import { getRegistryUrl, install } from '../../shared/npm'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import axios from 'axios'; import packageJson from '../../shared/packageJson'; import { getTag, checkoutVersion, getCurrentTag } from '../universal-pkg/repository/git'; import { download } from '../../shared/git'; import { HOOK_TYPE_ON_COMMAND_REGISTERED, LATEST_VERSION, FEFLOW_BIN, FEFLOW_LIB, NPM_PLUGIN_INFO_JSON, INVALID_VERSION, FEFLOW_PLUGIN_GIT_PREFIX, FEFLOW_PLUGIN_PREFIX, FEFLOW_PLUGIN_LOCAL_PREFIX, SILENT_ARG, DISABLE_ARG } from '../../shared/constant'; import { Plugin } from '../universal-pkg/schema/plugin'; import Linker from '../universal-pkg/linker'; import { UniversalPkg } from '../universal-pkg/dep/pkg'; import versionImpl from '../universal-pkg/dep/version'; import applyPlugins, { resolvePlugin } from '../plugin/applyPlugins'; import { CommandPickConfig } from '../command-picker'; import { getURL } from '../../shared/url'; import { copyDir } from '../../shared/fs'; // import loggerReport from '../logger/report'; interface PkgJson { dependencies?: { [key: string]: string; }; devDependencies?: { [key: string]: string; }; } async function getRepoInfo(ctx: any, packageName: string) { const serverUrl = ctx.config?.serverUrl; const url = getURL(serverUrl, `apply/getlist?name=${packageName}`); if (!url) { return Promise.reject('the serverUrl is invalid: ' + serverUrl); } return axios.get(url, { proxy: false }) .then(res => { const data = || {}; return &&[0]; }) .catch((e: any) => { ctx.logger.debug('Get repo info error', e); }); } // // or http[s]:// or http[s]:// // to // encodeURIComponent("") function getGitRepoName(repoUrl: string): string | undefined { const ret = /^((http:\/\/|https:\/\/)(.*?@)?|git@)/.exec(repoUrl); if (Array.isArray(ret) && ret.length > 0) { repoUrl = repoUrl.substring(ret[0].length); } return encodeURIComponent( FEFLOW_PLUGIN_GIT_PREFIX + repoUrl.split(':').join('/') ); } function getDirRepoName(dir: string): string { return encodeURIComponent(FEFLOW_PLUGIN_LOCAL_PREFIX + dir.trim()); } function deleteDir(dirPath: string) { let files: any = []; try { const dirStats = fs.statSync(dirPath); if (!dirStats.isDirectory()) { return; } } catch (e) { return; } files = fs.readdirSync(dirPath); files.forEach((file: string) => { const curPath = dirPath + '/' + file; const stat = fs.statSync(curPath); if (stat.isDirectory()) { deleteDir(curPath); } else { fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); const stat = fs.lstatSync(dirPath); if (stat.isDirectory()) { fs.rmdirSync(dirPath); } else { fs.rmdirSync(fs.realpathSync(dirPath)); fs.unlinkSync(dirPath); } } function isGitRepo(url: string): boolean { return ( new RegExp( '^git@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+:[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+(/[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)+.git(@v(0|[1-9]\\d*).(0|[1-9]\\d*).(0|[1-9]\\d*))?$' ).test(url) || new RegExp( '^http(s)?://([a-zA-Z0-9._-]*?(:[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*)?@)?[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+' + '(/[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)+.git(@v(0|[1-9]\\d*).(0|[1-9]\\d*).(0|[1-9]\\d*))?$' ).test(url) ); } async function installNpmPlugin(ctx: any, ...dependencies: string[]) { const packageManager = ctx?.config?.packageManager; const registryUrl = await getRegistryUrl(packageManager); let versionList: string[]; let needInstall: string[] = []; try { versionList = await Promise.all( (dependency: string) => { try { return await packageJson(dependency, registryUrl); } catch (e) { ctx.logger.error(`${dependency} not found on ${packageManager}, please check if it exists`); ctx.logger.debug(e); process.exit(2); } }) ); const getCurversion = () => { let json: PkgJson = {}; const installedPlugin = {}; try { const data = fs.readFileSync(ctx.rootPkg, 'utf-8'); json = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { ctx.logger.error(`getCurversion error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); } if (!json.dependencies) { return {}; } const deps = json.dependencies || json.devDependencies || {}; Object.keys(deps).forEach((name) => { if (!