import { OnInit, EventEmitter, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { BooleanInput } from '@angular/cdk/coercion'; import { BaseDirective } from '@eui/components/shared'; import { EuiMenuItem } from './models/eui-menu-item.model'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export declare class EuiMenuComponent extends BaseDirective implements OnInit, OnChanges { private router; private route; items: EuiMenuItem[]; searchFilterLabel: string; /** @deprecated is not used anymore */ expandMenuLabel: string; /** @deprecated is not used anymore */ collapseMenuLabel: string; /** @deprecated is not used anymore */ externalLinkLabel: string; fragmentId: string; itemsState: any[]; isClick: EventEmitter; itemClick: EventEmitter; get isCollapsed(): boolean; set isCollapsed(value: BooleanInput); private _isCollapsed; get hasFilter(): boolean; set hasFilter(value: BooleanInput); private _hasFilter; get hasIcons(): boolean; set hasIcons(value: BooleanInput); private _hasIcons; get hasTooltip(): boolean; set hasTooltip(value: BooleanInput); private _hasTooltip; get expandAllItems(): boolean; set expandAllItems(value: BooleanInput); private _expandAllItems; constructor(router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute); get cssClasses(): string; stopPropagation(event: MouseEvent): void; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void; ngOnInit(): void; onClick(item: EuiMenuItem): void; onExpandToggle(item: EuiMenuItem): void; onMenuFilterClick(event: Event): void; onFilter(event: Event): void; private _onToggleExpandAllItems; /** * filter all menu items given a value * * @param menuItems an array of menu items * @param filterValue the value to filter menu items * @private */ private filterMenuItems; /** * expand / collapse all items * * @param isExpanded * @param items * @private */ private setExpandedToAllItems; /** * expand / collapse a menu item * * @param item The item where the "expand" had been toggled * @param items The items list (used for recursion) * @private */ private onExpandToggled; /** * configure an array of items with visible, filtered and expand (in case of expandAllItems flag enabled) properties * * @param items An array of EuiMenuItem * @param parent the parent item of items if exists * @private */ private configureItems; /** * Given a URL and a list of items, it will expand the item that matches the URL. If not item matches exactly the url, then it will * match the item that is most relevant to that url. * * @param items * @param value * @private */ private findMostRelevantItem; /** * Given two items with url return the one with the most relevant url that matches given url * * @param url A URL to be matched with the one of given items * @param item1 * @param item2 * @private */ private getMostRelevantItem; /** * Given an item, if there's a parent expand it until you reach the root item * * @param item Given menu item * @private */ private expandToGivenItem; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; } //#