import fs from 'fs-extra' import chalk from 'chalk' import path from 'path' import { BuildFailedError } from '@fab/cli' export async function preflightChecks( dir: string ): Promise<{ next_dir_name: string next_dir: string asset_prefix: string }> { const next_config_path = `${dir}/next.config.js` if (!(await fs.pathExists(next_config_path))) { throw new BuildFailedError(`next.config.js doesn't exist! You must have a ${chalk.yellow( 'next.config.js' )} file in order to specify ${chalk.yellow(`target: 'serverless'`)} `) } const next_config_at_path = require(next_config_path) const next_config = typeof next_config_at_path === 'function' ? next_config_at_path('', {}) : next_config_at_path if ( !== 'serverless') { throw new BuildFailedError(`Not serverless build NextJS project needs to be set to ${chalk.yellow('target: serverless')} You'll need to update your ${chalk.yellow('next.config.js')} file. `) // Add a documentation page for this info and link it here. } const notBuilt = (reason: string) => { throw new BuildFailedError(`${reason} The path may be incorrect, or you haven't run 'npm run build' on this project yet. `) } const next_dir_name = next_config.distDir || '.next' const next_dir = path.join(dir, next_dir_name) if (!(await fs.pathExists(next_dir))) { notBuilt( `Directory ${chalk.yellow(path.relative(process.cwd(), next_dir))} doesn't exist!` ) } const manifest_path = path.join(next_dir, 'build-manifest.json') if (!(await fs.pathExists(manifest_path))) { notBuilt( `Missing build manifest in ${chalk.yellow( path.relative(process.cwd(), manifest_path) )}` ) } const asset_prefix = next_config.assetPrefix || '' return { next_dir_name, next_dir, asset_prefix } }