/^feflow-plugin-|^@[^/]+\/feflow-plugin-|^generator-|^@[^/]+\/generator-/.test(name)) { return false; } installedPlugin[name] = deps[name]; }); return installedPlugin; }; const hasInstallDep = getCurversion(); needInstall = dependencies.filter((dep, idx) => { const depList = (dep || '').split('@'); const depName = !depList[0] ? `@${depList[1]}` : depList[0]; if (hasInstallDep[depName] !== versionList[idx]) { return dep; } else { `[${dep}] has installed the latest version: ${hasInstallDep[depName]}` ); } }); } catch (err) { ctx.logger.error(`get pkg info error ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } if (!needInstall.length) { return Promise.resolve(); }'Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.'); return install( packageManager, ctx.root, packageManager === 'yarn' ? 'add' : 'install', needInstall, false, true ).then(() => {'install success'); }); } function updateNpmPluginInfo(ctx: any, pluginName: string, options: any) { const { root }: { root: string; } = ctx; const configPath = path.join(root, NPM_PLUGIN_INFO_JSON); const npmPluginInfoJson = fs.existsSync(configPath) ? require(configPath) : {}; if (options === false) { delete npmPluginInfoJson[pluginName]; } else { if (options.globalCmd) { const pluginInfo = npmPluginInfoJson[pluginName] || {}; const globalCmd = pluginInfo.globalCmd || []; pluginInfo.globalCmd = globalCmd ? Array.from( new Set([...globalCmd, ...options.globalCmd]) ) : options.globalCmd || []; npmPluginInfoJson[pluginName] = pluginInfo; delete options.globalCmd; } npmPluginInfoJson[pluginName] = Object.assign( {}, npmPluginInfoJson[pluginName] || {}, options || {} ); } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(npmPluginInfoJson, null, 4)); } async function installJsPlugin(ctx: any, installPlugin: string) { const { bin, lib, logger }: { bin: string; lib: string; logger: any; } = ctx; const isGlobal = ctx?.args['g']; // install js npm plugin await installNpmPlugin(ctx, installPlugin); // if install with option -g, register as global command if ( isGlobal && /^feflow-plugin-|^@[^/]+\/feflow-plugin-/.test(installPlugin) ) { ctx.hook.on(HOOK_TYPE_ON_COMMAND_REGISTERED, (cmdName: string) => { if (cmdName) { logger.debug( `linking cmd [${cmdName}] registered by plugin ${installPlugin} to global` ); // create symbol link to plugin, support global plugin cmd const linker = new Linker(); linker.register(bin, lib, cmdName); updateNpmPluginInfo(ctx, installPlugin, { globalCmd: [cmdName] }); `can just type > "${cmdName} options" in terminal, equal to "fef ${cmdName} options"` ); } }); return applyPlugins([installPlugin])(ctx); } } async function startInstall( ctx: any, pkgInfo: PkgInfo, repoPath: string, updateFlag: boolean, isGlobal: boolean ) { const { logger, universalPkg, universalModules, bin, lib }: { logger: any; universalPkg: UniversalPkg; universalModules: string; bin: string; lib: string; } = ctx; // start install logger.debug('install version:', pkgInfo.checkoutTag); if (pkgInfo.fromType !== PkgInfo.dir) { if (!fs.existsSync(repoPath)) {`start download from ${pkgInfo.repoFrom}`); try { await download(pkgInfo.repoFrom, pkgInfo.checkoutTag, repoPath); } catch (e) { logger.warn(`download warn with code ${e}`); } } } else { deleteDir(repoPath);`start copy from ${pkgInfo.repoFrom}`); await copyDir(pkgInfo.repoFrom, repoPath); } let lastRepoName = ''; const lastVersion = universalPkg.getInstalled().get(pkgInfo.repoName); if (lastVersion) { const oldRepoPath = getRepoPath( universalModules, pkgInfo.repoName, lastVersion ); lastRepoName = toSimpleCommand(pkgInfo.repoName); try { const oldPlugin = resolvePlugin(ctx, oldRepoPath); if ( { lastRepoName =; } } catch (e) {} } if (pkgInfo.fromType !== PkgInfo.dir) {`switch to version: ${pkgInfo.checkoutTag}`); await checkoutVersion( repoPath, pkgInfo.checkoutTag, pkgInfo.lastCheckoutTag ); } // deal dependencies const linker = new Linker(); const oldVersion = universalPkg.getInstalled().get(pkgInfo.repoName); let oldDependencies; if (isGlobal && oldVersion) { oldDependencies = universalPkg.getDependencies( pkgInfo.repoName, oldVersion ); if (oldDependencies) { oldDependencies = new Map(oldDependencies); } } const plugin = resolvePlugin(ctx, repoPath); // check the validity of the plugin before installing it await plugin.check(); logger.debug('check plugin success'); const pluginBin = path.join(repoPath, `.