import commandLineUsage from 'command-line-usage'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import spawn from 'cross-spawn'; import cliMd from 'cli-html-c'; import marked from 'marked'; import { UNIVERSAL_README_CONFIG } from '../../shared/constant'; const getCommands = (store: any) => { const arr = []; for (const name in store) { const desc = store[name].desc || ''; arr.push({ colA: name, colB: (desc instanceof Function ? desc() : desc).replace(/({|})/g, (val: string) => escape(val)) }); } return arr; }; const showHelp = (commands: Array>) => { const sections = [ { header: 'Usage', content: '$ fef [options] [command]' }, { header: 'Commands', content: { data: commands, options: { maxWidth: 60 } } }, { header: 'Options', optionList: [ { name: 'version', description: 'Print version and exit successfully.' }, { name: 'help', description: 'Print this help and exit successfully.' }, { name: 'disable-check', description: 'Disable @feflow/cli and installed plugins check update' }, { name: 'auto-update', description: 'Auto update @feflow/cli and installed plugins' } ] } ]; const usage = commandLineUsage(sections); return usage; }; const parseReadme = (path: any) => { let readmeText; if (fs.existsSync(path)) { try { readmeText = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } } return cliMd(marked(readmeText)); }; module.exports = (ctx: any) => { ctx.commander.register('help', 'Help messages', () => { const { store } = ctx.commander; let cmd = ctx.args['_'][0]; cmd = cmd &&; // fef help xxx 的 case if (cmd) { if (, cmd)) { const commandInfo = store[cmd]; // 优先展示组件注册信息 if (commandInfo.options && commandInfo.options.length) { const universalUsage = commandInfo.options[0]; const { type, content } = universalUsage instanceof Function ? universalUsage() : universalUsage; // case 1: 多语言情况下 yml 有 usage 属性时,执行对应的内容 if (type === 'usage') { spawn(content, { stdio: 'inherit', shell: true, windowsHide: true }); return; } // case 2: 多语言情况下 yml 没有 usage 属性时,优先读取 readme 展示出来 if (type === 'path') { const pluginConfigPath = path.join( content, UNIVERSAL_README_CONFIG ); const readmeText = parseReadme(pluginConfigPath); if (readmeText) { console.log(readmeText); return; } // case 3: 多语言情况下既没有 usage,又没有,则展示插件的 desc console.log(commandInfo.desc); return; } // case 4: nodejs 且有写 options 的情况 const usage = commandLineUsage(commandInfo.options); console.log(usage); return; } // case 5: nodejs 且没有写 options 的情况,直接展示插件的 desc console.log(commandInfo.desc); return; } console.log( chalk.yellow( `Command '${cmd}' not found in feflow. You need to install it first.` ) ); console.log(`Below is the usage of feflow.`); } // 打印 fef 的 usage const commands = getCommands(; const usage = showHelp(commands); console.log(usage); return; }); };