() => { const validateField = async () => { /** * Sync validations */ const fieldErrors = (validationsRef.current || []) .reduce( (errors: any, validation: FieldValidationObject) => (!validation.rule(state.value) ? [...errors, validation.message] : errors), [], ); const shouldRunAsyncValidations = ( !fieldErrors.length && !!(asyncValidationsRef.current || []).length ); setState((prevState): FieldState => ({ ...prevState, errors: fieldErrors, asyncErrors: [], valueDebounced: prevState.value, isAsyncValidating: shouldRunAsyncValidations, })); if (!shouldRunAsyncValidations) { return; } /** * Async validations */ const rules = await Promise.all((asyncValidationsRef.current || []) .map(async (validation: FieldAsyncValidationObject) => { const isValid = await validation.rule(state.value); return { ...validation, isValid, }; })); if ( !isMountedRef.current || state.value !== stateRef.current.value ) { return; } const fieldAsyncErrors: (string | undefined)[] = rules .reduce( (errors: (string | undefined)[], validation: any) => (!validation.isValid ? [...errors, validation.message] : errors), [], ); setState((prevState): FieldState => ({ ...prevState, asyncErrors: fieldAsyncErrors, isAsyncValidating: false, })); }; if (!debounceRef.current) { validateField(); return () => {}; } const timer = setTimeout(() => { validateField(); }, debounceRef.current); return () => clearTimeout(timer); }, /* eslint-disable react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */ [ JSON.stringify(state.value), JSON.stringify( [ ...(validationsWithRequired), ...(asyncValidations || []), ]?.reduce( (acc, cur) => [ ...acc, ...(cur.deps || []), cur.message, ], [], ), ), asyncValidationsRef, debounceRef, stateRef, validationsRef, ]); /* eslint-enable */ // Register / Unregister the field useEffect(() => { actionsRef.current.registerField({ ...stateRef.current, name: nameRef.current, stepName: stepNameRef.current, value: formatValueRef.current(stateRef.current.value), }); return () => { /* eslint-disable react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */ actionsRef.current.unregisterField( { ...stateRef.current, name: nameRef.current, stepName: stepNameRef.current, value: formatValueRef.current(stateRef.current.value), }, keepValueRef.current, ); /* eslint-enable */ }; }, [actionsRef, stateRef, nameRef, stepNameRef, formatValueRef, keepValueRef]); // Update field at form level useEffect(() => { actionsRef.current.updateField({ ...state, name, stepName, value: formatValueRef.current(state.value), }); }, /* eslint-disable react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */ [ name, stepName, JSON.stringify(state), actionsRef, formatValueRef, ]); /* eslint-enable */ const validatingStart = useCallback(() => { setState((prevState): FieldState => ({ ...prevState, isExternalValidating: true, })) }, []); const validatingEnd = useCallback(() => { setTimeout(() => { setState( (prevState): FieldState => ({ ...prevState, isExternalValidating: false, }), ); }); }, []); const validating = useMemo(() => ({ start: validatingStart, end: validatingEnd, }), [validatingStart, validatingEnd]) useEffect(() => () => { isMountedRef.current = false; }, []); return { setValue, validating, otherProps, ...getExposedField({ ...state, name, stepName, }, formState), }; };