${FEFLOW_BIN}`); const pluginLib = path.join(repoPath, `.${FEFLOW_LIB}`); for (const depPlugin of plugin.dep.plugin) { try { const curPkgInfo = await getPkgInfo(ctx, depPlugin); if (!curPkgInfo) { throw `the dependent plugin ${depPlugin} does not belong to the universal packge`; } await installPlugin(ctx, depPlugin, false); const commandName = toSimpleCommand(curPkgInfo.repoName); if ( oldDependencies?.get(curPkgInfo.repoName) === curPkgInfo.installVersion ) { oldDependencies.delete(curPkgInfo.repoName); } universalPkg.depend( pkgInfo.repoName, pkgInfo.installVersion, curPkgInfo.repoName, curPkgInfo.installVersion ); const pluginPath = path.join( universalModules, `${curPkgInfo.repoName}@${curPkgInfo.installVersion}` ); const curPlugin = resolvePlugin(ctx, pluginPath); let useCommandName = commandName; // custom command name if ( { useCommandName =; } if (curPlugin.langRuntime) { const commands = curPlugin.command.getCommands(); linker.registerCustom(pluginBin, pluginLib, commands, useCommandName); } else { // call {pkg}@{version} and disable-check linker.register( pluginBin, pluginLib, `${commandName}@${curPkgInfo.installVersion} ${DISABLE_ARG} ${SILENT_ARG}`, useCommandName ); } `install [${curPkgInfo.showName()}] ` + `was successful and it is called using [${useCommandName}]` ); } catch (e) { logger.error(`failed to install plugin dependency ${depPlugin}`); throw e; } } if (oldVersion && oldDependencies) { for (const [oldPkg, oldPkgVersion] of oldDependencies) { universalPkg.removeDepended( oldPkg, oldPkgVersion, pkgInfo.repoName, oldVersion ); } }; const cmdName = toSimpleCommand(pkgInfo.repoName); let useCommandName = cmdName; // custom command name if ( { useCommandName =; } if (plugin.langRuntime) { const commands = plugin.command.getCommands(); linker.registerCustom(bin, lib, commands, useCommandName); } else { linker.register(bin, lib, cmdName, useCommandName); } if (lastRepoName && lastRepoName !== useCommandName) { linker.remove(bin, lib, lastRepoName); } // install when global or not exists if (isGlobal || !universalPkg.isInstalled(pkgInfo.repoName)) { universalPkg.install(pkgInfo.repoName, pkgInfo.installVersion); } // the package management information is retained only when the installation is fully successful if (isGlobal) { removeInvalidPkg(ctx); } universalPkg.saveChange(); plugin.test.runLess(); if (updateFlag) { plugin.postUpgrade.runLess(); `update [${pkgInfo.showName()}] ` + `was successful and it is called using [${useCommandName}]` ); } else { plugin.postInstall.runLess(); `install [${pkgInfo.showName()}] ` + `was successful and it is called using [${useCommandName}]` ); } } function getRepoPath( universalModules: string, repoName: string, installVersion: string ): string { return path.join(universalModules, `${repoName}@${installVersion}`); } async function installPlugin( ctx: any, installPluginStr: string, isGlobal: boolean ) { const { logger, universalPkg, universalModules }: { logger: any; universalPkg: UniversalPkg; universalModules: string; } = ctx; const serverUrl = ctx.config?.serverUrl; installPluginStr = installPluginStr.trim(); if (!serverUrl) { logger.warn('please configure the serverUrl'); return installJsPlugin(ctx, installPluginStr); } const pkgInfo = await getPkgInfo(ctx, installPluginStr); if (!pkgInfo) { return installJsPlugin(ctx, installPluginStr); } if (!pkgInfo.repoName) { throw `plugin [${pkgInfo.repoFrom}] does not exist`; } // if the specified version is already installed, skip it if ( universalPkg.isInstalled(pkgInfo.repoName, pkgInfo.checkoutTag, !isGlobal) ) { global &&`the current version is installed`); return; } let updateFlag = false; const repoPath = getRepoPath( universalModules, pkgInfo.repoName, pkgInfo.installVersion ); if (pkgInfo.installVersion === LATEST_VERSION) { if (universalPkg.isInstalled(pkgInfo.repoName, LATEST_VERSION)) { try { const currentVersion = await getCurrentTag(repoPath); if (currentVersion && pkgInfo.checkoutTag === currentVersion) { if (global) { `[${pkgInfo.repoName}] the plugin version currently installed is the latest version: ${currentVersion}` ); } return; } else { updateFlag = true; if (currentVersion) { pkgInfo.lastCheckoutTag = currentVersion; } } } catch (e) { logger.error(JSON.stringify(e)); } } } if (updateFlag) { `[${pkgInfo.showName()}] update the plugin to version ${ pkgInfo.checkoutTag }` ); try { resolvePlugin(ctx, repoPath).preUpgrade.runLess(); } catch (e) {} } else {`[${pkgInfo.showName()}] installing plugin`); } await startInstall(ctx, pkgInfo, repoPath, updateFlag, isGlobal); } function toSimpleCommand(command: string): string { return command.replace(FEFLOW_PLUGIN_PREFIX, ''); } function isDir(installPluginDir: string): boolean { try { return fs.statSync(installPluginDir).isDirectory(); } catch (e) { return false; } } // when you install a universal package, return PkgInfo, otherwise return undefined async function getPkgInfo( ctx: any, installPlugin: string ): Promise { let installVersion; let checkoutTag; let repoFrom; let repoName; let fromType: number; // install from git repo if (isGitRepo(installPlugin)) { fromType = PkgInfo.git; if (installPlugin.indexOf('.git@') != -1) { const splits = installPlugin.split('@'); const ver = splits.pop(); repoFrom = splits.join('@'); installVersion = ver || LATEST_VERSION; } else { repoFrom = installPlugin; installVersion = LATEST_VERSION; } const confirmTag = installVersion === LATEST_VERSION ? undefined : installVersion; checkoutTag = await getTag(repoFrom, confirmTag); repoName = getGitRepoName(repoFrom); } else if (isDir(installPlugin)) { fromType = PkgInfo.dir; const plugin = resolvePlugin(ctx, installPlugin); if (! { throw 'the [name] field must be specified in plugin.yml'; } installVersion = LATEST_VERSION; checkoutTag = INVALID_VERSION; repoFrom = installPlugin; repoName = getDirRepoName(installPlugin); } else { fromType = PkgInfo.appStore; let [pluginName, pluginVersion] = installPlugin.split('@'); const repoInfo = await getRepoInfo(ctx, pluginName); if (!repoInfo) { ctx.logger.warn( `cant found message about ${pluginName} from Feflow Application market, please check if it exists` ); return; } repoFrom = repoInfo.repo; repoName =; if (isGitRepo(repoFrom) && !repoInfo.tnpm) { if (pluginVersion) { pluginVersion = versionImpl.toFull(pluginVersion); if (!versionImpl.check(pluginVersion)) { throw `invalid version: ${pluginVersion} for ${pluginName}`; } } installVersion = pluginVersion || LATEST_VERSION; checkoutTag = await getTag( repoFrom, installVersion === LATEST_VERSION ? undefined : installVersion ); } else { return; } } if (!checkoutTag) { throw `the version [${installVersion}] was not found`; } return new PkgInfo(repoName, repoFrom, installVersion, checkoutTag, fromType); } class PkgInfo { public static git = 1; public static appStore = 2; public static dir = 3; repoName: string; repoFrom: string; installVersion: string; checkoutTag: string; lastCheckoutTag = ''; fromType: number; constructor( repoName: string, repoUrl: string, installVersion: string, checkoutTag: string, fromType: number ) { this.repoName = repoName; this.repoFrom = repoUrl; this.installVersion = installVersion; this.checkoutTag = checkoutTag; this.fromType = fromType; } public showName(): string { if (this.fromType != PkgInfo.appStore) { return this.repoFrom; } return this.repoName; } } async function uninstallUniversalPlugin(ctx: any, pluginName: string) { const { logger, universalPkg }: { logger: any; universalPkg: UniversalPkg; bin: string; lib: string; } = ctx; const version = universalPkg.getInstalled().get(pluginName); if (!version) { logger.error('this plugin is not currently installed'); return; } let plugin: Plugin | undefined; try { const repoPath = path.join( ctx.universalModules, `${pluginName}@${version}` ); try { plugin = resolvePlugin(ctx, repoPath); } catch (e) { logger.debug(`resolve plugin failure, ${e}`); } plugin?.preUninstall?.run(); universalPkg.uninstall(pluginName, version); } catch (e) { logger.error(`uninstall failure, ${e}`); return; } try { removeInvalidPkg(ctx); plugin?.postUninstall?.runLess();'uninstall success'); } catch (e) {`uninstall succeeded, but failed to clean the data, ${e}`); } } async function uninstallNpmPlugin(ctx: any, dependencies: []) { const { logger, root, bin, lib }: { logger: any; root: string; bin: string; lib: string; } = ctx; dependencies.forEach((pkg: string) => { const npmPluginInfoPath = path.join(root, NPM_PLUGIN_INFO_JSON); try { if (fs.existsSync(npmPluginInfoPath)) { const npmPluginInfo = require(npmPluginInfoPath); const pluginGlobalCmd = npmPluginInfo?.[pkg]?.globalCmd || []; pluginGlobalCmd.forEach((cmd: string) => { new Linker().remove(bin, lib, cmd); }); updateNpmPluginInfo(ctx, pkg, false); } } catch (e) { logger.debug(`remove plugin registered cmd link failure, ${e}`); } }); return install( ctx?.config?.packageManager, ctx.root, ctx?.config?.packageManager === 'yarn' ? 'remove' : 'uninstall', dependencies, false, true ).then(() => {'uninstall success'); }); } function removePkg(ctx: any, pkg: string, version: string) { const { bin, lib, universalPkg }: { universalPkg: UniversalPkg; bin: string; lib: string } = ctx; const pluginPath = path.join(ctx.universalModules, `${pkg}@${version}`); if (fs.existsSync(pluginPath)) { let useName = toSimpleCommand(pkg); const curPlugin = resolvePlugin(ctx, pluginPath); if ( { useName =; } deleteDir(pluginPath); if (!universalPkg.isInstalled(pkg)) { try { new Linker().remove(bin, lib, useName); } catch (e) { ctx.logger.debug(`remove link failure, ${e}`); } } } } function removeInvalidPkg(ctx: any) { const { universalPkg }: { universalPkg: UniversalPkg } = ctx; const invalidDep = universalPkg.removeInvalidDependencies(); for (const [invalidPkg, invalidVersion] of invalidDep) { removePkg(ctx, invalidPkg, invalidVersion); } } // update only the plugins installed globally async function updateUniversalPlugin( ctx: any, pkg: string, version: string, plugin: Plugin ) { const universalPkg = ctx.universalPkg as UniversalPkg; const dependedOn = universalPkg.getDepended(pkg, version); // update parent if (dependedOn) { for (const [dependedOnPkg, dependedOnVersion] of dependedOn) { if (dependedOnVersion !== LATEST_VERSION) { continue; } await updatePlugin(ctx, dependedOnPkg, dependedOnVersion); } } const newVersion = universalPkg.getInstalled().get(pkg); if ( newVersion === version && version === LATEST_VERSION && plugin.autoUpdate ) { await updatePlugin(ctx, pkg, version); } } async function updatePlugin(ctx: any, pkg: string, version: string) { const { universalPkg }: { universalPkg: UniversalPkg } = ctx; const isGlobal = universalPkg.isInstalled(pkg, version); try { await installPlugin(ctx, `${pkg}@${version}`, isGlobal); } catch (e) { ctx.logger.error(`[${pkg}] update failure, ${e}`); } } module.exports = (ctx: any) => { ctx.commander.register('install', 'Install a devkit or plugin', async () => { const dependencies = ctx.args['_']; const installPluginStr = dependencies[0]; if (!installPluginStr) { ctx.logger.error('parameter error'); return; } try { await installPlugin(ctx, installPluginStr, true); } catch (e) { ctx.logger.error(`install error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); process.exit(2); } }); ctx.commander.register( 'uninstall', 'Uninstall a devkit or plugin', async () => { const dependencies = ctx.args['_']; 'Uninstalling packages. This might take a couple of minutes.' ); const serverUrl = ctx.config?.serverUrl; if (!serverUrl) { return uninstallNpmPlugin(ctx, dependencies); } const { universalPkg } = ctx; const installPluginStr = dependencies[0]; const pkgInfo = await getPkgInfo(ctx, installPluginStr); if (pkgInfo && universalPkg.isInstalled(pkgInfo.repoName)) { return uninstallUniversalPlugin(ctx, pkgInfo.repoName); } await uninstallNpmPlugin(ctx, dependencies); const pickerConfig = new CommandPickConfig(ctx); pickerConfig.removeCache(dependencies[0]); } ); }; module.exports.installPlugin = installPlugin; module.exports.updateUniversalPlugin = updateUniversalPlugin; module.exports.getRepoInfo = getRepoInfo; module.exports.getPkgInfo = getPkgInfo;